Queen, 95, gives greedy pollies a lesson in serving

THE Queen’s Birthday on June 14 for most of Australia, September 27 in Western Australia and October 4 in Queensland, annoys many in the political class. 

Just the fact that it exists enrages pretend republicans who prefer a fraudulent imitation of the current model, a politicians’ republic, rather than honestly basing theirs on the world’s most successful republic, the United States. 

In their view, rights do not come from God. Rather they are dispensed by elites who, like Marx, know inherently what is good for the lower classes…

Their reluctance is not based on the sound reason that unlike the Westminster system, the US model has never been successfully exported, even to France; it almost always ends in dictatorship and tears.

Their reluctance once centred on the basis of the US model, the belief that man is endowed by his Creator with unalienable rights.


In their view, rights do not come from God. Rather they are dispensed by elites who, like Marx, know inherently what is good for the lower classes.

Our pretend republicans fear the American model leads to the vice of “populism”, the people daring to go against their betters and choosing presidents like Reagan and Trump.

The election of Trump led to the US getting an especially bad press in Australia.

This was entirely the fault of a media once obsessed with forcing the Turnbull-Keating republic onto a reluctant nation, but who in the Trump term relayed as gospel the manufactured lies and calumnies of US mainstream media which had become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

From being the Party of the slave owners and then the segregationists, as Biden was, it has evolved into a Party delivering an agenda so Marxist it would delight the comrades in Venezuela and Cuba.

Dismantling the borders, it is so weak and compromised, it has encouraged the Beijing-Moscow-Tehran Axis to act against Western interests, as exemplified by the vicious attack by Tehran’s client, Hamas, against Israel.

With the violent anarchy the Democrats fostered against Trump in their blue States through their paramilitary arms, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and an election which any Australian with a modicum of electoral experience would conclude from the blatant mistreatment of scrutineers, was fraudulent, as well as a Supreme Court seemingly frightened of hearing legitimate constitutional challenges, it is obvious that the US model would go down like a lead balloon in Australia.

The media-supported republican campaign in Australia throughout most of the Nineties was based on a model which ensured the president, who could be dismissed by the PM without notice, grounds or right of appeal, would be no more than his poodle.


As that truly independent MP, the late Ted Mack told me, this was not unintended. Unsurprisingly, when it came to a vote, the majority smelt a rat. Meanwhile, for most of the decade, the politicians were distracted from priority issues including defence, water harvesting and the dramatic decline in educational standards, all while handing over manufacturing and key assets to the Beijing communists.

The attitude of the elites ignores the fact that not only is the Queen’s Birthday our oldest public holiday, first celebrated on June 4 1788 with 21-Gun Salutes from men-of-war in Sydney Harbour, pardons, a levee, a parade by the marines and an enormous bonfire, the Australian Crown is the oldest, the most successful and, incidentally, the most economical Australian institution, providing a significant check and balance yet also providing that advantage rare in modern countries, leadership beyond politics.

This is being increasingly recognised, with the young now established as the strongest supporters of the Australian Crown – a timebomb for the diminishing republican movement .

It is overwhelmingly accepted that our Queen, with the loving and loyal support of her recently departed consort, Prince Philip, has selflessly and consistently fulfilled the solemn promises she made to us. These are not only those sworn at her Coronation, but also in her original statement of intent made on her 21st birthday, 75 long years ago:

“I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be dedicated to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”


How many others in public life have for so long, so consistently, so diligently and without personal benefit, similarly fulfilled their oaths of office?

Now there are those in Australia, always hoping for some elusive silver bullet, who expect that a politicians’ republic will magically fall into their laps at the end of this reign

Not so.

It is worth recalling that when Australians for Constitutional Monarchy was running the referendum NO case, the pretend republicans charged us with “not mentioning the Queen”.

While we never would accept Malcolm Turnbull’s instructions on how to campaign, we had decided, from the beginning, to campaign on the Constitution, and not on the Queen’s self-evident virtues.

That campaign, like our campaigns to restore the Governor to Sydney’s Government House, and to get the ABC to broadcast the magnificent Diamond Jubilee Thames Pageant in which Australian Lifesavers participated, was successful principally because it was so strongly supported by loyal Australians.

So what better way now to celebrate our Queen’s coming seventy years of selfless service than by awarding an Australian Platinum Jubilee Medal For Selfless Service and other commemorations?

A committee of statesmen (eg John Howard, Peter Cosgrove) with some powerful media commentators who never jumped on the fake republic bandwagon (eg Alan Jones or Michael McLaren) could advise generally especially ensuring the Medal would be awarded to those many Australians who have given (too often unrecognised) selfless service in our defence, in fighting bushfires, floods and the pandemic, in hospitals, lifesaving, policing and in so many other ways across the nation and beyond. A Petition on this can be seen at www.change.org/platinumjubilee.PC

Sign-up now…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Queen Elizabeth II. (courtesy The Royal Family )
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Spectator Australia on June 12, 2021. Re-used with permission.
POLITICOM: Australia’s deceitful slur of Prince Philip
POLITICOM: Markle backfires on confused republicans

3 thoughts on “Queen, 95, gives greedy pollies a lesson in serving

  1. Others being described as ‘greedy’ in comparison to Betty? She of the vast and unearned mountain of wealth, being the accumulated ill-gotten gains of her parasitic ancestors over hundreds of years! Pull your head out Dave and recognise the labyrinth of entitlement protection arrangements for what they are. Duchy’s of this and that and Lancaster are rip-offs against the public. That uber-greedy, old woman did not ever volunteer to pay tax on her so-called private earnings – she had to be virtually dragged screaming. Betty would have no understanding about working for a living.

  2. I feel that the central celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee should be encouragement from the government for an official celebration throughout the country on or near to the actual date in February when 70 years on the throne is achieved. This is summer for us. [In the UK it is very definitely winter and thus the 4 day celebratory bonanza is scheduled for the summer – in June.] Prof Flint’s idea of a celebratory medal fits very well with a physical celebration. Both are complementary. There are two petitions above – one for each idea – so I would encourage readers to add their names to each one.

    There has never been, in over a thousand years of our monarchy, a situation where a single monarch has reigned for so long. It is extraordinary and it is unique and to have Queen Elizabeth as the monarch makes it almost obligatory that we acknowledge the amazing and outstanding service she has given her peoples around the world – done so with grace, calm, solidity and love. Truly exceptional, truly wonderful.

  3. You never fail to ‘say it all so truthfully, so well’ Professor Flint.

    I applaud your very true statement that – the young are now ‘established as the strongest supporters of the Australian Crown’.

    I would also venture a reason for this:- Because moral and ethical values have deteriorated so shockingly in massive sections of the West – (here I cannot face detailing the horrors of the totalitarian regimes) – and these detrimental facts are constantly beamed at our youngsters by the media, they feel the great emptiness that this lack of values engenders.

    The Queen has stood, for seventy years, continually, solidly supporting and exemplifying wise, conservative values, a beacon of care in this often empty, sad and uncaring World. Although a tiny, far-away figure, her strengths fill their emptiness, providing the essential stability and warm hope they crave.


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