by ROGER CROOK – DO THE latest opinion polls indicate that more than a few Australians are suffering from voter remorse?
Most of us have experienced buyer remorse. The heart overrules the head for a moment; a rash act is often followed by embarrassment and an effort to keep a lapse in judgement away from others.
- This is not New Labor, this is the Old Labor of Whitlam and Jim Cairns of Rex Connor and Lionel Murphy.
- It’s the Old Labor of Kevin Rudd; the man who lied his way into office.
- Albanese nor Wong have progressed since their student days. Maybe that is why we got three-eyed fish in the nuclear debate?
This week the Coalition put its nose in front; this could well be a one term Labor government.
Will repentance follow when those who voted for this Labor Government start recalling or being reminded of all the promises made before the last general election by Anthony Albanese and Labor?
Will the lies they told in their successful bid for power be visited upon them by not only the Coalition, but by an investigative and impartial media? The answer to the last question is no, we don’t have one.
The recent example of 60 Minutes in America “doctoring” a Kamala Harris reply between the interview and the broadcast, is a warning to us all; a warning that the media can be as biased as a political Party itself; and by telling lies, can influence the outcome of an election.
For CBS, great supporters of the Democrats, it was mission was accomplished.
Fortunately, it was others in the media who revealed what CBS had done; CBS have been condemned by all and sundry, heads should roll, if they don’t, then we know corruption in that organisation is alive and well.
Has this manipulation of the truth happened before? We don’t know. Is it confined to CBS? We don’t know. Whether that form of media corruption has affected the results of “free” elections, remains a matter for conjecture.
After Bill Shorten lost the unlosable general election in 2019 to Scott Morrison, the ALP decided to put on a fresh face in their bid for power in 2022.
In 1994, the then leader of HM Opposition in the UK, Tony Blair, launched New Labour in his bid for 10 Downing Street.
Blair promised a “new labour, new Britain”; the British believed him, and elected him; he occupied 10 Downing Street for the next decade.
To launch New Labor in Australia, in a what was really a “back to the future” decision, the Caucus of the ALP elected one of their oldest parliamentarians to be their “new” leader; they put their faith in Anthony Albanese get their Party back into Canberra for a lengthy period in office.
Why they chose Albanese is only known to them; maybe it was a factional brawl? Bill Shorten was from the Right faction and lost, maybe the Left decided it was their turn to have a go? Who better than the man who has told everyone he likes fighting Tories?
Never mind his curriculum vitae; never mind what he is on record as having said and done, Albanese became their man to lead them out of the political wilderness.
Albanese’s far-Left views have been well known around Canberra since the days of Bob Hawke; he is a man who had never grown out of student activism; a man steeped in the ideology of socialism, a vocal and abrasive member on the far Left of the Left faction of the ALP.
Since his early days in the ALP he has boasted that he lives for fighting Tories, and he has never passed up an opportunity to do so, at times irrational and always vociferous.
In 1999 Albanese, with Liberal Joe Hockey as chairman, and himself as secretary, formed the bipartisan Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group in Canberra. It followed a visit they had both made to Israel and the region.
On October 15, 2000, in Martin Place, Sydney, where the flags of Israel and America were burned and chants of, “Free, Free Palestine” and “God is Great”, drowned out speakers, including a Federal MP.
It turned out that MP was none other than Anthony Albanese, then a backbencher, now the Prime Minister of Australia.
Albanese was photographed and recorded speaking next to a sign reading “Stop the Israeli Slaughter. Free Palestine Now”.
Wearing a suit and sunglasses and holding a megaphone, back bencher Albanese condemned the Israel Defence Force.
“The response of Israel has been to meet children throwing rocks with helicopters, with tanks and missiles,” he told a cheering crowd.
In that same week Albanese made a statement in parliament. “Palestinian teenagers should not be throwing rocks, the fact they are does not justify an army shooting at unarmed civilians, using snipers, bazookas, grenades, tanks and attack helicopters.”
Is it any wonder the Labor Party today does not represent the majority of Australians when it comes to supporting Israel after the horror of October 7, 2023, and the war it is now fighting against Iran and its proxies?
Whether after being chosen leader, Albanese was advised to engage the services of an image consultant – “for the good of the Party” – or whether at his time of life and embarking on a new job he made the decision himself we shall never know.
What we do know is that in preparing for the general election, Albanese had a “makeover”.
No more the scowling somewhat frumpy front bencher. He lost weight; got a fashionable wardrobe of new suits, shirts, ties and never-seen-before casual wear to match his now svelte figure; a bit of dental work and some new glasses and a lot of smiling and hey presto!
A transformed new Albanese emerged as the new leader of New Labor. Gone was the argumentative middle-aged Trot; this was a new leader who promised to govern like his idol Bob Hawke and to have a respectful parliament.
On election night after Labor had scraped into power with the slimmest of margins, accompanied by his son and a new partner; Albanese doubled up on his pre-election promises and guaranteed Australia would benefit from his version of “new Labor new Australia”.
“During this campaign, I have put forward a positive, clear plan for a better future for our country. And I have shared the two principles that will be part of a government that I lead.
“No one left behind because we should always look after the disadvantaged and the vulnerable. But also no one held back, because we should always support aspiration and opportunity. That is what my government will do.
“That is the what, but the how is also just as important? Because I want to bring Australians together.”
That commitment was soon forgotten; almost in the same breath and contradicting his commitment on election night, Albanese announced a referendum.
He inflicted a referendum that sought the support of all Australians to change the Constitution of Australia to grant Aboriginal people a special “Voice” to parliament; a Voice that would not be available to non-Aboriginal Australians.
What followed was a bitter and often acrimonious debate both in Parliament and throughout the length and breadth of Australia. As for a more respectful parliament, that was forgotten in the first week.
Vast amounts of money were donated to the Yes campaign by industry, banks and trade unions; academia became involved and added their influence and funds in an attempt to ensure the PM won the day.
When the votes were counted, Albanese’s racist Voice referendum was soundly rejected by over 60 per cent of all Australians.
With his first term in office nearly over, the promises Anthony Albanese made on election night of a new era under New Labor haven’t materialised; this is not New Labor this is the Old Labor of Whitlam and Jim Cairns of Rex Connor and Lionel Murphy.
It is the Old Labor of Kevin Rudd; that man who lied his way into office by claiming to be a fiscal conservative and then, once he got his hands on it, spent all the money Howard and Costello left for him.
We got Pink Batts and the $16b borrowed by Julia Gillard as Minister for Education for school buildings that nobody wanted.
When Rudd failed, we got Gillard as PM who promised no carbon tax in her government, until we got one; we then got “Cash for Clunkers” and then when Gillard failed, we got Rudd again.
In 2024 those who voted for Albanese and New Labor have started to ask themselves why; those who didn’t vote Labor are shrugging and saying, “Told you so”.
Margaret Thatcher claimed that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.
The Reserve Bank of Australia and economists across the country are unanimous in their view that the major reason that inflation is hard to beat in Australia, is because of increases in government spending, both federally and in the States.
New Labor is starting to panic.
The opinion polls have been slow to react to what is happening to Australia today; the electorate is reeling from a barrage of cost-of-living punches to every part of its body.
Where are the houses that were promised? Have any been built?
The heartland of this New Labor, like The Greens, is no longer the Party of the working man and woman.
It is no longer with the ancestors of Chifley and Evatt or with the unions who considered Bob Hawke their messiah.
The New Labor heartland has moved into the leafy suburbs and the boardrooms of corporations; into academia, and into the young and the malleable they teach; it is in the conversations around the table at the doctors’ wives’ Chardonnay lunches.
According to New Labor, there are more important things in the world than houses; the world has to be saved, and Australia’s renewable energy will lead the charge and save the world. Never mind what it costs, the world must be saved and Blackout Bowen will do it whether the people want it or not.
New Labor do not understand that for many, due to the price of electricity, life is now a choice of whether to “heat or eat”.
They do not understand that for many, the cost of living means another, rather embarrassing, queue at Foodbank, Vinnies or The Salvos.
Labor do not know that once-upon -a-time at dinner time, it was always “visitors first”, now it is “children first”.
The final chapter in the demise of Albanese’s New Labor must be its failure to support the Jewish people and the State of Israel in the time of their greatest need.
The morning after 184 ballistic missiles from Iran rained down on Israel, Albanese and Wong refused to speak up on behalf of the majority of the Australian people and condemn Iran and pledge this nation’s support of Israel and Jews everywhere.
A quick check of history shows us why.
Neither Albanese nor Wong it would appear, have progressed since their student days. Maybe that is why we got three eyed fish in the nuclear debate?
Albanese told us Bob Hawke was his idol and he aspired to follow in his footsteps.
In 1971, Bob Hawke as the President of the ACTU and returning from what he described as “a life changing event” described Israel as an inspiration.
He warned: “If the bell tolls for Israel, it won’t just toll for Israel, it will toll for mankind.”
Before he became Australia’s 23rd prime minister he told his biographer Blanche D’Alpuget: “I am an Israeli. If I were to have my life again, I would want to be born a Jew.”
“No one left behind because we should always look after the disadvantaged and the vulnerable. But also no one held back, because we should always support aspiration and opportunity. That is what my government will do.”
Just another lie from our Prime Minister, how many more will there be before we are rid of him?
As Leo Amery said to Neville Chamberlain in 1940: “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Amen to that.PC
Albo and ALP are hopeless but so is LNP. The way Morrison handled covid was unforgiveable. You think they could redeem themselves by doing a Royal Commission into covid but they don’t want to do that. Why … what have the LNP got to hide? So we have 2 hopeless parties trashing each other. Not much choice there. Now we have NLP backing Israel’s genocide of Gaza. For Israel it is OK to kill, maim, bomb the whole country, anything goes because Israel have the right to defend themselves. Never mind that Israel has been accused by the ICJ for warcrimes, they are above being judged by anybody including the world community. The fact that LNP don’t take a stand on this issue is another mark against them. I wouldn’t vote for LNP anymore. So who do we vote for? The whole system is broken. There is no justice or accountability.
Just to note that Leo Amery was quoting Oliver Cromwell, as on 20th April 1653 he dealt with a parliament which was dissolving into excess and incompetence. His whole speech is a masterpiece. A pity that we can’t rustle up someone like him today to kick out Alabanese and his cronies.
Just take a wander around any University Campus ( The Communist Recruiting Camps ) and that is why the voting age was dropped to 18 as they use emotion not logic to vote . The ALP = CCP and have done so for decades .
When Labor have nothing else to attract voters they resort to character assassination, relentless negativity that Labor has already started targeting Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (including the childish “potato head”). It has been most obvious on social media and comments posted by Labor Green supporters.
It has however been pointed out that conducting a smear campaign from government is more difficult than from opposition, as Labor did for example against John Howard, Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison. Many or most voters now are concerned about cost of living and decline in the standard of living, but the list of concerns contains many other Albanese Labor example of failing the needs of the voters.
The published polls are now indicating that both the Prime Minister and the Australian Labor Party are losing ground, but wait until the Union Labor & Green Cooperative stop sniping and open fire, supported by the Climate 200 Party of candidates masquerading as Independents.
Voter fraud will decide the outcome of the Qld election on Oct 26
Date: October 20, 2024
Queensland Labor is so terrified of losing the state election it has imported hundreds of interstate unionists to man polling booths in Cairns and other marginal electorates across the state.
The ALP is paying accommodation and all expenses for unionists from Western Australia and NSW according to our Cairns informant.
At the 2020 election the ALP had their emissaries from the AWU, ETU and MUA on the booths throughout the north often harassing and intimidating voters and booth workers from other parties.
It seems their well-oiled “vote early and vote often’’ catchphrase is in need of more lubrication.
The ALP/union/GetUp nexus might also be worried their voter fraud system may not deliver sufficient bogus votes to get the socialists over the line if polls are correct.
The AEC gave voting systems expert Lex Stewart the numbers of voters who voted more than once at the 2016 federal election but did not provide the numbers for subsequent elections as he requested.
In itself 18,343 people who voted more than once in 2016 is a direct threat to any semblance of fair and democratic elections and is on par with America’s fraudulent voting system.
This large number of bogus voters confirms what Stewart and Cairns News have been reporting for a decade – the Australian Electoral Commission is either corrupt or totally incompetent and unable to deal with thousands of bogus names on the electoral roll.
For decades, as recorded by voting fraud author the late Dr Amy McGrath OAM in her five books about the subject, unions, GetUp and Labor have perfected a system of enrolling thousands of false names at correct addresses which gives rise to the data below supplied by the AEC.
Their modus operandi is simple. Unionists, ALP members, GetUp and university students enroll with false names at correct addresses. Physical habitation checks were done by an elderly investigator, Vic Batten, in the electorate of Kingsford Smith in NSW where it was found 11 people had been enrolled at one address unknown to the actual home inhabitants.
Standover unionist booth workers provide intimidation and harassment for the socialists of the ALP
The investigation found more than 500 false enrollments in two days. These numbers are sufficient to alter the outcome of a general election if taken across most marginal electorates.
Continue for full story >
“Will repentance follow when those who voted for this Labor Government start recalling or being reminded of all the promises made before the last general election by Anthony Albanese and Labor?”
Considering the record low vote for Labor, I doubt that too many of us seriously believed that Labor were going to keep their promises.
Labor got in because the Liberals had to go. Morrison and Hunt and the rest of them were key players in the covid shitfuckery, and voting them back in would have been taken as a sign of gratitude. Thanks for all the pain and misery, Scomo. We appreciate what you did.
We now know that the Liberals are working on their own Mis/Dis legislation, and they were preparing to bring in digital ID too. And what would they have said if we protested? Settle down, plebs. You voted us back in, you’ve got no cause to complain.
The only thing returned Liberals might have avoided – and I mean ‘might’ – is the Voice referendum. Which ironically turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It united non-woke Australia and turned Albo’s dream into a nightmare. We discovered that we weren’t alone in being tired of the politically correct BS – that millions of our fellow countrymen and women felt exactly the same way. And the politicians heard it, loud and clear.
The Liberals will probably win the next election. We can only hope that Dutton and his team have learnt something over the last few years watching the Woke Albo Clownshow draw smaller crowds than a ham sandwich at a bar mitzvah. Either they win or Labor gets another term. For the forseeable future it’s going to be one or the other on the Treasury benches. It’s up to us to vote for a Senate that will keep them on a very short leash.