THE US election result is looking increasing suspicious as witnesses continue testifying of underhanded manoeuvring aimed at delivering a Joe Biden victory.
Shocking revelations of ballot box stuffing and secret interstate shipments of hundreds of thousands of ballots have been detailed.
With the focus heavily on Pennsylvania this past week, that State’s legislature has heard that 700,000 more mail-in votes were counted than had been supplied to voters.
In seemingly connected testimony, a US Postal Service truck driver has revealed he was dispatched from New York to Pennsylvania with 288,000 postal ballots and was refused normal delivery paperwork.
In summing up witness testimony, President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said Pennsylvania had two major gaps.
“You have 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone, secretly put into the ballot box,” he said.
“And then you have this gap, that I don’t understand, between the mail-in ballots you sent out, 1.8m, and the number you counted, 2.5m.
“That’s totally impossible to explain other than what some of the witnesses were suggesting – that they were basically stuffing the ballot box.”
Mr Giuliani said he believed Democratic Party organisers panicked because they “never expected to be so far behind in Pennsylvania on election night”.
“They expected to be behind by a couple of hundred thousand votes – not seven or eight hundred thousand.
“Now they had a big problem, they had to create mail-in ballots and stretch it [the count] out for a while.”
Mr Giuliani told members of the legislator they should consider deducting the 672,770 uninspected ballots from the State’s count.
In seemingly related testimony, US Postal Service truck driver Jesse Morgan has revealed he drove 288,000 completed ballots from New York State to Pennsylvania on October 21 – but became suspicious when delivery paperwork was withheld.
Mr Morgan said his truck was loaded with 24 large cardboard containers which contained plastic trays – or totes – with completed ballots neatly stacked on top of each other.
“I didn’t think much of it at the time,” Mr Morgan said.
He said things started to become strange when he attempted to offload the ballots at Harrisburg, PA.
“I wasn’t allowed to offload – that’s different. Instead I was made to wait for roughly six hours and no one would tell me what was going on.

“It was weird, I arrive at around the same time every day … and they unload me.”
He said after six hours waiting he was told he’d have to wait for the transportation supervisor.
“This was also weird. I never deal with anyone but the expeditor. I never speak to the transportation supervisor – they don’t speak to people like me. He’s the top guy who would speak to my boss.
“The supervisor told me to drive to Lancaster without being unloaded at Harrisburg. This made no sense to me. This was a real screw-up in my opinion.”
Mr Morgan said he asked the supervisor for his dispatch ticket before leaving for Lancaster “just to prove I wasn’t the person who screwed this up”.
“A ticket is always provided by US Postal facilities,” he said. But on this occasion the transportation supervisor refused him a ticket and ordered him to leave.
“He was rude, he didn’t explain anything to me and told me to go to Lancaster.
“I then drove to Lancaster, unhooked my trailer at its normal place and drove my truck to where I always park it, then I went home.
“The next day when I arrived at the facility, I took my tractor to hook up to my trailer and my trailer was gone.
“I’ve always had that trailer, I like that trailer.”
Mr Morgan said what happened on October 21st was a series of unusual events.
“As things became weirder I got to thinking why I’d be driving completed ballots from New York to Pennsylvania.
“I didn’t know why so that’s why I’ve decided to speak up.” PC
This is vague and proves nothing.
The more they push against election validation checks, the more they appear to be involved in something wrong. For Christ’s sake, it’s okay to have a look. Unless they’re hiding something …