by PAUL COLLITS – APPARENTLY, we celebrated United Nations Day this month. I only know this because it was brought up in the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass last week.
We were asked to pray for the UN, especially this week, in its role of bringing about peace in the world. This wasn’t surprising.
- It is a long time since the UN sought to do its original day job.
- The evolution of the UN and EU is a classic case of mission creep and of ideological takeover.
- The UN aims to regulate every dimension of our personal and national lives.
Some Catholic parishes are prone to praying for very earthly causes and for drifting far from the Church’s core business of saving souls.
Hence the regular appearance of synods on synodality – don’t ask – climate change, cease fires, caring for the environment and so on.
I doubt that the author of the prayer for the UN was trying to be funny. Using UN and peace in the same sentence bespeaks naiveté bordering on ignorance.
It is a long time since the UN sought to do its original day job. It seemed like a good idea in the late 1940s to do anything to avoid another war like the one just finished. The most catastrophic in human history.
The motivation for pulling together what was eventually to become the European Union was similarly benign. Now look at it. It is Ursula Von der Liar’s personal plaything.
The evolution of both the UN and the EU is a classic case of mission creep and of ideological takeover.
It all coincided with the managerialist revolution described by James Burnham in the 1940s and the technocracy first envisioned in the 1920s and delivered in spades, come the computing revolutions of the 1960s and 1990s.
Idealists in the shadow of world war, without knowing it, have thrown the car keys to the thieves. The thieves include the 1950s globalists like the Rockefellers and their spiritual grandchildren, the tech titans of the 21st Century, with their delusions of grandeur and tyranny.
Coincidentally, on the same day as the prayer for the UN, I received a regularly emailed newsletter from US biochemist Robert Malone. On the UN, as it happened.
Malone’s take doesn’t have much in common with my Lithgow Parish. Here is his succinct summary of the UN and its current, evolved mission.
It has an inevitable focus on COVID: “By globally synchronising the public health response across the United Nations member States, new powers were granted to the UN and its organisations at the cost of national sovereignty.
“These universally applied regulations and multilateral agreements have given birth to an enlarged, globalised administrative State.
“Although this power grab has percolated for many decades, the COVID crisis acted as an accelerant to synergise international agreements that advance the UN as a world government.
“This UN aims to regulate every dimension of our personal and national lives. It is working to reduce and eliminate national sovereignty, and thereby to decrease our diversity, our traditions, our religion and our national identity.”
Note, in particular, Malone’s ironic mention of the UN attack on religions.
The UN is now the organisation that will imprison people and kill off democratic nation States. Oh, and funded by Bill Gates.
As Hungarian-born Australian poet David Martin points out, Bill Gates has given $1.27b towards the Left’s Agenda 2030.
In Martin’s view, Gates “owns” the UN, just as he owns the media and the WHO.
We all know what they have been up to.
Of course, Gates only co-owns the WHO. The other part-owner is the Chinese Communist Party.
Biochemist Malone also introduced a new word into the language – supranationalisation. An ugly word for an ugly reality.
I called it mission creep. Malone correctly sees it as strategy.
On the part of a global socialist outfit, holding hands with a corporatist capitalist outfit, the World Economic Forum. Another example of the great ideology hybrid of our time.
Historians of the future will have to untangle the five great threats of the 2020s to our Western heritage – Muslim terrorism, Chinese economic imperialism, Third World reverse-colonialism through mass immigration, tyrannical corporatist globalism (aided by puppet governments) and home-grown post-modernist (often neo-Marxist) wokedom.
Take your pick as to which is the most threatening.
If the attack on sovereign nations, and all that it portends, is taken seriously, then Malone’s take on supranationalision is a prime candidate.
While ever genuine, well-motivated strivers for peace continue to celebrate United Nations Day and to place their faith in a fundamentally evil organisation, we have a problem.
As the perpetually duped class continues to scurry about with its numbed consciousness, its smart phones, its realty TV and its endless entertainment and its political circuses, we can only hope that the memory-holed will somehow see a crack in the wall, with a little light shining in.
And figure out what can be done. And then do it.
A great start would be to give the middle finger to United Nations Day.
Alas, the authors of Prayers of the Faithful in support of the UN would probably read all this and then simply stare at me in disbelief, or worse.PC
The UN has stuffed this World with the push for emission reductions and renewables neither of which face a happy future . The purpose of each is to exercise control.
The UN and EU need to be rehalibatated
The UN serves its own masters , Those who benefit form the endless wars the UN has been behind ever since WWII . The WEF.UN.WHO all the same Chook just a different head .
“Some Catholic parishes are prone to praying for very earthly causes […]”.
That’s because catholicism is a pseudo-christian cult that denies the primacy of Christ and the authority of the Bible, and that promulgates false teaching which encourages, among other things, worship of idols and the offering of prayers to the dead.
The frauds who run the organisation are demon-possessed charlatans, which is apparent in some of the photos of the so-called “popes” – it’s possible to see the demons manifesting their presence in the evil and contorted countenances of these pathetic pretenders. They are going to burn for eternity in the lake of fire, which is the second death – a place where their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched. Mark these men, therefore, and avoid them, as the Bible wisely counsels.