Serious questions have arisen after the shocking report that a female Secret Service abandoned her post during protection duty for President Trump to nurse her baby.

The latest incident involving the competency of the Secret Service comes just weeks after the agency failed to protect Donald Trump during an assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

It is especially concerning knowing the Secret Service places more emphasis on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) than on competent employees.

Disgraced former agency director Kimberly Cheatle vowed to have at least 30% of agents be women by 2030.

Real Clear Politics’ Susan Crabtree reported that just minutes before President Trump was scheduled to arrive in North Carolina for an event, the agent abandoned her post to breastfeed her baby, which she brought to the rally, in a private room and accompanied by unvetted family members.

EXCLUSIVE and BREAKING: During a Donald Trump visit to North Carolina yesterday, a woman Secret Service special agent abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.


— Susan Crabtree (@susancrabtree) August 15, 2024

The incident reveals multiple breaches and raises serious concerns.

First, agents do not leave their posts, ever. Not for a bathroom break or a phone call, let alone to disappear into a private room for a considerable amount of time to nurse a baby. How did this happen? What is the workplace environment that would lead the agent to think this was okay?

Second, was this agent in the field providing protection duty while pregnant?  And if so, did that result in additional protocol breaches and threats to protectees?

How was she able to bring an infant into an event while on duty, and how was she able to sneak unvetted relatives to the event without going through security?

Why was an agent allowed to accept an assignment that placed her in a situation that required duties she was unable to perform and fulfill?

Why is the Secret Service calling a concerning breach of security a “personal matter?”

And, most concerning, the mission of the Secret Service is quite literally life or death so who is picking these specific people to be on President Trump’s detail?

Former FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam eviscerated the agent and the agency during an interview on Fox News.

Jonathan Gilliam: When I first read the headline, I thought it said that they snuck off to eat breakfast, and I was like, okay, somebody got caught doing that. Then, when I had a double take and actually saw that she was breastfeeding, and then read into the details of the story where she was escorted along with family members and this child to breastfeed. The very first question I had is, ‘why is she on this detail?’

Again, just like in July, when the shooting occurred of Trump, you have to ask, who is picking these specific people to be on this detail?

Another female. I can guarantee you she’s under 6 feet tall, and she’s just had a baby, and she brings her family members there, which means she has the work ethics of somebody who works at a nightclub.

It’s not a personal matter. This is a professional matter that continues to happen again. In April, they had another secret service that got into a fight with a superior because he started acting erratic. We still don’t know what that was all about. We had the attempted assassination. Now we have this. We have nobody in command post from the Secret Service. We have threat assessments that are done horribly.

This is the totality, remember Bianca, the totality of the circumstances. When you look at all of this, what you see is an agency that is on par with a bunch of paintballers that you asked to come over and play protector for Halloween. That’s what this looks like. It’s that level of professionalism.

It’s unbelievable that this happened less than a month after an assassination attempt. That right there in and of itself is so impactful.

Our enemy sees this.

The people who want to kill Trump see this.

I think that Donald Trump, while he’s campaigning, needs somebody to overwatch, just a couple of guys, to overwatch what’s happening with his campaign so they can pull him off the stage or make a decision if he should even go on a stage. Let the Secret Service fail because overwatch with your eyes is the greatest way to defeat this nonsense.

And yes, I’d readily volunteer for this, but we show up as warriors to defeat the enemy and keep our protected safe.

And that absolutely is not the approach that the Secret Service is taking.



The post ‘Who is Picking These Specific People to Be on His Detail?!’… UPDATE on Shocking Report That Female Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post During Trump Protection Detail to Nurse Baby (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.