THE radical Left of the Liberal Party has again foiled attempts to provide protection to faith groups against aggressive LGBTQ activists.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison was forced to postpone the promised bill on Thursday amid concerns the Liberal’s extremist Moderate faction would cross the floor to side with Labor and The Greens.

- Every attempt to deliver religious guarantees have been scuttled by the Liberal Left.
- The proposed legislation will again be sent to committee after a Greens motion was passed.
Without such protections, faith-based institutions can be forced to employ people who actively oppose their values.
Religious freedom guarantees have been promised by both the prime minister and former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull since the passage of homosexual marriage in 2017.
Every attempt to deliver these guarantees, however, have been scuttled by the Liberal Left, with Mr Turnbull often playing a behind-the-scenes role.
After campaigning for and delivering homosexual marriage, Mr Turnbull then immediately reneged on the religious freedom protections he promised would follow.
The latest attempt to introduce faith-based protections stalled after Liberal Moderates – led by federal backbenchers Trent Zimmerman and Jason Falinski – demanded the removal of protections for “teaching and daily operations” of faith-based schools.
The proposed legislation will again be sent to committee after a motion by Green’s senator Janet Rice was passed.PC
This moron recently got voted out federally, goodbye and good riddance you POS
Tells you how bad things are in the coalition, when after 4 years they can’t get the religious protection bill through, after it was promised. The lefty moderates have infiltrated the party to a negative effect. Sad.
‘Liberal’s extremist Moderate faction’ Not so much ‘extremist’ any more. More and more that is the broken position of a broken party and their National Poodles. But, on the upside, we have a real opportunity at the next election to cause a major upset and kick a lot of these posers out. The minor parties must start talking, preferencing each other, come together on areas of agreement, agree to disagree and put aside others. I firmly believe the areas of agreement far outweigh the others. The minor parties must co-operate to succeed!
I hope to goodness you are correct and they [the minor parties] do just that.