AUSTRALIA’s ageing professors might be sans frontiers (without borders), in terms of the infinite subjects over which they range and on which they claim expertise, and the disparate forms of media they now embrace.
But they are also, seemingly, without arguments and without intellectual rigour and honesty.
- The backroom operations of the COVID State are broad and deep.
- It is truly astonishing that Left wing institutions now see their roles as defending multi-billionaires.
- They are intellectually lazy, or worse…
Their meagre intellectual efforts in so many areas – say, climate alarmism – are, alas, increasingly well known among the taxpaying public.
That their squalid endeavours of the mind attract not only taxpayer funds but now global private sector backing should worry us all, given their increasingly compromised, indeed, clueless, and in many cases, dangerous, output.
Once respectable research institutes are now in the pay of Big Pharma.
But it isn’t only the medical sciences, with direct, pay-day largesse from the pharmaceutical industrial complex, who are getting in on the act of cheering on the vaccines, the vaccine mandates and the multifarious, new forms of discrimination they bring.
Now the social sciences and the humanities are in danger of losing what little credibility they still possess.
Recently I had cause to critique the output of one academic who should know better.
He is, or was, from the Right-of-centre of Australian scholarship. Greg Melleuish of the University of Wollongong opined that the still-unvaccinated were an example of what economists call the “free rider” problem.
The unvaxxed, in other words, were receiving a “benefit” from the State and (supposedly) not paying for it.
Now there is another, decidedly not from the Right-of-centre. His name is David Hayward, of RMIT University.
When I worked there, two of my then colleagues, Sinclair Davidson and Steven Kates, and I used to joke that we were the only known Right-wingers in the entire university, which counted around six thousand academic staff.
Let us unpack RMIT a little.
RMIT, of course, employs former Victorian Attorney General Rob Hulls in its Centre for Innovative Justice.
Readers familiar with the case of George Pell, let alone with the more recent world class justice and law enforcement meted out in Hulls’ home State, will be familiar with just how “innovative” Victoria’s justice system is.
Radical abortion laws, euthanasia, attacks on the Church, a radically feminised, me-too judiciary, politicised police, and, of course, rampant and now seemingly permanent COVID fascism.
Hulls was directly responsible for much of the architecture of the latter.
It is quite a legacy, and it says much about his subsequent employer that they chose to accept him into their ranks. The whole university is riddled with people of Hulls’ political sensibilities.
And now, moving from the sublime to the ridiculous, RMIT is linked to the ultimate low-rent politician, Jacqui Lambie, who, following her war of words with Pauline Hanson over vaccine mandates, has created a new line of “merch”, the profits (if any) from which will go to RMIT’s laughably named Factlab, which seeks to counter “online misinformation”.
Part of the work of Factlab is CoronaCheck.
Launched at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the weekly CoronaCheck newsletter claims to delivers an inoculation against misinformation.
From debunking bogus cures and treatments, to the latest on the vaccine rollout, CoronaCheck contains essential information to inform the public when the sharing of false and misleading claims is disrupting the implementation of health safety.
Oh dear. For any Australian university, let alone RMIT, to set itself up to check anyone else’s facts is risible.
It is a swamp of postmodernist ideology and corporatist wokedom that routinely and expertly diminishes the very notion of “truth” and relentlessly promotes a Leftist world view.
Now it is a core part of the COVID State and its very own propaganda machine.
Oh, and RMIT has received funding from – guess where? – the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, “to test whether infant footprints captured by low-tech mobile phone cameras could provide a biometric identification system for use in immunisation programs”.
And for the project “to develop a nanochip patch that utilises a surface enhanced raman scattering platform to detect infectious diseases along with malaria”.
Pretty unaligned, then. Luckily, one of the Factlab’s early tasks was as follows: “We’ve also run the rule over an onslaught of misinformation being spread about another billionaire, Bill Gates.”
“We simply cannot have anyone questioning the ideas and the motives of one of our key benefactors, especially one who now runs global public health.
“The Factlab’s predecessor was a joint effort between RMIT and … The Australian Broadcasting Corporation! COVID scare campaign central.
“Microsoft founder, philanthropist and world’s third-richest man Bill Gates has been the subject of an overwhelming volume of coronavirus-related misinformation.”
Two points here. First, it is truly astonishing that Left wing institutions like RMIT and the ABC now see their roles as defending multi-billionaires and multinationals, standing up for what CJ Hopkins terms “globocap”.
And second, the backroom operations of the COVID State are broad and deep, indeed.
So much for RMIT. But what of David Hayward? His article on “solutions” to the persistence of the “vaccine hesitant” appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald of October 4, 2021.
Its title – “Anti-vax tax could be a solution to COVID policy muddle”.
The governments of the world are ever finding new ways of discriminating against those who, for whatever reason, do not wish to submit to a COVID vaccine that is experimental, unapproved except for an “emergency” that, patently, does not exist.
It is also utterly ineffective in doing its main job, dangerous for many and unnecessary for all but a tiny minority of the population.
In Austria they are literally locking them up. Germany is likely to follow, perhaps all of Europe, if the European Union’s Gauleiter, Ursula von der Leyen, has her way.
In the United States, its geriatric kleptocrat-President wants to mandate vaccines for as many as he can get away with (although there is emerging pushback from the Federal Court).
In Australia, the jobs and career prospects of the vaccine refuseniks are either gone or hanging by a thread.
They are stopped from entering all-but-essential retailers. They are denied access to reasonable culture and recreation.
They cannot cross certain borders, in their own country. They are gaslit by third rate journalists. They must believe very strongly in what they are doing, you would think.
It must take a peculiar mind to see these people as free riders or as people to be further discriminated against, further punished.
Ironically, RMIT University goes out of its way to tender to those discriminated.
It even has a Business & Human Rights Centre (formerly the Human Rights Law Centre), and its social science endeavours are riddled with Leftist human rights “scholars”.
Indeed, in 2018, the Centre put on a special lecture in which its speaker argued the case for an Australian charter of human rights. Australian academics clearly do not do irony.
Hayward, astonishingly, doesn’t seem to notice the extent and seriousness of the discrimination in play, including right under his own Melburnian proboscis.
Instead, he wants to wield the baseball bat some more.
He opens with: “We seem to be in a policy muddle right now, unsure what to do about the 10-15 per cent of the adult population who are likely to refuse the jab. Is it time for an anti-vax tax?”
First, he entirely misses the “policy muddle”. It is, in reality a political, not a policy, muddle.
The muddle is how the political class extricates itself from the giant hole it has dug itself by proclaiming that the vaccines will save us and that only vaccines will and can restore freedom.
These were, and remain, self-serving lies, told to us every day, over and over.
How about the booster shots, speaking of policy muddles? Should those who “refuse” to get the (currently non-mandated) booster jabs – however many are subsequently needed (perhaps two a year for the rest of our lives) – be double-taxed as well, Professor?
Are those people, currently numbering around 98 per cent of the population, “a problem to be solved”? If not, why not?
Second, Hayward assumes that the politicians have to “do something”. They do not. The unvaccinated are not a problem to be solved.
Third, he gets his numbers wrong. The correct figure for vaccinated adults is around 74 per cent of the population at the time of writing.
Governments routinely count 16-year-olds and above (sometimes even younger) as vaccinated, in order (it would seem) to make out it is a tiny minority who will not play ball.
Three errors in the first paragraph from the Professor-sans-facts. And sans analysis.
To his shame, Hayward does not even try to mount the case that they are a problem.
Others reckon we should pay refuseniks to take their medicine. The problem with this is that it would be a huge waste of money to pay all of those who have already got the jab, while it would be mightily unfair just to pay those who are proposing otherwise to do the wrong thing.
Do the wrong thing? More gaslighting. No explanation is attempted to justify this slur.
It is assumed, clearly without knowledge of the nature of the vaccines or the slimy politics of their forced implementation. Especially by his own dictator-premier.
To assume that those who submit to the jab are “doing the right thing” contains a whole lot of assumptions about the vaccines, about what is moral behaviour and about the public good. Hayward provides no evidence that he even understands this.
Hayward’s “solution” to a non-problem, to make the unvaccinated pay a topped-up Medicare levy, isn’t even original.
They already do this in Singapore, or a version of it. The unvaccinated are, idiotically and callously, made to pay medical bills normally paid for by the State.
Hayward blunders on: “Some will say this is too tough. People should be free to choose. And not all of those who decline are anti-vax as much as apathetic or have been enticed by other values or dodgy YouTube clips that keep them away.”
Apathetic? I am not sure where he gets this assumed-yet-unargued-and-unevidenced rubbish from.
I know of many people who are unvaxxed, and they are not in any way apathetic.
To call them so is an insult to those who continue to suffer much, because they will not join in a political charade.
Other values? Like not wishing to “benefit” from the cell lines of aborted foetuses, perhaps, in order to acquire protection that isn’t actually protection, for those (the healthy and the young) who do not need it anyway. Morally repugnant, that.
I think that perhaps Hayward is, actually, sublimely ignorant of the people he chastises, and equally ignorant of their motivations.
After all, the deplorables don’t normally mix in the same circles as the high and mighty of the academy.
Dodgy YouTube clips? Ah, those pesky quacks and conspiracy theorists are at it again.
What about some of the world’s leading clinicians, medical researchers, epidemiologists and virologists, of independent mind, who are not in the pay of vaccine manufacturers like many of Hayward’s academic colleagues clearly are?
Let us put Hayward in a room with Sukharit Bhakdi, or Sunetra Gupta, or Carl Heneghan, or Jay Bhattacharya, or Peter McCullough, or Robert Malone (who actually co-invented mRNA vaccine technology), or Mike Yeadon, or any of the over 7500 medicos and scientists who have signed The Great Barrington Declaration (which eschews mass vaccinations), and see whose ideas are “dodgy”.
I suspect that Hayward might never have heard of all – perhaps any – of these people.
Finally, there is this: “Well, sorry, irrespective of their motives, by choosing to be unvaccinated the refuseniks will generate many costs that without a policy intervention will be worn by innocent third parties.”
Well, some might argue that by being denied access to basic services, jobs, infrastructure, and so on, the unvaccinated are the ones incurring the costs, and should be given tax breaks, not tax punishment.
There is not the remotest evidence that “innocent third parties” are wearing any costs whatsoever from the actions of the unvaccinated.
You might be forgiven for taking the view that those who are vaccinated cannot (by definition) be harmed, because, you know, the vaccines work.
Perhaps it is fair to assume that Hayward himself holds to such a view. If the vaccines work, the vaccinated cannot be an “innocent third party”.
If they don’t work, why should those who conclude correctly that they aren’t worth the trouble be asked to pay extra taxes?
If the assumption here is that we are in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, well Hayward needs to do two things to support this farcical assertion.
Do his homework on his assumptions. And prove it. That is what scientists, even social scientists, are paid to do.
No, the “innocent third parties” are not wearing costs, but rather they are receiving benefits from the unvaccinated. How so?
These are, remember, people who are now less likely than the vaccinated to spread COVID, the latest variant of which appears to pose almost zero risk to anyone.
With high natural immunity – and the unvaccinated would have had even higher natural immunity had they been not forcibly locked down off and on for eighteen months – the healthy and the recovered should be rewarded rather than punished for being unvaccinated.
Especially those who catch the new (to date, harmless) variant, and so boost further the overall percentage of the genuinely immunised.
If you get COVID and recover, you cannot spread it to anyone. Unlike the vaccinated, you are the ultimate threat to no one.
You are the ultimate, low risk non-spreader. Remember herd immunity? This is, unlike zero COVID madness, both attainable and reasonable as a COVID policy objective.
The very opposite of the insanity that now pretends to be rational policy.
Perhaps a tax rebate for the unvaxxed would be in order, Professor, in the era of Omicron and this emerging pandemic of the vaccinated?
The unvaccinated and unhospitalised are actually doing society a massive favour, when it comes down to it.
If a government actually wished to stop the spread of COVID, it wouldn’t be firing the unvaccinated. It would be cheering them on.
Let people get an antigen test instead of the jab, perhaps. Especially given that places like Queensland now don’t even let the fully vaccinated cross the border. You need to test negative as well. You could not make this up, to repeat the quintessential COVID-era cliché.
It takes one of considerable dimness not to see all of this. How stupid the suggestion of a tax for the unvaxxed really is. Especially one who claims expertise in public policy.
This retired, floundering professor, who like his emeritus brethren, still accesses the perks of office, wants us not only to pay the salaries of his colleagues, but now he wants the principled unvaccinated – who, remember count for over a quarter of the adult population – to pay tax twice over.
At least he might have offered an argument for his preferred form of discrimination, rather than simply asserting it.
He might also have, or at least his sub-editor at the Herald might have, inserted a disclaimer to the effect that his ultimate boss at this once august journal, Peter Costello, has a conflict of interest in relation to vaccines.
Costello, of course, chairs Australia’s Future Fund, which has substantial investments in Big Pharma, as the most rudimentary “fact check” will reveal.
The fourth estate in Australia has long since ceased to function as a source of investigative, honest journalism.
Now, on the evidence of Hayward’s empty hit-piece as well as Greg Melleuish’s effort in The Australian, the corporate media doesn’t even seek to have a crack at intellectual respectability.
Shame on the Herald for deeming this embarrassing piece worthy of publication.
Professors Sans Frontieres now inhabit the bloated world of the Australian higher education system, where media mentions, dutifully recorded by the equally bloated marketing departments of these same institutions, count for far more than intellectual rigour.
They roam widely and do not stick to their areas of expertise. They are intellectually lazy, or worse, they confine themselves to their ideological echo chambers where they do not remotely feel the need to argue their case.
Because they know their readers will not call them out. They speak only to the zeitgeist. And to their benefactors.
They need to be called out. Their vengeance is both bitter and charmless. It is a step down the pathway towards Chinese social credit. Make those who don’t do “the right thing” pay!
Mercifully, the recently elevated NSW premier seems, so far, and unlike his southern counterpart who is, no doubt, revered by many at RMIT, to be unpersuaded by the likes of Hayward and all of his fellow gas-lighters who wish to isolate and do harm to the dissidents and sceptics.
And whose previous sympathies for alleged victims of discrimination seem to vanish when confronted with discrimination that is real.PC
Massive corruption and conflicts of interest with governments and Vic government is seriously corrupted with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and the ties association. Partnership membership with mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Victoria global health and huge revolving doors and with that it becomes serious crimes when they pull the mandates caper.
All mandates and all other tyrannical actions by governments must be abolished now and forever more.
Bloody criminals. !!!
Black sheep Mesiti exposes the woke Rev. Costello’s “social justice by vaccination” crusade | Cairns News
THE Rev. Tim Costello and his brother the former Treasurer Peter Costello, are up to their eyeballs in big pharma’s insane “global vaccination” drive. While one Costello beats the drum to “share the vaccines with our poor neighbours” the other keenly watches over the vaccine profits rolling on in.
Rev. Tim Costello cunningly co-opted major church denominations into a vaccination crusade.
The former Treasurer these days is making sure the Australian Future Fund ($149 billion in assets) is raking in tens of millions from its big pharma and “medical research” investments, while his woke Baptist brother Tim is making sure those shots are distributed far and wide with generous support from the Aussie taxpayers – all in the name of “regional social justice” and “vaccine equity” of course.
HEALTH AND SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT by Gideon J Jacobs December, 2021
Conclusion: The company has complied to its obligation under the various Work Health and Safety Acts’ requirements and determined based on a risk assessment that it cannot require any employee to have a Covid-19 vaccination. It can also not discriminate against any employee based on their Covid-19 vaccination status. Any state or federal directive or mandate requiring to do so will be in contradiction to both the Queensland and Australian Work Health and Safety Acts of 2011 as well as the Australian Disability Discrimination Act 1992.”
This episode of Under the Wire was broadcast on Wednesday night, August 11, 2020 with our guest, Elizabeth Hart, independent researcher.
Meryl and Elizabeth are speaking about conflicts of interest within the government, the media and the medical community and how this has been used to introduce coercive vaccination policies.
They are discussing the current COVID situation, the possibilities of mandatory COVID and influenza vaccines and ways in which people can take action to preserve their rights.
Excellent, excellent article. However, no man or political party will fix this now – Only a mighty move by the One True Living God. His true prophets have declared that the Lord has given these global overlords enough time to confess and repent and to tell the truth of what they cruelly foisted upon all humanity. Sadly, they all have refused and now time is up for the corrupt. Just as it was for King Beltshazzar in the Holy Bible – the writing is on the wall for all the wicked who are complicit in this evil and they will now begin to be supernaturally visited and removed by the Lord’s Heavenly Host of angels. The world will begin to see these people no more as God sends a season of new hope and refreshment to the nations. But this will be for a few short years and specifically for the purpose of one final revival and harvest of souls into the Kingdom of Heaven to all who choose to believe and receive His Son, Jesus Christ into their hearts and believe in His sacrifice, where on the cross of Calvary, in an act of indescribable love, the Creator of all people took our place, for the punishment we all deserved and became our substitute as payment for every sin we have ever committed. God is patient not wanting one soul to be lost but for all to come to a saving knowledge of who Jesus is and what He came to do for us. After that short season, the horrible times of the end as written in the Book of Revelation will continue coming to pass until Jesus finally returns to establish His Kingdom on the earth. Let the mockers go on mocking but I pray that when they see this event begin manifesting itself into the physical realm, that perhaps some, if not many, may humble themselves and come to repentance and be saved by the only name under heaven by which the bible says a man or woman can be eternally saved. It is in that name that I ask my Fatherr in heaven to save them. That name forever remains Jesus. Amen.
World council for health! Very important!! Also see their statement regarding the disgraceful treatment of Novak Djokovic by the Australian government! https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/
World council for health calls for an immediate stop to the covid 19 experimental “vaccines”
https://crazzfiles.com/bombshell-german-doctors-find-astonishing-impurities-in-covid-vaccine/ a group of German physicians join the chorus of experts who have discovered foreign objects in the coronavirus vaccines and in the blood of the vaccinated.
Critically important!!!!! Dr Simon stilgoe, Brisbane. See on link hereunder the Incredible letter from Brisbane doctor!!!
Every person in Australia and in the world please read this letter from this incredible doctor! He joins a long list of wonderful doctors nurses and so many others speaking out against this covid governmental insane tyranny!
All Australians let us all fight together and put a stop to the democracy destroying covid crazy tyranny by governments big pharma Bill and Melinda Gates. Klaus Schwab and the world economic Forum and the global elite mainstream medicine and mainstream media and the heinous jaw dropping corruption and control and conflicts of interest and their thirst for $$$$$$$ and for Total control of global populations!
Dr. Simon stilgoe wrote to health minister Queensland government “you have produced 0% herd immunity and 100% herd insanity”. “The other huge worry is that the medical profession is not allowed to question any of your decisions for fear of being deregistered by Aphra.
Medical terrorists like this monster should be near the top of the list for severe punishment for committing crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity!
Dr monster Perry Go back and look at the medical professionals sacred oath. ” First do no harm”.
You are an obscene excuse for a doctor !!! Bring on Nuremberg 2.0 !!
Arthur C. Clarkes’ aphorism is apropos:
“The definition of an intellectual is someone who has been educated beyond their intelligence”.
The halls of academe and politics, in particular, are infested with such people; those whose obdurate resistance to truth and pathological aversion to common sense are informed in equal measure by their rank ignorance and boundless arrogance. (I won’t mention such clearly sub-optimal outcomes as supposedly conservative ex-prime ministers who are Rhodes Scholars, yet who somehow think it’s a good idea to enthusiastically back as a contender a for a seat in Federal Parliament a woke woman who is manifestly incompetent, and who has been an unmitigated disaster as a premier – and who pandered to her grub of a boyfriend.
Self report your vax experience
The government doesn’t take responsibility and so we must ourselves. After you file a report you’ll be directed to the vax harm victims support group.
Thanks Paul, you’ve hit the nail on the head about what is going on behind the scenes. I’m still getting my head around everything but I’m glad you and others can keep up with it all so we get our liberties back. How is the poor Joe Blow in the street meant to keep track of all this hog wash the media and our politicians are telling us. Might as well add the clergy and union leaders etc as well all telling us to get vaccinated to do the right thing and for our neighbours. No wonder when people hear the other side of the story they want to protest. And now they want to vaccinate our children – the protests are going to get bigger if these elites keep pushing their way.
I love the term “vaccine hesitant”. It infers there is a snowballs chance in hell I will actually allow myself to be jabbed with this toxic, experimental fake vaccine. Spoiler alert: There isn’t.