![Religious freedom thwarted by ‘sneering bigots’](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Mark-Latham-waving-300x500-1.jpg)
NSW One Nation Leader Mark Latham has described Christianity as a punching bag for “sneering bigots” as long-promised religious freedom laws were shelved by the Australian parliament.
In response to Canberra’s anti-religion posture, Mr Latham has introduced similar legislation into the NSW Parliament and is working furiously with MPs across Party lines to ensure it passes.
Australians were promised that religious protections would quickly follow the passage of homosexual marriage legislation in 2017, however, these were immediately blocked by then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull – and have since been “quietly shelved” by a divided parliament.
“Like many people, I’ve been horrified and never thought I’d see the day in Australia where Christianity is sneered at, where Christians like Israel Folau are under attack,” Mr Latham said during an online Christian Democratic Party conference last night.
“It’s almost like Christianity is dispensable and has become a punching bag for people on the extreme of politics to rip in and try to denigrate something that’s part of their broader campaign to undermine our Western civilisation.”
Whether Christian or not, Mr Latham said Australians were all very much influenced and guided by the Judeo-Christian ethic.
“When you look at the definition of right and wrong in society – when people wake up in the morning they might not appreciate this, but their moral values, their understanding of right and wrong, how we live our lives – it’s very much guided by the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ,” he said.
“These have very happily and properly guided civil society.
“The attack on Christianity is part of the fact that Christianity is an essential pillar of our civilisation – so to defend our civilisation we have to defend Christianity.
“We have to ensure this era of persecution and discrimination ends.”
Mr Latham, a former Federal ALP leader, said that with the proposed federal bill being shelved it was even more critical for NSW to act.
“There needs to be an arbitration mechanism that ensures religious rights are not automatically over-written by gay rights and my bill, co-sponsored by Fred Nile and others … sets out the guiding principles for that purpose,” he said.
“We don’t want to leave this up to judicial officers – some of these Left leaning courts – we don’t want them to decide the mechanism so we’ve got to set the guiding principles as a parliament.
“I’ve been doing everything that I can to consult with organisations and people of faith to make sure they are happy with the Bill, and that process has been really good.”
Soon after Mr Latham’s bill, titled Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020, was presented to parliament the Berejiklian government moved to set-up a joint select committee with representatives from most Parties.
“Hopefully, this will ensure bi-partisan support from Labor, Liberal and National MPs – although we expect opposition from The Greens and green Independents,” Mr Latham said.
Last night’s online conference was also addressed by Federal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, who expressed doubts over Canberra’s appetite for a fight over religious freedoms.
“Given the myriad of COVID-19 legislation that has taken precedence at a federal level I do not believe religious freedoms will come to the fore,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said in a pre-recorded message.
“I suspect the federal legislation will now quietly, probably, be shelved.”
She said it was disappointing that so many differences and so many views across the political spectrum had made it impossible to find common ground.
“Many people voted for the Coalition in the belief that it would be better placed to protect religious freedoms,” she said.
“We do know the situation [for religious people] has worsened, we do know that there are a growing number of cases where people are facing harassment, intimidation and persecution because of their religious beliefs.
“Some are even losing their livelihood. It’s very important that we continue to advocate for rights that allow people to live in accordance with their convictions.”
She said discrimination laws needed to be under one [federal] umbrella to ensure all Australians’ rights were treated equally.
“Until that happens I think we will continue to have problems,” Senator Fierravanti-Wells said.
“Whilst it’s important to ensure proper protections at a State level, ultimately the long-term submission is to ensure there is uniformity of protection across Australia.”
NSW MP Rev Fred Nile, who co-sponsored NSW’s One Nation Bill, said Mr Latham had shown courage to introduce his bill.
“It’s getting wide-spread support and has more chance of being passed than, probably, anything I would do,” Rev Nile said.
“I’m particularly happy with a number of features of the Bill, some of them are obvious.
“It is unlawful for an employer under this Bill to discriminate at work on the grounds of religious beliefs or religious activities, and that comes right down to Israel Folau, Margaret Court and others.”
Mr Nile said the strategy was to have a strong Bill passed in NSW as a model to be adopted federally in due course.PC
To make a parliamentary submission in relation to the Bill click here.
When any person or group of people choose intolerance they immediately lose the argument.
Why is it necessary for the minorities to smear and sneer?
Get on with life.
Well done Mark Latham and good article Politicom. Yes it is true government is riddled with LGBTI everything. The Department of Planning, Industry & Environment under “Jim Betts” is a prime example. It is so riddled with LGBTI this and that, identity politics, rainbow flags, support groups, pride weeks, mardi gras et so much time and money is wasted. At the end of the day if people were more aware and embraced Christian values, “treat others how you would like to be treated” and “treat everyone created in the image and likeness of God”, we would not see so much time and money wasted on empty and hypocritical “virtue signalling”.
The amount of money Sydney City Council spends on over promoting LGBTI is mindless and centres around the Mayor’s self interest. As a rate payer I am appalled at Clover Moore’s determination to constantly fly the flag for the Gay community, yet does little to nothing to promote our Aussie Christianity values. Latham hit the nail on the head when he described our morals and ethics as fundamentally following the 10 commandments of decency and respect for ourselves and others. Well done Mark!! Let’s keep the ball moving in the right Direction. Please!!
Christianity is an inclusive, healing faith our nation was built on. Our forefathers went to war to preserve the fabric of this country and young people continue to exhibit they believe it is worth fighting for.
Religious freedom is therefor a right, not something to be destroyed as a whim.
I find the threat of the loss of religious freedom deeply wounding and frankly disgraceful behaviour on the part of a few who are intolerant of the majority.
“Christianity is an inclusive […] faith […]”
Actually, it’s an exclusive faith – Jesus Himself said “No one comes to the Father except through me”.
Socialists can gnash their teeth, and they can blaspheme God and persecute those who belong to Him, but it will do them no good: they will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
Congratulations Mark Latham for your drive and compassion.
How sad there are not more like you.
How I admire Mark Latham!
Such an experienced, clear-thinking Politician who works tirelessly to steer our Parliamentarians along the path of profound common sense to ensure we live in a fair, open and intelligent society. Freedom of Religion, freedom of speech and a solid, basics-driven education for our children, are such vitally important components for a progressive Australia.
Starting at the NSW State level, Gladys Berejiklian’s stated support for Religious Freedom Legislation is vitally necessary and then must follow the big push for Federal enlightenment. Scott Morrison and the many Christian (plus Muslim) Politicians in Canberra, should be overwhelmingly giving their untiring, loudly vocal support, as should commentators such as Graham Richardson and James Morrow.
With so many Bills benefiting small, focussed groups having been passed in recent years, there is now a huge imbalance. A large proportion of the Australian population, who, even if not active Church-or-Mosque attendees, would comprehensively welcome this massively overdue Legislation.
“How I admire Mark Latham!”
Like attracts like, and Mark’s presence in the N.S.W. Senate is encouraging high-quality individuals to join One Nation. Given the lurch to the left of both major parties, it is conceivable that One Nation could become the natural party of government in N.S.W., with the potential for interesting ramifications for the make-up of Federal Parliament further down the track.
The major parties are ignoring disaffected voters at their peril, and would be beyond shocked to discover instances where one of their own members, who has been considered as a candidate for Liberal preselection, has voted not for them, but for Mark.
We are now seeing Religious Discrimination being “baked” into the Public Service corporate “Values” with LGBTI Political ideology.
Workplace performance plans are written that require day to day compliance with these radical left wing ideology and values.
Therefore if a worker doesn’t embrace the Wear it Purple Day, or “our LGBTI elders that have gone before us”, that employee is no longer demonstrating the Corporate Values and can be “managed” out of the workplace.
We are seeing this happening now, even with a conservative government.