Libs: ‘We’ll blast the Left out’

A RAPIDLY growing conservative movement in Sydney’s affluent Eastern Suburbs has committed not to deal with the Liberal Left – promising instead to “blast them out of the Party”. 

A spokesman for the Eastern Suburbs Conservative Forum said Woke Liberals “all seem to have a dog in the renewables scam, so we will basically have to blast them out”. 

There will no longer be a broad church in the Liberal Party. The Left has simply become a cancer, requiring excising.

The well-funded centre-Right group has committed to bolstering conservative membership within the NSW Liberal Party – and deny future preselection to sitting Leftist MPs, including climate radicals Matt Kean, James Griffin and soft-on-bestiality Natalie Ward.

After recently taking advice from leading South Australian conservative Senator Alex Antic, however, the NSW forum is concerned about potential administrative obstacles being imposed by NSW’s Party HQ.


“Alex told me that after he introduced new members into the South Australian division, the Left Liberals froze memberships for a while,” a forum spokesman said.

“This was extraordinary, but eventually South Australia’s HQ rolled over.”

He said, however, it was unlikely that the Woke NSW Liberal HQ would ever step back.

“I can’t see the NSW State Executive rolling over anytime soon, as they all seem to have a dog in the renewables race, so we will basically have to blast them out,” he said.

“There will no longer be a broad church in the Liberal Party, as the Left has simply become a cancer, requiring excising.

“Collectively, they have a personal agenda – they make Eddie Obeid look like a schoolboy.

“The difference between right and wrong will be the school system’s next casualty, just as reading, writing, adding and subtracting are on the way out.

“The longer it takes to regain control, the worse the debacle will be that needs to be cleaned up – so no time to lose.”


The spokesman said the further Left the Liberal Party lurched, the more seats it had lost.

“Western Australia moved to the extreme Left and now has only two parliamentary house seats,” he said.

“South Australia didn’t move quite as far Left, but still got smashed. And the Left leaning Liberal Party in Victoria can’t even beat Daniel Andrews.

“In NSW 12 years ago, it took the combined herculean efforts of Labor’s disgraced Eddie Obeid, Ian McDonald and other current jailbirds to finally drag the Liberals across the line.”

He said Australia desperately needed a sensible, conservative Liberal Party.

“Unless we return to providing competent, conservative government we will impoverish ourselves – as nothing green, woke or politically correct has ever put bread on anyone’s table,” he said.

“The Liberal Party is supposed to promote free speech and govern for everyone – especially for those who can’t afford their power bills.

“Frighteningly, Europe’s current energy travails are what’s coming here unless we mend our ways.

“The Liberals are really not supposed to be a Greens, dictatorial Labor-lite hybrid for promoting privilege city elites.” PC

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  James Griffin. (courtesy The Daily Telegraph)

14 thoughts on “Libs: ‘We’ll blast the Left out’

  1. Am looking forward to Credlin’s expose on Daniel Andrews on Skynews. This is what we need, more exposure of corruption in the left, how they align with UN on issues. Blasting the left out of the Liberal Party sounds just what is needed. Can’t be done fast enough. bye bye Matt Kean (next in line for premier – what a joke!!)

    1. I watched it and recommend it to people who did not, democracy overboard in Victoria, far-left Labor factions now have full control and do not dare to get in their way.

  2. Breaking!
    Group of conservative Liberal members meet in a Bondi Junction telephone box to “blast out” the majority of members!!

  3. I am waiting for Opposition Leader Peter Dutton or the shadow minister to condemn the Labor supported (and Matt Green LINO NSW) United Nations fund to compensate developing nations for alleged environmental (global warming hoax based) damage caused by emissions since the Industrial Age.

    Australia and other developed nations have handed developing nations trillions of dollars in combined foreign aid, those developing nations have benefited from the free enterprise, free market system (capitalism) research and development successes too and, the UN Lima Agreement of 1975 signed by the Whitlam Labor Government here agreeing to gradually handover manufacturing industry to developing nations to support economic prosperity for them at our expense.

    However the first steel mill on a very small scale was built in the late 1800s in Australia, the first large commercial steel mill was built around 1920 (BHP Newcastle) and in the following years other manufacturing industry businesses were established, the first motor vehicles by General Motors Holden released for sale in 1948. In the late 1800s there were some small scale hydro and steam driven electricity generators built but the world’s largest interconnected electricity grid supplied by coal fired power stations began after WW1. The development of the electricity grid attracted more manufacturing industry including aluminium smelters and cement plants, and they provided the basis for the grid that all consumers still rely on today.

    Australia must not agree to compensate developing nations, compensation for what?

    And as for the climate hoax, any politician or other person who still cannot understand the politics behind what is long term natural climate and short term weather events must not be fit to manage our affairs.

  4. Just Hurry Up. The sane amongst us are frustrated at the weakness in the Politicians we have .
    We need coal and uranium mined and sold to strengthen our economy as we are a small country and need to be able to bargain not cry in the corner about climate issues which are just a political tool the Liberals have fallen for.

    1. The abundance of natural resources here should have been exploited far more than hopeless politicians have permitted, as if they own those resources because they didn’t ask we the people did they.

      And the transition to unreliable electricity at very high prices (and gas supplies) has badly damaged national security as so many manufacturing industry businesses have closed down and moved offshore or plan to leave in the future. Laughably, politicians now try to pretend that national security via manufacturing is important, so cancel the UN Lima Protocol agreement Whitlam Labor signed in 1975 and others including UN Agenda 21 signed by Keating Labor around 1990. And then the Paris Agreement on emissions reduction and cancel the Albanese Labor legislation on net zero emissions, the exercise in futility and economic vandalism.

      Meanwhile developing nations, notably China, are laughing at us and holding out for a share of the compensation for climate change, it really is madness.

  5. “it was unlikely that the Woke NSW Liberal HQ would ever step back.”
    And there you have it! The woke have won, years of apathetic tolerance and inaction have allowed the factional left to maintain absolute control over the rapidly decaying carcass of the once great Liberal party.
    You can’t fix it from inside! You can’t fix it! The woke hold all the levers and all the strings, they’ll burn the furniture and raise the party to the ground before they ever release control. They control the admission of members, they MANAGE (Sussan Ley speak for rig) votes & plebiscites. They decide the outcomes and direction of branch meetings in backroom deals and telephone calls, long before those meetings are ever held. The stack AGMs and pre-selections with anonymous members who are never sighted anywhere that at a vote.
    In short, the conservative majority has got to get its collective fingers out, has got to stop criticising each other and has to unite. The Liberal party is no longer the forum for this to happen.

    Sir Bob formed the Liberal Party as a coalition of diverse forces with with more in common than differences they held. It’s past time for a new start, a recreation of that alliance with creation of a new party representative of of its members. It’s the only way, a fresh start, a new beginning, and a return to representation within our houses of representative.
    Knock down, rebuild, new address, a quicker, lower cost and more enduring solution to “Making the Liberal Party Great Again”. It’s past time.

  6. Really came to the fore with backstabbing of Tony,infiltration by wets and moderates just keeps growing only to see election losses. Anyone with some intelligence can realise, the loss of true conservative voters is alarming.

    1. And to add to the LINO left disloyalty, they teamed up with Australian Workers Union established GetUp activist group (Bill Shorten was a senior AWU executive and became a GetUp board member) firstly to get Opposition Leader Abbott from 2009. Noting that Tiffany Teals have had GetUp support.

      Some will remember when Prime Minister Abbott was replaced by Prime Minister Turnbull following the LINO left campaign, he held a media conference and one point made to them was to ignore leaks from people who were not prepared to be named as the informant. Obviously referring to cabinet leaks that effectively undermined the Coalition Government as well as Prime Minister Abbott. Maybe that partly explains why the Coalition lost all of the seats gained at the 2013 election with Opposition Leader Abbott leading the Coalition into government when the 2016 election was held with Prime Minister Turnbull leading the Coalition?

  7. The amount of donated monies handed to the Tiffany Teals including from coal mining interests is not in the best interests of democracy, donation limits for all candidates for election to parliaments must be imposed, and no loopholes for unions or any other “mates”.

  8. Astute people by now realise that small modular nuclear generators like the designs from Rolls Royce UK are safe and reliable modern emissions free alternatives to the very reliable coal fired steam driven power stations that have supplied us with cheap electricity since the early 1930s, technology upgraded around 1970s when Environmental Protection laws were legislated and agencies established to enforce environmental laws.

    Of course the transition to wind and solar is driven by climate hoax agenda and fellow traveller crony capitalists based on the incentives including handicapping of power stations and taxpayer subsidies for wind and solar operators. But the political Kyoto and Paris agreements are emissions reduction targets. Nuclear is far more cost effective and emissions free.

    However, the latest ultra super critical thermal power plant technology, coal fired power stations, steam driven generators, offers cost effectively very low emissions, and therefore a mix of coal, gas and nuclear generators makes very good sense for Australia, including removal of remote area diesel generators replaced by small nuclear generators, smaller capacity but similar to nuclear surface and undersea ships.

    The LINO left are the mouthpieces for crony capitalism wealth creation at the expense of all Australians and effectively economic vandalism.

  9. Will there be battle planning meetings held in a Harbourside mansion for LINO left tacticians?

    Planning on how to completely wreck the party before the uprising?

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