FEDERAL MP Zali Steggall is being advised on climate issues by one of the nation’s most disproved doomsday scientists.
Left-wing activist Tim Flannery was appointed by Ms Steggall in 2019 to advise her on meteorological issues, despite his speciality area being with mammals.

- In 2005 Mr Flannery predicted Sydney’s dams could empty by 2007 & may never again refill.
- In 2008 he predicted the Arctic ice cap would disappear no later than 2021.
- He also predicted Perth would become a "ghost metropolis" for lack of water.
She made the appointment as Mr Flannery’s woeful record of incorrect and costly weather predictions was being revealed.
With his early 2000s predictions that Perth would become a ghost city, that Sydney’s dams would never re-fill and that the Arctic ice cap would disappear by 2021, Mr Flannery has a history of wildly inaccurate forecasts.
Yet, he was appointed by Ms Steggall to advise her during her campaign for Warringah in which she unseated former Prime Minister Tony Abbott with a “global warming” scare campaign.
Mr Flannery’s involvement with Ms Steggall followed his 2011 appointment by Labor PM Julia Gillard as Chief Climate Commissioner of Australia – which ended in 2013 when he was removed by incoming PM Abbott.
In 2005 Mr Flannery predicted Sydney’s dams could be empty by 2007 and may never again refill. This scare prompted governments to waste billions of taxpayer dollars building water desalination plants – many of which were mothballed as soon as construction was completed.
In 2007, he claimed “global warming” made the soil so hot that “even the rain that does fall isn’t going to fill our dams and river systems”. Yet Sydney’s main dam was full to overflowing within a few years of his prediction – and has spilled several times since.
Then in 2008 – emboldened by then PM Kevin Rudd’s “greatest moral challenge” scare – he warned that the Arctic ice caps would disappear by 2021 (at the latest) and Perth would become a “ghost metropolis” through lack of water.
Thirteen years on, both Perth and the Arctic are still doing fine – despite desperate computer modelling to suggest otherwise.
Rather than being questioned over his outlandish and waste-inducing claims, however, Mr Flannery has been lauded and rewarded by Left-wing politicians.
Apart from Ms Steggall and Ms Gillard’s patronage, Mr Flannery has served as a climate advisor to Labor’s SA Premier Mike Rann and was also appointed to Queensland’s Climate Change Council by Labor Premier Anna Bligh.
Not bad for mammalogist.
Embracing blatantly wrong advice – even when it’s proven to be so – is not a problem for radicalised politicians who have become ideologically blinkered.
Fear mongering to advance their enviro-socialist agenda is what really counts.PC
Zali Steggall and Tim Flannery ….. what a duo! A couple of ridiculous and ignorant attention-seekers who deserve to be ignored but who will undoubtedly continue to be rapturously adored and listened to by their little leftie friends in the inner suburbs. Perhaps we should build statues of them like a UK university has recently done for that equally obnoxious and moronic Greta Thunderbrat.
Talk about blind leading the blind…the definition of a false prophet is one whose prophecies don’t happen…Flannery has proven to be the ultimate false prophet, not surprisingly given no IPC models have been right to-date…Flannery must be throwing some bones in the dirt, reading tea leaves or most likely just saying what the money wants to hear…mouth for hire! One trick Zali is staying true to form – totally clueless as usual!
Also predicted Sydney Harbour would dry up a few years ago
Steggall is a completely irrelevant joke! Her perch on the cross-bench is as non-productive for us people of Warringah as is the DUNCE’S STOOL in the classroom!
Oh for the days of non-stop, beneficial, valuable results achieved for us all by that master Politician Tony Abbott.
Climate change and COVID-19 walk hand and hand, and all part of Zali’s Arsenal. Its all about the removal of carbon from earth (carbon in mammals, humans, and the atmosphere)
The kids favourite family game is too spot the Corona virus symbol on Zali’s
Zali will Commonly wear a coronavirus shaped brooch, or have the virus symbol on her letter updates.
Haha! That is so true – I’ve also seen her Coronavirus-where’s Wally symbols. Hilarious!