by PAUL COLLITS – IN THEIR captivating four-part series, We Need to Talk About Mr Global, Catherine Austin-Fitts and CJ Hopkins speak optimistically about the COVID era creating “new connections”.
As old friendships, alliances and political marriages have broken up, new partnerships have formed, on the back of a shared understanding of what has occurred under the pandemic State, of what has been, and is being, lost and of what it means to be truly human and free.
- The result of COVID has been significant in terms of our better understanding of State power.
- One shouldn’t ever give up hope. Why vacate the field only to let them win?
- The Great Reset is now not even hiding in plain sight. It is stated global policy, announced in colourful Indonesian shirts.
In this new world, the old demarcations of “Left” and “Right” have far less meaning than they once did.
Voting doesn’t really matter anymore, however much the legacy media seek to hype elections still. (As we in Australia saw the other week).
Elections have long since lost their former function of holding political Parties accountable and of transmitting the popular will to governance structures.
In any case, societies and electorates are hopelessly divided so the whole notion of a “popular will”, if it ever really existed, it certainly doesn’t now.
Interest groups still play their games and acquire their goodies from the Treasury, while the world is run by those beyond national governments for whom we do not and cannot vote.
In a real sense, the new global power structures mean that nation States only still exist in a formal sense.
After the recent G20 and B20 meetings in Bali, where the way forward in everything from climate policy to pandemic preparedness was decided for us all behind closed doors, and under the watchful eye of the World Economic Forum, does anyone really think that individual nations and their electorates matter in the formulation of global policy?
While the main point of their series was to examine just how we have managed to get here, who is pulling the strings, and how, CJ and Austin-Fitts have also outlined is a pathway towards outsider pushback.
One of the most unexpected new connections has been the new, highly productive partnership formed by mainstream pandemic dissidents and sceptics and long-time conspiracy theorists (or, to be more accurate, conspiracy researchers, aka “the awake”).
The result has been significant in terms of our better understanding of State power.
Each brings much to the relationship, as we shall see. And the partnership, utterly informal and probably unrecognised even by many of those involved, has its own tensions, some serious.
Conspiracy theorists – let us use the common description – once the very fringe dwellers of public policy and generally ignored or dismissed, have been mainstreamed. In meaningful ways, too.
For instance, so much that was predicted in early 2020 has come to pass, or is in the wings. Like digital passports, facial recognition, permanent limitations on travel, routine creepy surveillance, social credit and so on.
Things that you were (literally) banned from saying – the virus probably started in a lab, vaccines don’t stop COVID, Sweden got it right on lockdowns – are now considered mundane (though still not universally accepted).
The Great Reset is now not even hiding in plain sight, post the meeting in Bali. It is stated global policy, announced in colourful shirts.
There is now just too much evidence to pretend that either all is well or that “mistakes were made” in good faith by morally good actors facing uncertainty and poor information.
Conspiracy theorists haven’t become respectable in the broader culture, not by a longshot. They remain whipping boys and girls for the pandemic cultists and insider hangers-on, usually attacked with straw man assertions at best.
Two things have happened.
First, while clusters of rabbit-holers still discuss things like 9/11, the moon landings and whether Michelle Obama, Jacinda Ardern, Melinda Gates and Mrs George Clooney are really women, conspiracy theorists are now much more readily visible, and plausible, when focused on the things that matter most – the cover-ups and hidden agendas of the State and the global corporates.
All this is a result of the COVID State and its myriad coverups and official lies. State-driven mania has shown conspiracy theorists to have far more in common with mainstream policy analysts than anyone previously imagined.
Second and more importantly, the conspiracy researchers have back-up and added heft, having been joined in their endeavours by smart indie-journalists, historians, medicos, economists, academics, podcasters, ex-politicians, finance industry insiders, political analysts and other professional politics-watchers.
Together they have unpacked the truths behind the otherwise inexplicable policy turns of the past three years.
None of these would have remotely regarded themselves as conspiracy theorists, once upon a time, partly perhaps because they themselves had not considered in depth what a so-called conspiracy theory is.
Or, maybe, partly because they once had faith in “the system”, in politicians, in actors programmed to be good and honest, in democracies. They now see all-too-clearly that they, and we, have been conned, over and over again. They have woken from their slumber.
Many people are now joining the dots with ease, following their individual light bulb moments. Call these people reinforcements, if you will.
As a result, it has become far harder for Branch Covidians and corporate State shills simply to abuse, silence and bully dissidents, freedom fighters and truth seekers in order to dismiss them. Try as they might.
Many punters, too, have had their own light bulb moments. They are more likely to recognise the sanity and simple analytics in the work of the so-called fringe elements.
A case study in analyst-turned-conspiracy theorist is Ed Dowd.
Dowd is a former financial analyst with, of all people, BlackRock. BlackRock is a private equity funds management behemoth, at the forefront of the global corporate-government ruling class and the very epitome of green-Left-woke capitalism.
Dowd has done exceptional work in identifying and highlighting vaccine deaths and injuries. Reportage sadly (and deliberately) lacking from the legacy media.
No less importantly, Dowd has been at the forefront of unpacking the connections between global fiscal incontinence, magic money tree monetary policy and the COVID blunders and cover-ups.
He has alerted us to the coming global sovereign debt collapse, the use of viruses, wars and other distractions to keep the central banking class and its collaborators in government from being blamed for the Armageddon coming our way, and the “solution” starting to be proffered – central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
But there are many others – Mike Yeadon, Robin Monotti, CJ Hopkins, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Steve Kirsch, Tom Woods, Jeffrey Tucker and the other writers at the Brownstone Institute, Naomi Wolf, Eugyppius, Pierre Kory, Archbishop Vigano, Craig Kelly, George Christensen, Matt Wong (Discernable), John Stapleton (A Sense of Place), James Delingpole, James Corbett, TOTT News, Robert Malone, Kathy Gyngell (TCW Defending Freedom), Mark Steyn, Will Jones, Brett Weinstein and the team at Off Guardian.
This list is just for starters. Some are still not down any rabbit holes. Others always were. There are rabbit hole converts (like Delingpole).
Others are more reluctant but are coming around. It is a broad church. These men and women, from all points on the ideological spectrum, are on the right side of history, and will be vindicated for their smarts, their morality and their courage.
Call them the pandemic whistleblower class. They bring broad knowledge, professional experience, rigour, peer review, intellectual smarts, mainstream networks and (often) natural and social science methods and evidence to the table.
Add this to the work of the so-called conspiracy theorists, their cynicism about powerful interests and their already finely-honed instincts for sniffing out the ruling cabal’s cover-ups, collusion, corruption and machinations. This is a marriage that has proven very powerful.
Think of the shared core task of both groups. It is to join the dots, to shine a light on cause and effect, using whatever evidence is to hand. Where possible, they triangulate (use different methodologies to provide the evidence that establishes a robust conclusion).
With the polymathic skill set of a new cadre of world class researchers focused on the evils of the State, the sheer weight of the evidence grows exponentially.
As a result of the efforts of the conspiracy newbies, we now know where the virus originated. We know that the vaccines were there before the virus. We know governments lied. Every day.
We know that people were not falling over dead from the virus in Wuhan. We know the vaccines don’t work – and were never meant to.
We know what is coming next, and why COVID was useful to the pandemic preparedness class. We know – if we didn’t before – that there is a ruling class.
We know what Bill Gates’ funding will buy. We know the models were baloney. We know the PCR tests were never fit-for-purpose. We know who to trust, and who not to. We know that the social contract is broken.
We also know that our governments do not love us. That they rule without the consent of the governed. With the aid of forensic skills deployed with fervour, the heavy lifting done by those who really do look out for us – and the media do not, as we have discovered – we have learned much since 2020.
There is another thing that the conspiracy theorists’ new allies have done, and this may not always be well received.
They correct error in order maintain robustness and so to enhance the dissident brand. One recent example will suffice. It is a critique of a recent Stew Peters film (Died Suddenly) by Josh Guetzkow, an Israeli doctor.
Others prone to takedowns of some of the conspiracy theorists’ ideas include Alex Berenson and Eugyppius.
They are doing some fact checking of their own, to sharpen up the case. It may well cause division but correcting error is core business for any movement. It is better if it is done by the good guys rather than the bad guys.
The addition to the conspiracy community of centrist-realists and formerly mainstream, now thought-to-be-extremist, policy-watchers has been a terrific development, a real wrench in the wheel of the otherwise all-powerful and deeply entrenched establishment.
But what about the sheer level of ideologically driven irrationality in the polity? And the determination of the ruling class to continue its cover-ups, never to take the blame?
Will increased evidence of fraud, deception and worse revealed by the new turbo-charged, multi-disciplinary conspiracy community simply crash against the brick wall of the technocratic State? There are, indeed, many reasons to be depressed, as I have argued previously.
But one shouldn’t ever give up hope. Why vacate the field only to let them win? And there are positive signs.
The numbers of those who see what is really going on are growing exponentially, as Ed Dowd has said. With apologies to Leonard Cohen, the cracks through which the light can come into the darkness are widening.
There is the potential now for a great awakening, where the hitherto invincible strategy of labelling opponents as conspiracy theorists – invented by the Central Intelligence Agency in the 1960s to discredit otherwise plausible theories about who really killed JFK – will shortly have reached its peak.
Charles McKay famously said in the 1840s: “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
The re-engineering of conspiracy thinking during the COVID period has been the so-called pandemic’s one great outcome.
The remaining task is to ensure the light that has escaped through the cracks is dispersed to a far wider audience.
A benign future for all of us might well be riding on how well we prosecute this task.PC
When ABC National Radio broadcast a series New World Order I obtained the transcript, but whenever I tried to discuss the Marxist objective spanning back to the UK Fabian Society founded in England during the late 1800s very few people were interested, and some were hostile.
Please consider formation of the United Nations after World War 2, and for very good reasons and purposes by good people who wanted to save the world from future WW1/2, Great Depression and generally improve people’s lives and security.
The new UN was infiltrated by Communist-Marxist-Trotskyites and other fellow travellers believing the UN was their opportunity to gradually (inevitability of gradualness) impose their globalist agendas, former Greens Leader Bob Brown referred to his dream of a “wold parliament” and no international borders during his final address to the National Press Club in Canberra. Labor MP Tanya Plibersek at that time said she supported Bob Brown.
Some will remember or have read about the 1950s split from Australian Labor Party by centre-left MPs to form Democratic Labor Party to escape the dominating at that time far-left factions of Communists, one of the far-left was Labor Attorney General Evatt and he handed his plan to his comrades in the United Nations being to sign treaties and agreements with member nations many of which could be used to get around constitutional laws. There are today numerous examples, no change to our Constitution just legislation and regulations via parliaments.
Consider UN Lima Protocol signed by Whitlam Labor during 1975, UN Agenda 21 signed by Keating Labor around 1990, the UN Kyoto Agreement on emissions reduction (greenhouse gases at that time, carbon dioxide was singled out for the Paris Agreement signed in 2016) signed by the Howard Coalition Government in 1997.
This article is very important and Australians need to learn what is happening quickly, past complacency, apathy, is a very dangerous road to ruin for our democracy and freedom.