The Defense (and Intelligence) budgets continue to climb.  However, the military shrinks and is distracted while China acts as a proxy for their proxy Russia and turns the Baltic into a Chinese lake and Chinese and Russian Nuclear Bombers exercise over the Sea of Japan with a message for Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.

In Fiscal Year 2024, $826.45 billion was enacted for DOD and $106 billion for the Intel Community.  I’m not feeling $932 billion of value in deterring a full and recognizable World War III.

The world is on fire and World War III is already in progress.  China and Russia inked the deal to challenge and topple America in the Fall of 2021 with the “No Limits” Partnership which also includes Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela as regional partners tasked with waging Grey Zone conflict around the world.  With multiple Iranian assassins (DOJ fails to mention that other Iranian Assassins are out there in this press release) operating with an intent to get President-Elect Trump, there needs to be great vigilance over an Iranian strike to disrupt the inauguration in January 2025.

To ready the United States, the incoming Trump Administration is reportedly preparing an Executive Order to “purge” Generals and Admirals.  The Deep Staters of the Blob are whispering hyperbole to what’s left of the legacy media to try to disrupt such an event.  They are incorrect (again) and need to study history and law.

Legal Authority and Precedent to remove Generals and Admirals?  Absolutely

There have been at least four large-scale “pluckings” before in the U.S. Military.  General George C. Marshall assumed the position of the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army on the same day (September 1, 1939) that Germany crossed the border into Poland and World War II was formally realized.  Marshall convened retired military officers with the guidance that they were “empowered to remove from line promotion any officer for reasons deemed good and sufficient…Critical times are upon us.”

General Marshall did this board with two experiences searing his decision-making process.  The inter-war period had created an environment of seniority and allegiance to the system, not merit, nor war-winning experience and potential (sound familiar?).  In addition, General Marshall modeled his “plucking board” on a very similar process conducted by General John “Black Jack” Pershing in the run-up to America’s involvement in World War I.

There was a mini-Plucking Board 2.0 after the disastrous first American Army engagement at Kasserine Pass in World War II and additional Army Generals were removed.  Going back further in history, President Lincoln, during the Civil War, identified, selected, and promoted General U.S. Grant despite great resistance from the Army “blob” of the time.  Multiple Generals were removed during this process.  Without Lincoln standing up to the Deep State of the time, we would likely be two nations today, not one. The authority of the President in selection, promotion, retention, and removal is clear and distinct in the Constitution as the Commander of the Armed Forces and in U.S. Law.

Must address Military Academies, Government Boards, and Think Tanks

The compelling issue in the modern Plucking Board is the extreme and dangerous culture of “Woke-ism” that has created an intolerable drag co-efficient in the “Critical times” that are upon us with the World on Fire.  More is being spent on the National Security apparatus than ever before, yet U.S. capabilities and effectiveness are shrinking.  Foreign adversaries are flying drone swarms at will over U.S. facilities, yet the response is endless bureaucratic meetings and aggressive press releases.  The question is, where did the cancerous communist psychology of DEI/CRT/ and Woke-ism incubate and thrive to infect so many in the military (and intelligence services) and create such a dangerous drag-coefficient?

The virus petri dish for this sickness are none other than the Military Academies, Government advisory boards, and the think tanks.  West Point for example is actively fighting all reasonable Freedom of Information Act requests on their DEI/CRT curriculums.  The Air Force Academy openly pushes transgenderism.  The advisory boards are immensely influential in the creation of policies, strategies, and budgets in the national security community and are blatantly activist in promotion of woke-ism.  Likely the majority of the 51 lying Intel Officers (several are also General Officers) currently sit as Special Government Employees on these boards.  An immediate “Plucking Board” is needed to review, consolidate, and eliminate boards and woke members.  The shadow government of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), University Associated Research Centers (UARCs), and Laboratories such as Rand, Mitre, The Aerospace Corporation, and Institute for Defense Analyses are part of Woke World.  They definitely play a vital role, but they should reflect on their Woke activism and begin to self-purge leadership and culture in advance of formal guidance and direction of plucking.

They will be treated the same as they treated others (except this time, due process will be followed)

The nation is starting to re-enter the concept of “normal” and Constitutional which since the beginning of the Obama Administration in January 2008 was marginalized, weaponized, and criminalized by Obama, Biden, and Harris.  If someone reading this piece takes offense, they likely have been infected with the toxic nature of woke-ism and are part of the problem.  No one needs to fret or be concerned about the Golden Age now upon us as America re-aligns with Constitutional values.  Can Generals and Admirals be recalled to duty to face UCMJ actions?  Yes, it happens regularly, often for very good reasons – but don’t forget, the Biden Team was telegraphing a recall also to intimidate retired Officers and Senior Enlisted they felt were not supporting the Woke party line.  This is wrong and unlawful.

The “Plucking” is lawful and with ample precedent.  We live in very very critical times and plucking is necessary for the health, safety, and success of our great experiment of being a Constitutional Republic.  Anyone being plucked will have due process – something not granted by the previous team.

All viewpoints are personal and do not reflect the viewpoints of any organization.

The post “Plucking” and Re-Setting America’s Military Leadership appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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