by PAUL COLLITS – FOR many, there are good guys and bad guys dotted across Big Tech, Big Banking and the “controligarchy”.
The bad guys, we know well. The names Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, Schwab, Bezos, Fink, Dimon and friends are familiar to all.
- The current game plan is to shut down the internet 1.0 and to replace it with their own version.
- Specifically, they wish to kill encryption online.
- AI is already being used to gather even more data on us and to convert that data into opportunities for control.
One of the supposed good guys is Elon Musk, an apparent freedom fighter who has liberated Twitter. This is despite the world’s richest man getting most of his wealth and influence off the back of protection from government, climate zeal and outer-space fantasies. Tesla man. Be careful who you trust.
One suspects that the new look Twitter (X) is a limited hangout. The whole thing might well have been a charade of little meaning and import, despite the ostentatious displays of pro-freedom machismo.
The other man touted as a counter-weight to the Silicon Valley progressive set is Peter Thiel. The “libertarian”. The (gay) Republican. The Trump-adjacent man. A darling of establishment conservatism.
The libertarian whose company, Palantir, provides surveillance capability to the Central Intelligence Agency. Oops. Not such a libertarian, then. And who would trust a libertarian, anyway? They were massively MIA during the COVID mayhem.
Readers will know that the surveillance State is one of the biggest threats to our liberal-democratic future. Here is Thiel enabling it, while simultaneously turning up as a star turn at Republican and related think-tank events.
If it looks like establishment, and sounds like establishment, and quacks like establishment, well, you know the answer.
A clue to Thiel’s positioning and a clue to the rise of the global Tech elite lies in Thiel’s 2014 book, From Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future.
For some, an innovator/entrepreneur/startup bible. But one of Thiel’s chief insights in the book is that every business owner wants to create a monopoly. That defines success.
Whatever anyone says about competition being the core of capitalism, and the customer always being right, and the rest of the neo-liberal hymn sheet, it comes back to this.
Those who drive capitalism want to rig the system, and actively seek to do it. On a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis. By whatever means, including using the dreaded “big government” to achieve their ends.
Thiel himself has done it, over and again. Many refer to the “Paypal mafia”, which includes, not uncoincidentally, Musk. Paypal was Thiel’s first massive venture. Another successful monopoly.
If this is what elite entrepreneurs want in business, should we be surprised that, when they have gotten their mits on the global levers of policy power, these same oligarchs will in this new domain of theirs be also trying to establish a monopoly? By whatever means possible.
The current game plan is to shut down the internet 1.0 and to replace it with their own version. To control the narrative. Shut down the opposition. To kill privacy. Specifically, to kill encryption online.
They wish to transform the internet as a controlled plaything and to create massive new income streams from the financialisation of the climate (for heaven’s sake).
Those truth-tellers with global financial expertise and regular deep-diving activities are priceless at this time.
One is Whitney Webb, an American investigative researcher and podcaster. She will be familiar to regular rabbit-holers, as would be Catherine Austin-Fitts. For others, she may be unfamiliar.
In a compelling recent podcast interview, Whitney Webb has laid out in graphic detail the dark situation we face. She names names and. takes no prisoners. She loathes the elites and has her own very compelling counter-narrative.
One of Webb’s themes is the coming of AI. Well, it is already here.
In Webb’s analysis, AI is already being used by tech companies to gather even more data on us and to convert that data into opportunities for control.
Many are familiar with the tools of the Chinese Communist Party and its social media arm, WeChat, and their uses in service of social control.
AI will only turbo-charge their efforts, and those of the West’s salivating China-imitators. Astonishingly, Webb predicts that in the next couple of years, AI will be producing more than 90 per cent of online content.
That is producing content, not merely processing and responding to the content of human beings. Many of the nutters who run Big Tech are advocates of transhumanism.
Webb calls them “data barons”, and they rule the world. As she says, Silicon Valley owns AI.
She also says: “The worst people in the world own AI.”
The internet, like democracy and everything else, depends on its control by good actors. We have not lucked out here.
Webb draws our attention to a recent (2022) book by the late Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt (of Google fame) and another guy, called The Age of AI. Kissinger, a dedicated new world order man, had anointed Schmidt as his “successor”. Henry’s heir.
This portends a neo-feudal order run by Wall Street grifters – a “Thielverse”. Whose track record of stealing from the underclass is beyond debate.
That the conservative movement in all of its current incarnations seems to be unaware of these threats to our lives and freedom is cause for deep unease.
Whitney Webb mentioned in passing a figure from the deep dark past of American history, Albert Pike, a freemason of yore, who once said that “if you want a saviour, we can supply one”.
Those on the establishment Right love saviours. One was Ronald Reagan. That a lever-puller like Pike could come up with this limited hangout strategy is instructive. And disturbing.
The punters who suffer grievously from the socialist endeavours of the Obamas and the Bidens often yearn for redemption via push-backers with political appeal. They always disappoint.
They are not playing the main game, whatever their intent. At best, our apparent political saviours will slightly slow the rush to the cliff.
At worst, they will give us a false sense of security and distract us from what the puppeteers are doing, day after day, to ensure our perdition.
The masters of the universe, those who run creepy companies like Palantir, with their hands now firmly on the levers of global public power, will charge on towards their ultimate goals. These are not new. Power. Control. Profit. Maintenance of all three.
And all with the quiet approval of those old Leftists who, once upon a time, used to care about the common people. Many of them are in on the scam.
Whitney Webb has alerted us to the next, coming, inevitable “crisis”. It will be here before we know it. World war, financial meltdown, disease X, or whatever.
When it comes, what will the punters do? Here, she echoes Ivor Cummins, who has suggested a very long-term plan to create “global” crises that require “global” solutions.
The World Health Organisation is leading us all towards a Pandemic Treaty. The governments of the world are enacting safety online legislation, in lockstep. And nudging us towards digital ID. And “brain chips”! They say it, and they mean it.
We, the cognitively diminished people, the victims of what Webb calls “mental co-option”, don’t even know we are in a fight for our survival. The elites like that. That is their ultimate weapon.PC
Surely predicting the outcomes of A.I. is a very tricky business since it is a unique situation. Humans have never before had a device whereby they will be needing to face up to a virtual-mirror-image of themselves, with the egoistic factor possibly to reflect a kind of psychological Frankenstein’s monster to deal with. I suggest this effect to be encountered sooner than expected. When was “logic” invariably totally reliable?
Ten out of 10 for truth diver Paul Collits and 123:51 minutes with fellow truth deep diver Whitney Webb, noting too that this conversation was in late 2023.
She’s absolutely right. “There’s gonna be a lot of fear and panic events” in the next couple of years, dwarfing the 9/11 theft of liberty-for-safety 23 years ago.
Also correct, her conclusion, “They’re going to make THE ENEMY PRIVACY”. Every last scrap of it. All scraped off our gullible use of smart technology.
All in all, one more necessary reality check, resonating both with other deep divers and those dipping their toes in the water for the first time. Also a big tick for whether Elon Musk’s words match his deeds as a subidised agent of Big Everything. And again for who’s part of the “Thiele-verse” on alt media, plus the dozens of other red alerts that roll out in this conversation. This is obligatory due diligence for understanding the minefield of Global Emergency Governance we’ve been conned into.
Remember that this year’s February WEF’s unexplained theme was “Rebuilding Trust”. Thanks Paul and Whitney for joining some very necessary dots regarding who indeed is trustworthy.
Gratuitous drivel on Elon Musk, who appears to be unlike the others who do deserve your approbation. Musk leads from the front and does not coerce.
Note Paypal is far from a monopoly nowadays.
Musk started SpaceX before getting into electric cars and he’s just using the regulatory ecosystem he finds himself in. SpaceX provides services to the US government and any other customers who need stuff launched. Very, very successfully at lower cost than the legacy space companies. To describe this as “outer space fantasies” is just simply beyond stupid. I have no time for the electric car concept but it has made Musk very rich and better able to support SpaceX. If the marks want to buy them, good on him.
AI is likely to become self referential and useless as its output starts to comprise more of its input.
Who is Whitney Webb anyway? Just another internet talking head preaching gloom and doom.
Three out of ten for the article. Need to do better.