Abbott best PM since Howard ‘by fair stretch’

by PAUL COLLITS – TONY Abbott is an easy man to like. It was always surprising to me that he was often reviled, certainly during his time in Parliament. 

The last time I bumped into Tony Abbott was at one of those Spectator  magazine lunches hosted by editor Rowan Dean in the Southern Highlands. 

That Abbott was cut down before he got going as Prime Minister, in an act of unforgettable bastardry by his own Party, has already had much ink spilled in its telling.

As usual, it was an event with wall-to-wall, Right-of-centre celebrities, but also (thankfully) open to minor scribblers who had contributed to the magazine and to the endless debates.

It was a memorable occasion, only reduced in the memory by the copious fizz and other beverages on offer to those in attendance.


One thing I do remember is Abbott bumping into me on the floor of the main dining room and greeting me with “I love you”.

I hasten to add, not in a romantic way. “You always write nice things about me”.

Well, not always, but mostly.

I won’t go into the insults and almost unending efforts by the Left to bring him down, or mention by name those engaged in those efforts.

Abbott was also a man of great political skills. How often have I written that he is in the top three opposition leaders Australia has had?

Obviously, as a muscular conservative, he was and is much admired by those with similar affection for tradition. And, of course, hated in equal measure.

I know this is an old story, but the Left only ever gets truly fired up against opponents it knows mean what they say and are committed to doing something on the Right side of politics. Catholic. Traditionalist. Climate sceptic. God help us, a faithful friend of George Pell, in and out of season.

What isn’t to hate?

It’s good to treasure those hated by the progressives.

That Abbott was cut down before he got going as Prime Minister, in an act of unforgettable bastardry by his own Party, has already had much ink spilled in its telling – so there is no need to rehash that here.

Equally, fitting Abbott into the old debates over best and worst prime ministers is a waste of time.

It is obvious, though, when you look even briefly at the cavalcade of leaders we have had since 2007, that he was the pick of them by a fair stretch. On character alone.

Just go through the names. Rudd, Gillard, Rudd again, Turnbull, Morrison and now Albanese. Nothing much more need be added. Each of these has been differently and memorably awful.

But Abbott doesn’t just stand out from this particular pack in a negative way. That is, being less bad than the others.

An old social media mate of mine, Thomas C Reeves, is a prominent American political historian. Possibly his most famous book was about JFK, a figure, incidentally, for whom I have much admiration.

Reeves called his book A Question of Character. It was billed as the work that “finally exploded the Kennedy myth”.

As you might gather, Reeves wasn’t too complimentary to the Camelot man. He didn’t think much of the President’s character.

Well, no one will ever write such a book about Tony Abbott.

As a man of principle, a man of education, a man of policy smarts, a man of moral compass, a family man (without creepy skeletons in the cupboard like most of those engaged in politics), a generous man of ideas and an indefatigable contributor to public life, Abbott exudes character.


Having just watched the outstanding Joe Rogan interview with Republican VP nominee JD Vance, the comparisons with Abbott are obvious, at least to me.

Not just the Catholicism. Not just the free-market beliefs tempered by a dose of Compact magazine-like social democracy.

(JD Vance has probably never heard of BA Santamaria or the DLP, but if he had, he might well have found the ideas of each quite familiar and congenial).

But what comes through is authenticity and clear thinking. Club Sensible, as the late, great Christopher Pearson, a great friend of Abbott’s, used to call it.

Libertarians and supporters of the private sector used to say, contrary to the old argument that if only we had better men and women in politics rather than in business, we would be much better off.

Being pro-market, they were longing for the best people to be over there. A fair enough call.

Well, one might tweak that argument and adapt it to the field of culture and ideas.

Taking as a starting point the well-known adage of the late Andrew Breitbart that “culture is upstream from politics”, it is arguable that in these times of bad yet winning ideas being embedded in the public square, driven by poor education, distraction politics (Vance’s term) and the triumph of hard power, now is the very time to have our A team on the case. In the realm of ideas.

Maybe men of the moral and intellectual calibre of Tony Abbott are best placed right where he now is. And with the clout (and global networks) that goes with being an ex-Prime Minister, he has the resources to (God help me, cliché alert) make a difference.

With competitors like the UK’s Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, NZ’s Jacinda Ardern and the Clintons in the post-politics ideas sector, we need good people out there fighting on.

Which brings us, neatly, to Tony Abbott’s post-politics career.

In office and post-politics, Abbott has always been measured. He hasn’t indulged in self-aggrandisement. He has, largely, left the egregious Turnbull alone.

He hasn’t sought public profile. It has come to him. He hasn’t cashed in and sold out to the Chinese Communist Party, as Bob Hawke, Daniel Andrews, Paul Keating, Bob Carr, Andrew Robb (sadly) and Sam Dastyari all have.

This is a truly sickening trend in modern Western politics. Abbott’s bank balance will never match those of these people. Very good.

And he has resisted the occasional pleas to seek a return to politics. The admirable John Anderson (inexplicably) tried, briefly, and is now prospering in (again) the world of ideas and of intellectual influence.

No doubt, there is psychic income (an old John Stone phrase) to be had in participating in this world of ideas. But I am convinced this is not the main motivation, with Abbott. There is little Davos-style, collective wankerism here.

Abbott has joined the board of the excellent, London-based Global Warming Policy Foundation. He is Chair of the board of Quadrant magazine (with whom I have had a long and fruitful association) and he did some trade related work for the Tories in Britain when in government, through a friendship with Liz Truss.

Truss was the least awful of the recent Tory PMs and also, like Abbott, a victim of political bastardry inspired, no doubt, by the globalist elites which ended her leadership abruptly and prematurely.

As a gifted writer – and a former journalist – Abbott has the skill set to initiate and publicly propose alternate ideas and courses of action to the seedy and destructive direction of policy travel we are now encountering.

He is busy, but are his efforts fruitful? We are not well placed to judge, just now.

Abbott, as a Christian thinker, may well be aware of the contributions of two of the greatest Catholic theologians of the 20th Century, Joseph Pieper and Joseph Ratzinger, on the virtue of hope.

Yes, they were talking of hope in its eschatological sense. But there is also a strain of thinking in the Church (and beyond) that suggests that we should not give up hope in improvement in the earthly realm, either. That we are not quite yet in the end times.

That might seem a stretch, given imminent nuclear conflict, the almost total obliteration of normalcy, the reign of post-modernist terror, the Muslim global project, seemingly unstoppable Chinese imperialism, globalism run amok, and the rest.

If we give up hope, we are lost. Is there any alternative then to embrace hope? And to turn up for work each day. To firmly believe that truth will out.

Abbott’s continuing career attests to this. He probably subscribes to the old adage that the world is run by those who turn up. Abbott keeps turning up.


The obvious counter-argument here is, well, in an era of dumb electorates, corrupt governance systems and hard-power politics driven by ideology, not ideas or virtue, what is the net benefit of the efforts of honest toilers (like Abbott) engaged in the battle of ideas?

Pretending that rational argument counts for something. The risks of endless conservative conferencing, echo chambers and intellectual ghettoes are real. Why bother?

There is always Prof Ian Plimer’s reply. It is critical to write the history of our times in our words, not those of our opponents, just in case the culture somehow returns to sanity and normality in the future.  It is a record of our times.

There is also the perennial debate. Is the battle of ideas lost? Can rational, Enlightenment thinking ever work against the sheer weirdness and darkness of our “debates” these days?

One powerful answer is that now is not the time to vacate the field. Despite the extremely pessimistic conclusions, that we are right to draw about our present predicament.

This also brings into play the role of the populist, alt-Right front led by (of course, Trump) and including Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, in politics, and a whole range of players in the politically-adjacent realm.

Think Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson stateside, the likes of Katie Hopkins and Calvin Robinson and Laurence Fox in the Mother Country, Craig Kelly and Gerard Rennick down under, and Mark Steyn globally.

Abbott has always been a man of the centre and of the mainstream path. The relationship of alt-figures to mainstream actors like TA is something to be considered, and worked on.

One wonders whether Tony Abbott, in his post-political activities, has engaged with the insurgent, dissident voices on the alt-Right, and what role he might see them playing in any cultural/political revival.

The relationship between mainstream, Right-of-centre politics and thinking (represented by Abbott and others) and the rebellious, angry, outsider class is possibly the most important practical political issue of our time. I trust that Tony Abbott thinks about this. A lot.

We know, in our heart of hearts, that we need both these voices. Working separately and in tandem.

We can only hope that they keep in contact, build bridges and recognise points of accord and even plot joint strategies.

Tony Abbott is a critical resource in the battles in which both streams are engaged.

One more point.

One of the great losses from our now degraded, corporatist universities is the loss of old school “men of letters”.

Scholars who ex-students of a certain age will fondly remember, who shaped their minds and sparked their intellectual curiosity.

Anyone who was an undergraduate before, say 1980, will have his or her personal scholar in mind. Often, they were and are polymaths.

They still exist; they pop up in odd places. Not much in academia, alas. Journalist-scholars like Henry Ergas are rare and hence very welcome contributors to public debates.

They provide intellectual heft. Gravitas. Next-level thinking. An oasis in the intellectual deserts of our times.

Are there scholar-politicians? And does it make a difference?

Deep and broad thinkers? With wisdom? With the independence of mind to question accepted “truths” and narratives?

I cannot think of too many, certainly not in the legacy Parties. We need more, now more than ever.


If any, not merely factional proteges, do emerge, then they do have a role model in Abbott.

The state of the Liberal Party, with its endless internecine wars and factional tribes, seems not to be a sign of hope in our times. Abbott sceptics will see this as a lost battle. And yet … we hope.

Abbott still sees it as a battle worth fighting, clearly. I have no idea whether he is right – or his his endless optimism is warranted.

Tony Abbott was and is a man of letters trapped in the body of an ex-politician. A thinker who happened also to be a political operator. This is an increasingly rare beast. A beast to be cherished.

Let us hope that he keeps turning up for work. And that others see in him hope for the side, and that they follow suit.

I don’t know this, but I suspect that the alt-Right – the COVID dissidents, for example – see people like Tony Abbott as captives of mainstream, business-as-usual politics and, therefore, part of the problem.

This is very sad. I hope they are wrong.PC

Paul Collits

End of a parliamentary era…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: John Howard (L) & Tony Abbott. (courtesy Sky News Australia)

25 thoughts on “Abbott best PM since Howard ‘by fair stretch’

  1. Howard, with Costello, handled fiscal policy very well to produce surpluses and pay off the $98 billion dollar debt Keating ran up. They sourced the Future Fund from budget surpluses. They wound back the open slather superannuation for politicians. Etc Howard did not utilise his senate-house majority, imo.

  2. Never given a chance to prove his worth,because of Turnbull,Bishop,Pine & the moderates that infiltrated the party & we are still suffering.

  3. Turnbull, Bishop, Pyne, Morrison & Co should be castigated for what they did to the LP & Aussies with the backstabbing,look @ the shambles that have followed.

  4. A Message for Warringah. Good luck Warringah socialists. On your own now. After Getup, foreigner George Soros and other socialist wankers threw everything at Abbott, they succeeded, but, you’ve shit in your own nest and if I was a Liberal PM, your electorate would be last for any consideration. I would make you pay for launching a massive attack on one individual who is a thoroughly decent bloke. A man who helped remove the dead and injured after the Bali bombings with no media coverage, a man who spent his private time in Aboriginal communities and a man who volunteers as both a firefighter and lifesaver. A man who even Graham Richardson said the more times you meet Tony, the more you like him. But no, the ultra left wanted him gone because he didn’t follow the UN groupthink on the fraud of human caused global warming. Well, you reap what you sow because the rest of the country rejected your stupid, ill-informed views and even Labor’s traditional voters turned away because Labor now only represents the latte sipping, unwashed Green “progressive” crowd. Good luck with that, you fools

    1. Well said Robert,
      I have always admired Tony Abbott and I feel that we have been cheated out of our democratic right to have the leader that we overwhelmingly voted for. People like Tony are a rarity in politics these days but fools indeed are a common breed.

      1. Agree in principle Christine. However they need to also be sufficiently alert to hear the footfalls creeping up on them.

  5. The thing I newly admire about Tony (from this article) is that he is a member of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. I have no idea whether he is there to oppose the idea or embrace it, as he is somewhat of a climate sceptic. But it really enforces the character of the man that it is a genuine attempt to at least question it – one way or the other – and not simply sit back and blow raspberries at it like so many from the splinter party of the non-thinkers. Why “admire”? Because as a journalist writing on the social paradigm, he would have had little to do with science, let alone contemplate the complexities and potential of the atmosphere-saving principles of the humble Calvin Cycle. And yet as a mate, I was incredibly proud that he then argued as PM that “if only 5% of scientists are right then we are duty bound as leaders to observe their solutions, just like taking out an insurance policy on your house being burnt down”. And he did – instituting the sensible policy of “Direct Action” against global warming. And I am sorry that I put that burr in his saddle, because the Left – through Albanese and Co – immediately attacked that with venom, as if action to actually help solve a problem was an unripe plum that gave them a bad taste in their mouths.
    (And let me tell you that it was infinitely more wholistic, lower cost and beneficial than Casanova Bowen’s one-dimensional, hugely cost-ineffective failing “plan”).
    And with the avalanche of negative press Albo and Co were able to generate, the Liberal’s own “left” immediately jumped all over Tony, over this “unpopular” policy that would have certainly borne fruit (no pun intended) before the end of his first of many terms as PM, thus bowing disgracefully to the Labor Left, ending his run prematurely. Labor Left was probably considering it as being a good plan – and that’s why they feared it so much. Turnbull took advantage at that traditionally low juncture of any leader’s PM-ship, scything in with a low act that appealed to squeamish, back-bench lilies. So we lost a great leader and a good man due to a majority of one, weak-minded and short-sighted individuals who would have been better suited to sitting on the other side of the house and away from creatively-thinking nation-builders like Tony.
    If the country ever votes for a republic, I hope that Tony would consider an offer to be our first president because of the single-minded purpose and courage, combined with one willing to continually challenge himself with the hard the questions, that that role would require.

  6. And hopefully One Term Albanese has been described as “institutionalised” within the parliamentary system.

  7. Could not agree more with Paul’s appraisal of Tony Abbott. Up there with John Howard and way in front of what came – and should go – since John.

  8. Aussie has never recovered from the backstabbing of Abbott – Turnbull, Bishop, Pyne & cronies should be held responsible for this debacle.

    1. Relentless negativity directed against Liberal Opposition Leaders after the Howard Government was defeated in November 2007, and that began years earlier. The first victim was Doctor Brendan Nelson undermined before Tony Abbott replaced the LINO leader and immediately became the next victim.

  9. I know Tony. Nice guy, but he should not have imprisoned Pauline Hanson on fake charges as it came back to haunt him . He never got the chance to Govern and was set up from within his own party (Morrison/Turnbull) and he would have been far better than either of those by miles. Sadly we have been in decline ever since. Howard was good but he did crooked deals (deregulating Fuel, Dairy, News Agency) thus empowered the big Corporations and he started the Public Owned Utilities sell off. Running the economy well only has a purpose if it gives a human dividend. John Howard after record fourth term win.

    1. That story is inaccurate because it was the Queensland Electoral Commission that investigated allegations made by a whistleblower and they passed the matter to Queensland Police for further investigation and thereafter the matter and the two defendants were scheduled to appear in a Queensland Court of Law.

      Tony Abbott representing the Liberals organised funding for legal representation for the whistleblower.

    2. Regarding the Howard Government, there are several incorrect comments, one being started the publicly owned sell off, Hawke-Keating Labor sold Qantas, Commonwealth Bank and others 1983-1996, Howard Government 1996-2007.

      John Howard is not a “crooked deals” person.

      Too often the left side spin promoted by the left leaning media becomes fact after being repeated many times.

    3. States did the power sell off, Liberal and Labor. As much as I am a small govt advocate I now have fundamental concern at energy and water being other than in Australian public hands.

  10. I completely agree with Paul Collits in his estimation of Tony Abbott. He is an intellectual, a sportsman, very likeable, and a man of honour dethroned by the likes of Malcolm Turnbull. His continuing contributions to political debate greatly enrich our culture for those who have eyes to read and ears to hear.

    1. Well said agree. A great man shot down by his own party especially Turnbull and labor and the ABC.
      Great to see he still involves himself in politics and the Australian people.

    2. “Tony Abbott […] is an intellectual, a sportsman, very likeable, and a man of honour […]”

      What a coincidence, so am I (also, unlike most journalists, I can use English correctly).

      Could we have a show of hands please? As it’s clear that I tick all the important boxes, who would like to see me become Australia’s Prime Minister?

  11. Little johnnie and tone were both failures because when the crunch came they were cowards. List of faults:
    1 They think the left can be reasoned with and there are rules. They lack mongrel which the left is full of.
    2 They failed to close or control the abc, the single most destructive part of a left wing media.
    3 They both failed to get rid of utter junk legislation like the RDA which an activist judge has just used to crucify Hanson
    4 They both failed to rein in the woke garbage especially global boiling which is now destroying the economy and our kids
    5 Howard introduced the legislation which prevents nuclear being utilised. Tone did nothing about this.
    6 They both capitulated to turdball with the consequences for the LNP

  12. Seems like a nice bloke personally but a failure as a leader of the country. He tried to please people who would never vote for him – see Snot Despoiler’s appointment.
    As for Howard, the decisions made by little Johnny continue to damage Australia.


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