This is a bizarre story. Apparently – allegedly – or perhaps we should say, ‘as far as the internet is concerned’ thousands of insects have been released en masse with the intention of disrupting the LGB Alliance Conference.

Footage has emerged of cockroaches, crickets, and mealworms on the loose, harmlessly crawling over seats and broken containers at the event.

LGB Alliance’s conference is named, ‘Our Lives! Our Future!’ and was set up to promote: ‘Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals living free from discrimination or disadvantage based on their sexual orientation.’

If the alleged attack on the conference proved anything, it’s the thesis of the conference.

The LGB movement is under attack – not by wider society, but by a small community of activists who take issue with gay and lesbian individuals arguing the merits of biological sex.

‘Huge apologies to any animal rights activists or vegans,’ said one woman trying to clean up the mess, ‘because we just killed some cockroaches…’

The room laughed, maintaining their good humour despite the bizarre nature of what some are generously calling a protest. It was closer to a tantrum.

It is being reported that anti-gay activists have opened bags of insects into the main hall at the LGB Alliance conference.

— Andrew Doyle (@andrewdoyle_com) October 11, 2024

Those who are accused of releasing the bugs were seen standing in a tight circle, hugging each other, and looking like they’d just sacrificed a thousand tiny innocent lives on the altar of Woke in return for a few minutes of social media fame.

Trans activists have released thousands of crickets, mealworms, and cockroaches inside the LGB Alliance conference to prevent people from speaking about how trans ideology is harming gays.

The only conversion therapy going on in the West is the effort to maim and sterilize gay…

— Billboard Chris ???? (@BillboardChris) October 11, 2024

Breaking: Militant trans activists have been detained by the venue security after allegedly releasing insects all over to try to sabotage the @AllianceLGB conference in London. The conference features gay and lesbian speakers critical of trans ideology. Several suspected…

— Andy Ngo ?️‍? (@MrAndyNgo) October 11, 2024

Harry Potter author JK Rowling posted on X:

‘Did any of those releasing insects in an attempt to sabotage the @AllianceLGB conference have a split second of sanity in which they thought, ‘Am I in fact proving every critic of gender identity ideology right? Is trying to disrupt a meeting of gay people a tad homophobic?’

It’s difficult to tell which activist group is more pathetic – the one that releases bugs or the one that throws soup at great works of art. The first is more of a nuisance while the latter poses real harm to priceless relics of our culture.

Both serve as a poor reflection on the emotional capacity and critical thinking of today’s ‘youth’.

Is this what the most expensive education system in history has created?

For those interested in the group targeted, the LGB (note the absence of the T) Alliance have a mission statement posted on their website.

We highlight injustice wherever we see it and we collaborate with groups and individuals who share our values, to tackle discrimination and to promote the interests of our supporters and the wider LGB community.

We are proponents of respectful free speech and we seek dialogue with all to present our views and to learn from others.

We lift up LGB people by preserving their history, celebrating their achievements and by working to create the conditions in which lesbian, gay and bisexual people can thrive to enjoy happy and fulfilled lives.

On a more serious note, when the conference eventually went ahead, there were some excellent speeches, particularly from actor James Dreyfus.

‘Did they really expect acquiescence? Did they truly assume women worldwide would roll over and accept such a move? That they would simply fold and do as they were told? It is almost as if they don’t actually know what a woman is…’

.@AllianceLGB conference in London: Actor @DreyfusJames praises the lesbian and gay activists who refuse to accept the claims and submission demands from trans and gender ideology.#LGBAlliance2024

— Andy Ngo ?️‍? (@MrAndyNgo) October 11, 2024

His speech comes in reply to prominent individuals in the entertainment business, usually those displaying pronouns in their bios or a series of flags, who wrongly label the LGB Alliance as a ‘hate group’ simply because it speaks out against extreme brands of trans ideology, activism, and policy which endangers the basic human rights of men, women, and gay people.

It’s getting difficult to tell how much of this is a failed performance artwork rejected from galleries, low-budget parody, or serious commentary by individuals who believe they are making a difference while ordinary people are simply side-eyeing their antics with concern.

BREAKING: 7 young trans activists release thousands of crickets into LGB Alliance’s conference. Stay tuned for further updates!

— Trans Kids Deserve Better (@trans_kids_d_b) October 11, 2024

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