![ABC’s menace to national sovereignty](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Ita-Buttrose-ABC-300x500-1.jpg)
OUR most immediate and now well understood threat is from China. Yet people think an attack can’t happen, which was the mindset about Japan before Pearl Harbour.
America saved Australia from being invaded and subjugated, and from large portions of our populace from being raped. The Russians raped two million Germans in 1945, about 200,000 of whom subsequently suicided.
- The ABC’s cheer leaders have damaged our education system & frightened our children.
- Attempts to re-write history are as far removed from reality as is the mindset of a drug addict.
- Taxpayer funding allows the ABC to push an agenda which is an aberration.
In 1942, even while our diggers were fighting for our existence on the Kokoda trail, the then Leftist wharfies refused to load supplies for them, and purposefully began dropping and damaging vital American military equipment that was being landed.
It wasn’t until American soldiers began firing on them, at which time they predictably soiled themselves, that they did their job.
History dictates that whenever a weak and decaying populace of any country presents an easy target, someone else will move in to fill its power vacuum.
We currently have a functional federal government, but which could be thrown out at the electorate’s whim. Hitler understood how weak the French and other governments were pre-WWII, so effortlessly occupied Europe.
He almost rolled Britain but for Churchill.
The views espoused by ABC luvies at the time were that the Nazis were really fine and that Churchill, who had consistently bad mouthed them, was an erratic drunk.
All would have been lost had Halifax had his way in cabinet, as he sought to find accommodation with Germany, just as the Left and ABC commentators tell us to “manage” the Chinese relationship, which is code for rolling over.
The same lot has been active against anyone who criticises extreme Islam, notwithstanding the latter’s terrorist and beheading activities.
Such criticism is not to impugn moderate Muslims at all, or fine Chinese Australians, who you rarely see on the dole.
The ABC’s cheer leaders have damaged our education system, as evidenced by the drop in literacy standards.
Some young children become terrified when told by teachers that climate change will burn us all.
There are even reported instances of young children being forced to attend classes that graphically explain alternate sexual practices – and where they are told to question if they really are boys or girls.
Such teachers were obviously admitted when entrance standards dropped, and habitually lack the requisite intelligence and knowledge needed to teach properly.
All this nonsense is a product of how these people think, as evidenced by Daniel Andrews latest, whereby no-one is Mr or Mrs anymore, and people cannot be referred to by their gender, etc etc.
At the same time, ABC-backed BLM pulls down statues and attempts to re-write history, which is as far removed from reality as is the mindset of someone using psychedelic drugs.
Why should the taxpayer fund any agenda which weakens our society’s fabric?
The ABC shows wonderful sporting, general interest and travel type programs, but its current affairs programming is little more than an echo chamber for one side of politics.
They blindly support Leftist ideals that have never delivered prosperity to any nation, only hardship or worse, as most recently evidenced by the travails of the formerly wealthy Venezuela.
If their current affairs shows were privatised, and so became dependent on advertising revenue, the public’s verdict would prevail.
Instead, enforced taxpayer funding allows the ABC to promote an agenda which is an aberration from the mainstream.
Patriotism, the Australian way of life, Australia Day and Anzac Day all unify us.
A cohesive, normal nation which forms practicable alliances – whilst eschewing the ABC’s radical political views – will avail us of a promising future.
Ultimo is out of touch with the average bloke, who earns his keep by the sweat of his brow, and wants his kids to have a normal life.
De-politicising the ABC would, in time, see it regain mainstream respect and enable it to deliver value for all taxpayers.PC
Seven Government appointed thugs run the ABC……… So nothing but tyrannical government agendas to be seen there.
Help look at what Scott Morrison the Australian TYRANNICAL Prime Minister and his gang of criminal political and medical tyrants are doing. We are totally traumatized.
Peta Credlin suggested during her interview with IPA’s John Roskam last night that the ABC should be decentralised into regional areas and entirely away from Ultimo and the inner suburbs’ so-called ‘elites’. That’s a great idea, so let’s do it Scotty – show some real conviction for a change Prime Minister!
The tragedy is the ABC produces much excellent material, particularly on radio.
The reality however is, for the national good, the uncontrollable Marxists must be shut down urgently and NEVER let back in.
ABC TV, pretty much in its entirety is an abject waste of money.
Radio news and current affairs are diabolical in the constant, full on bias.
JJJ has decidedly eroded any sense of public manners in youth.
Much of the regional and city local offering is complete drivel.
ABC FM is worth fighting for while completely de-funding the rest from the public teat.
Well Cliff, I also cannot watch the ABC as my blood pressure becomes so dangerously high. They have not employed a conservative Commentator for years, all TV shows are impossibly weighted to the left with any conservative comment punched down.
Now they’ve descended into the lowest hole possible with their despicable championing of the destruction of Christian Porter. They are out to destroy the Government by any foul means possible.
Only the FM Classic Music Station gives any pleasure and value for money. The TV component should definitely be by subscription only as a huge proportion of taxpayers don’t want to fund the toxic current affairs and one dimension ‘special’ reporting garbage they produce.
Correction with Comment;
The ABC does not have “an agenda” (allows the ABC to push an agenda) – the ABC has multiple Agendas.
All relate to communistic based social engineering and the so called “woke” leftist mindset (ie: “progressive”).
The multiple levels of ABC hierarchy frustrate and obfuscate any criticism and do so with total impunity.
The Dept of Fair Trading needs step in and close down the entire ABC.
Our taxes continue to fund what was once the benchmark of objective reporting – but now is used to constantly force feed blatant bias and as such is not providing impartial services to the shareholders.
If this nation has any mainstream politicians with balls and actual leadership ability (and we don’t) then a total restructure the bureaucratic monster needs take place NOW.
Australia is on the same slippery slope as is the USA and it’s unaccountable, prejudiced, “fake news” – we MUST NOT continue on that path.
We handsomely fund and therefore deserve the “Gold Standard” benchmark for impartial, objective and accountable media.
Fail to achieve that and society is condemned to exponentially increasing bias and social destruction.
Chris Merritt, Vice President of the Rule of Law Institute was interviewed. He lucidly explained the facts in issue, regarding defamation law and the subject. HIs summation was that it is very difficult for the ABC and Louise Milligan to successfully defend the case. Furthermore MT could be called as a witness to be cross examined regarding his earlier utterances inferring that Porter could have been involved in the deceased’s death, being material to proving malice.
The significance of a Christian Porter win establishing malice on the ABC’s part would have big ramifications for the National Broadcaster according to Merritt, which may then have significant reform imposed on it, unless the libs wimped out of course, which would be a national disgrace, given that the taxpayer funds this ongoing political travesty.
Superb analysis. Thank you.
It is true. The ABC does not act in the best interests of Australia. It should be de-funded immediately.
“The same lot has been active against anyone who criticises extreme Islam, notwithstanding the latter’s terrorist and beheading activities. Such criticism is not to impugn moderate Muslims at all…”
Because, of course, the moderates won’t behead you. They’ll just look the other way while one of their brothers does it.
I haven’t watched ‘their ABC’ for years as a gentle form of protest against the luvvie left who clearly run the place. But more direct action is now required to put them in their place. Taxpayer funding should be dramatically reduced and Board members sacked and replaced with people who truly represent Australia’s values. Ita Buttrose has been a disaster. Many of us thought she might have straightened them out but instead she’s simply joined their ranks. Time for action is NOW!
Porter should also sue Turnbull. The conservatives could crowd fund him if he’s short of money, then if he won he could then individually refund contributor’s support, and contribute any large defamation win to whatever bona fide concern which genuinely helps rape victims. The irony would not be lost on even the trolls, who are not renowned for either intellect or the ability to spell.
Keep your fingers crossed For Christian Porter’s defamation action against Louise Milligan and the ABC.
(See Chris Merritt’s column, The Australian 16-3-21, P 11).
And that it gets to court fairly promptly. Hopefully the law of the land and proper legal process will hold sway, and Milligan individually and the ABC will not only suffer a massive legal defeat, but have to stump up crippling damages dollars.
The way should then be clear for the Government to argue for and enact the dismissal of the entire management of ABC news and current affairs, (including of course the Board and MD). And start afresh. (But I’m afraid don’t hold your breath on this last scenario, on past performance the feds might not have the guts and competence).
Really? Did Labor and the unions put Australian soldiers in harms way over a pay dispute. God these people are evil.
“Yet people think an attack [by China] can’t happen […]”
Only those people who don’t know history and who haven’t been paying attention (which unfortunately seems to include all of our Federal politicians in Canberra).
Morrie: Though slightly before my early years, I remember hearing of and reading about “Pig Iron Bob”.
Many similarities in current times!
Delusional it is to think that 0.32% of the worlds population can in sub increments change the natural forces by exporting our money to China in the Billions to buy their fans and solar panels.
And “save the planet”? methinks not!