‘Albo-lite’ Dutton must be Trump-like

by PAUL COLLITS – AUSTRALIA is doomed to another period of tip-toe, pale conservatism in the event of a change of government. 

Paul Kelly of The Australian newspaper penned a long-winded exposition this week on the state of Australian politics as the country heads towards an election. 

Like the US, our most urgent problems are mass immigration, embedded woke governance, climate bullshit, globalism, corruption in high places and runaway government spending.

Titled Why Donald Trump’s agenda won’t work in Australia, Kelly argues: “Donald Trump’s muscular, nationalistic mission to ‘make America great again’ will excite and horrify many Australians and throw an unpredictable factor into our electoral equation.

Fair enough. He might be right. If he is – and we do lack a Trump, a Trump-chosen cabinet (were Dutton to win) and an electoral system that allows outsiders to triumph over the establishment  – then Australia is in trouble.


Kelly enlisted two Liberal stalwarts to help make the case.

Brian Loughnane (husband of Peta Credlin, former Liberal Party Director and Chair of the International Democracy Union) and Tony Abbott.

Both are political loyalists wanting the good of the Liberal Party and the good of Australia – two outcomes they believe are largely overlapping.

I do not make that assumption. Not these days. Not after COVID. Not after a dozen miserable years of Leftist NSW governance under the Liberals of Gladys Berejiklian, Michael Photios and Matt Kean.

And not after its endless capitulation to the forces of radical socialism. It is the same Liberal Party.

Loughnane suggested that Dutton’s campaign will be “targeted and focused”. Unlike Trump’s.

That Dutton is “pragmatic and conventional”. Unlike Trump.

For Loughnane, Trump is about rolling back the entire Biden agenda. Err, shouldn’t Dutton be about rolling back the entire Albanese agenda?

Trump wants to change the entire direction of the USA.

So, are Loughnane and the Liberal establishment comfortable with pursuing the current direction of Australia, but with a couple of minor tweaks at the margins?

Loughnane thinks it would be “folly” to follow Trump. That says it all.

He thinks that the mood in Australia is not about the reinvention of the national compact or society. No wide reconstruction needed here.

This is self-satisfied rubbish. What planet is this guy on?

Oh, I forgot, he isn’t on the ground talking to normal people on struggle street. Or the victims of vaccine discrimination. Or bullied doctors, like the magnificent William Bay. Or those living rough. Or forgotten regional Australians who have to contend with crap health services (I speak from experience).

Nor has he engaged with small businesses obliterated on Scott Morrison’s watch. Or the fathers who are victims of the family court system. Or those bullied into putting their pronouns on their email blocks at work. Or the dissidents silenced by eKaren’s panopticon.

And not to forget free speech or the stay-at-home parents left to rot economically and sacrificed for the feminist revolution?

People were forced out of their jobs because they wouldn’t get the jab. Parents, who can’t afford private schools, must stomach State school indoctrination.

Farmers land is stolen for windfarms. Free speech is criminalised.

These are system problem left unaddressed, it seems, just so the Libs can get back into office.

No, Brian Loughnane only talks to his international conservative establishment peers. No wonder he thinks Trumpism doesn’t belong in these parts.


Tony Abbott thought that the Dutton campaign would resemble that of John Howard in 1996, not the Trump campaign of 2024.

How very, very disappointing for the millions of Australians who do not vote for the legacy Parties. About a third of the electorate.

And Kelly, a Leftist-centrist, is trying to shape the narrative so that Trumpism doesn’t get to the starting gates here.

Kelly, of course, suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just like his colleague, Greg Sheridan.

It is reasonable to argue that simply getting rid of Albanese would be a giant step in the right direction.

Certainly, it would be better than a minority Labor Government supported in Parliament by Greens and Teals.

It is reasonable to argue that. But it would be dangerously wrong.

In the lead up to the election, the Liberals will be saying: “Elect us to get rid of Leftist, divisive, second-rate Albanese, Mad Bowen, Wenny Pong and the rest. Trust us.”

The problem is, they hope we have short memories.

They hope we will have forgotten that they were in office (not power) for nine years, not that long ago.

That they gave us the Covid plandemic.  That they supported Daniel Andrews in MelDanistan.  That they supported corrupt Gladys in Macquarie Street.

They gave us lockdowns, vaccine mandates, maskism and closed national borders.

Scott Morrison pissed nearly a trillion taxpayer bucks up against the wall to counter a mild flu season.

Before COVID, they gave us the eKaren, Julie Inman Grant. They shafted Tony Abbott and gave us the hideous Malcolm Turnbull.

They gave us three prime ministers, only one of which we had a say in initially choosing.

They had as senior ministers Birmingham, Pyne, Payne and all the other Leftists parading as conservatives. Members of the Black Hand whose main mission in life is to dud the Australian people.

They stayed in the Paris Climate Agreement – and still want to. They did little to kill the renewables scam.

No, we should not be thrilled at their return, and we should baulk at the prospect of a “safe” insider-class campaign to get them across the line.

We should not be relieved that they are ignoring that nasty Mr Trump. We should be horrified that they seem not to think that the MAGA agenda doesn’t belong down under.

Far more importantly, arguing for a Trump-free agenda here makes the entirely false assumption that Australia does not share the fundamental problems of the USA. This is dangerous rubbish on steroids.


Looking at Trump 47’s first week, you would be right to think that America’s most urgent and important problems are mass immigration, embedded woke governance, climate bullshit, globalism, corruption in high places and runaway government spending.

Does anyone seriously think that we don’t have the same nine big problems here?

Or that we can simply kick these problems down the road, to be addressed on another day?

I guess if you answer these two questions in the affirmative, then you will be among Paul Kelly’s “horrified” Australians who fear Trumpism above all else.

To my knowledge, the Liberals are promising to do something about two, possibly three of these must-fix issues – climate bullshit, mass immigration and government spending.

But each of their proposed fixes is timid at best. Timid, therefore compromised.

Paul Kelly thinks that Trump’s victory can help Dutton, but only “as a vibe”, not as a policy blueprint.


Does that mean that Dutton might slither into power with the support of conservative voters thinking they will get Trump, only to get the same old Liberals?

It does underline the Kelly/Loughnane position that Trump’s agenda isn’t needed here. Or wanted.

Kelly is the exemplar of all that is wrong with the reportage and practice of politics in this fair land.

Assuming that Kelly’s position on what will happen, as opposed to what should happen, is accurate, then what is to be done?

My long-held view is that the best outcome would be a Liberal-led minority government supported by a cluster of freedom micro-Party members.

Members with very clear demands on the Government. Like withdrawing from the WHO and the Paris Climate agreement. Day one.

Absent an Aussie messiah, we have sobering choices and the opportunity for some activist, fringe politics.

Otherwise, we simply face more of the same UniParty madness.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Anthony Albanese (from left), Donald Trump & Peter Dutton. (courtesy SBS)

6 thoughts on “‘Albo-lite’ Dutton must be Trump-like

  1. Comment > The alleged C0vid Caper/Fraud has been catastrophic for the world and the world’s people and the number of allegedly absolutely unhinged Politicians ‘representing Global Governments’ and their Tyranny was utterly staggering.
    Here are Damning Reports from the US and Canada that they Got it Wrong.

    The Final Report of ALBERTA’S COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE (Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force) is now published Jan 28 2025.
    This is an absolutely damning report. They admit they got it wrong. And more.

    This official report is of greatest interest to Australia because our response was essentially the same only our military operation with the WHO was a harder Lockstep.
    This is an absolutely damning report. They admit they got it wrong. And more.


    CoVID Bombshell! Alberta Canada Admits CoVID Pandemic Fraud
    Redacted. Feb 9 2025.


    Damning US Investigation Into COVID Response Finds Governments Did More Harm, Than Good – The last report from the United States oversight committee into COVID-19 is damning.
    “These findings vindicate what I and other regular contributors to Caldron Pool have been saying since the COVID Communist crackdown turned the war on the virus into a war on the people.”
    Dec 5, 2024
    Tearing into the cabal, best described as COVID cronyism – if not an adaptation of Communism – the committee introduced the final report stating,
    The last report from the United States oversight committee into COVID-19 is damning.
    Issued on December 2, and packed into 520 pages, the select committee’s two-year investigation summary condemned lockdowns, social distancing, as well as mask, and vaccine mandates as unscientific.

    The Biden administration’s no jab, no job, vaccine mandates had no sufficient evidence to support the policy.
    As such, vaccine passports, and vaccine mandates ‘trampled individual freedoms, harmed military readiness, and disregarded medical freedom.’
    Additionally, “public health officials engaged in a coordinated effort to ignore natural immunity.”
    The “vaccines” were a treatment, not prevention.
    On COVID censorship, the report states that those in authority, who harped on about misinformation, were often guilty of spreading misinformation.

  2. Remember this ? Aussie Health Chief Says People Who Don’t Get Vaccinated Will be “Miserable” and “Lonely” for Life
    And people like him are elevated to high places. The world has learned nothing from the acts of history’s most unhinged.
    By Paul Joseph Watson – Global Research, November 15, 2021
    The Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association said during a television appearance that people still refusing to get the vaccine will be “miserable” and “lonely” for the rest of their lives.
    Yes, really.

    “Oh, they’re crazy not to get vaccinated, life will be miserable without getting vaccinated,” said Dr. Chris Perry.
    “You won’t be able to hide, you won’t be able to get a doctor to sign off that you got an exclusion because there’s quite set rules on that and doctors will be audited, every one of their exclusions will be looked at very carefully,” he added, before threatening doctors with fines and termination.
    Perry also threatened people who falsely obtain a vaccine exemption that they will also be hit with fraud charges if they “try and get round the system.”
    “It’s going to be very hard to maintain your employment if you’re not vaccinated and you won’t be able to go anywhere for any entertainment,” he said.
    Perry concluded by saying that those who don’t get double jabbed will have “a very, very lonely life” and wouldn’t be able to maintain a job.
    Now tell me again how the vaccine isn’t mandatory?
    During subsequent comments, Perry blamed “conspiracy theorists” for making people hesitant to take the vaccine.
    “In the age of social media, any potential slight headache or small, serious problem with the vaccines is magnified,” he said.


    The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking. We Call Upon its Immediate Cancellation!
    Endorse Robert F. Kennedy Jr for the Position of Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    Global Research, February 02, 2025

    The Covid Tyrants and their Brutality Police Squads want Amnesty for all the Gross Violations of all our Democratic Freedoms, Rights and Choices – including gross violations of Nuremberg Code/Principles – our Sacred Medical Rights; Individual Rights to fully Informed Consent OR REFUSAL of any Medical Treatment, and the sacred oath of Medicine FIRST DO NO HARM, Unlawful Actions they have inflicted upon the entire population and the JAB/injections deaths and injuries, the damage, Destruction, and the economic destruction, we can’t dance, can’t Hug, can’t leave your home, masks – even masking up in our own vehicles, limited numbers at Funerals and Weddings, No Parties, etc. job losses due to unlawful Vaccine Mandates / Gunpoint Medicine, the elderly, lonely, sick, injured, desperate to see and hold their family members, the people who lay dying and their loved ones banned from seeing them and not able to give their loving embrace as they lay dying !
    These were all inhumane Tyrannical Governments Actions and the Treacherous Tyrannical Politicians knew it and you All knew what was really going on and you All did it anyway.
    NO AMNESTY EVER – Never Forget and Never Forgive.
    ABOLISH ALL Mandates and all other actions of Tyranny immediately permanently and irrevocably for all time.
    No Amnesty: Covid Tyrants Must Repent

  4. Many of us have had our Facebook Page permanently disabled for posting truth against government narratives/agendas. Others have had their websites shut down.
    It is tyranny.
    Freedom of Information sharing, Freedom of Speech, Opinion, Thought, Expression is the right of every human being on earth.
    Controlling/banning/stopping the flow of information by tyrannical governments should be the only Red flag the people need.


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