
by PAUL COLLITS – ALL this looks and feels very familiar. Déjà vu in caps.
By now, everyone will know that Alan Jones, former school teacher, Wallabies coach, Malcolm Fraser speechwriter, 2GB radio star, one-time Sky News presenter (until Murdoch’s people shafted him for not being a COVID hysteric) and general Right-winger has been charged with multiple, historic sex offences against “young men”.
- As a man with a target on his back, Jones is up there with Pell.
- No one is safe in a system where accusers are celebrated as victims and allegations suffice for evidence.
- The bigger they are, the harder they fall; and the louder the Left’s celebration.
There were 24 charges initially, now 26. Eight, now nine, men and counting.
I have no intention of writing fifty thousand words on Alan Jones, as I did on George Pell, whom I loved and knew him to be innocent.
I don’t especially like Alan Jones – I have met him only once, and very briefly – and am utterly agnostic on Jones’ possible guilt.
But the similarities between the two cases are stark, to say the least:
- Hugely unpopular figures, indeed hate figures, for the progressive Left;
- Selective homophobia targeted only at Right-of-centre homosexuals;
- High profile politicised police forces;
- The Leftist media leading police to their inquiry;
- Illegal, prejudicial and strategic use of “victims”;
- The usefulness in both cases of governments having re-defined “sex abuse” to mean just about anything in the way of unwanted sexual contact, viz. going the grope (many of the complaints against Pell were of this kind);
- Highly advertised public appeals for more “victims” to come forward;
- The multiple-victim strategy to paint the defendant as a serial offender. The ABC was still at it with Pell even after the High Court exonerated him;
- The attempted besmirching by association of Jones’ supporters. Think here of Howard and Abbott being repeatedly rebuked for openly supporting Pell.
Oh, and a strike force!
There must be a strike force. With an exotic name. This one is Bonnefin.
NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said detectives had been “working tirelessly” on the investigation. But why, and why now?
Tirelessly? Of course they have! Probably haven’t slept since last December.
It’s a pity such tireless efforts aren’t replicated in other cases to address, say, the relentless attacks by the terrorist-adjacent protesters on Australian Jews.
Question: What percentage of burglaries get solved (even investigated) in the Rum Corps State?
Answer: A mere five per cent.
Why it was the Child Abuse Squad doing the highly publicised arrest is a mystery, given the ages of the Jones complainants at the time of the alleged offences.
The youngest alleged object of his alleged attentions is said to have been 17 at the time, so none of them were children under any definition worthy of the word.
The only things missing from the Jones case are a book and Four Corners hit job starring Louise Milligan and the cavalcade of errors that are the hallmark of her reporting.
Oops, I forgot, the book is already out there. It is called Jonestown: The Power and the Myth of Alan Jones, and was written by Chris Masters in 2006.
The Guardian, unsurprisingly, is enraptured: “Chris Masters, the author of bestselling biography Jonestown, says the broadcaster’s ‘evangelical following’ and bully pulpit allowed him to manipulate power and have ‘princes and premiers bowing before him’.
Oh, and there was a Four Corners show on Jones too, though a long time ago, in 2001.
Its take back then: “If his ratings and pay slips are a yardstick, Alan Jones is probably Australia’s most successful broadcaster ever. There is no doubt he is the most powerful.
“He’s feared by politicians and adored by Struggle Street. Sydney is his pond but his influence ripples far beyond.
“He swings State and federal elections; political leaders queue to win his blessing for new appointments or policy initiatives. Four Corners presents an unauthorised profile of Alan Jones.”
Time for a Four Corners sequel, too, perhaps.
For, take it as given that the ABC-Left will be riding this wave to the beach, and utilising every trick they can to see a conviction.
As a man with a target on his back, Jones is up there with Pell.
Jones, though, still has friends.
Peta Credlin has declared the charges against her long-time friend as “entirely out of character with the man I’ve known”.
From John Howard and James Packer came “cautiously worded support” this week, although Gina Rinehart has memory-holed her friend, at least online.
Russell Crowe has been a supporter in the past: “We don’t always agree with our politics, but the thing that I know about you, Mr Jones, is the size of your heart.”
The “Louise Milligan” in the Jones case is one Kate McClymont, of The Sydney Morning Herald.
“McClymont, whose work sparked the police investigation,” the newspaper crowed, “revealed in our mastheads last year that the controversial broadcaster allegedly indecently assaulted, groped or inappropriately touched multiple young men.”
Jones responded to the journalist’s claims via his lawyers last December: “Our client denies ever having indecently assaulted the persons referred to in your letter, and your suggestion that he has is scandalous, grossly offensive and seriously defamatory of him.”
Jones’ lawyer, Chris Murphy, wasn’t impressed with the efforts of senior police bathing in media spotlights, describing Assistant Commissioner Fitzgerald’s praise of alleged victims as reprehensible.
“I think it’s totally contemptible of the assistant commissioner of police to be praising the witnesses who he might like to call ‘victims’,” he said.
“This is a matter for a courtroom and I believe he is in terrible breach of that.”
As Bettina Arndt puts it, the presumption of innocence, what a joke:
“I’m incensed at this gleeful targeting by the State and the media of this decent, principled man. And the underlying message makes me shiver.
“We are being shown that no one is safe in a system where accusers are celebrated as victims and allegations suffice for evidence.
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall; and the louder the celebration.” PC
Alan Jones has embraced some stupid causes in the past; he gave air-time to that Chinese-communist apologist Han Suyin, he has repeatedly defended the gambling lobby, he talked about corruption in the Indonesian judicial system when Shapelle Corby was trying to prove her innocence and her fate was hanging in the balance , he helped Roger Rogerson launch his book, but one thing Alan Jones has never done, unlike other broadcasters, is change his views to suit the fashionable narrative of the time. John Laws for instance, notionally an arch-conservative, liked to straddle both side of the political spectrum and just before his retirement asserted he thought Biden was doing a good job , and liked to say how either Paul Keating or Neville Wran, I can’t remember which , was a mate of his, because John Laws was only interested in John Laws, whereas Alan Jones genuinely believes in every cause he takes up. He has stuck by Pauline Hanson through thick and thin. He has never strayed from his anti-climate change hysteria position.
The allegations against Alan Jones have been given so much air-time, mainly by people who don’t like him, that you could call it “trial by media”. Hadley has treated Alan Jones the same way the ABC treated Cardinal Pell, even though a lot of Hadley’s precious footballers who he so idolizes are no doubt guilty of male on female versions of Alan Jones’s alleged male on male harassment every night of the week.
Alan Jones was once of great help to me. An elderly woman came to me for help because she was being continually harassed by muslims. They threw bricks through her front verandah, then blew up her letterbox, they tore down her back fence and told her she would to pay for it, and more. Whenever the police came and they were called frequently they did nothing and showed little interest in helping her, except in one case when a young cop said “That’s right, lady. They pick on elderly people living by themselves who can’t fight back. But just remember, lady, we’re the biggest gang in town”.
So I wrote to Alan Jones. Alan‘s office contacted Bankstown police and the head honcho from there came round to talk to me about it. He had a file 2 inches thick of the complaints the old lady had made. He stated the answer was she had to be more tolerant.
Eighty plus year old women who have been born here and have lived in the same house all their lives don’t have to be tolerant, they can do what they like.
When I complained about disproportionate representation of muslims among crime statistics and general lawlessness by them that went unheeded by the police he stood over me and denied it.
The actions or should I say non-actions of the NSW Police in this case, and in many other cases, leave me convinced, by the way, that in a lot of the ways the NSW police are as much use as a single sheet of toilet paper.
Nevertheless, if it were not for Jonesy, I would never have even been visited by the Bankstown Police who were forced into some kind of defensive action.
The cop who came to see me is since no longer in the police force.
I eventually helped the old lady get an AVO against the muslim neighbor who was terrorising her. It went to mediation but he never turned up for mediation so it went to court and she was granted the AVO.
No help from the local member, state or federal, or the Liberal Party with their groveling support of “multiculturalism”, it was all left to me and a few other people, and Alan Jones.
So I would say whatever he has done Alan Jones is worth defending.
Anyone who speaks out – are allegedly dealt with / cut off at the knees by the ‘Controllers’ to destroy their credibility, reputations and lives.
Banned brain surgeon Charlie Teo launches a blistering attack on rivals who ‘destroyed’ him and reveals what he REALLY charged his patients ahead of hearing that could end his career for good
Banned neurosurgeon Charlie Teo has launched a scathing attack on the media and medics who he claims ‘destroyed’ him – saying they have ‘blood on their hands’ because they let children die when he could have saved them.
Dr Teo has been banned from operating in Australia for the past 15 months without written approval under NSW Medical Council restrictions following a previous investigation into alleged unsatisfactory conduct in the workplace.
Next week he will front a five-day Health Care Complaints Commission hearing which is probing five new allegations against him.
Published: 18:30 AEDT, 12 February 2023
Many alleged this is why Dr. Charlie Teo was ‘brought down’ and his reputation smeared
I remember quite some time ago when I first heard him talk about it – I thought you are a champion – you have integrity and you are blowing the whistle on this massive industry that is allegedly causing harm >
Renowned Neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo Calls For the Right To Know About Cell Phone Radiation
Mobile Phone and Brain Cancer – Dr Charlie Teo Warning Pt 1 of 2 – Watch Video
Facts about Mobile Phone Radiation
Many of the world’s leading neurosurgeons are very concerned about the alarming rise in Brain Cancer
Leading Australian neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo has stated:
“if the question is – does mobile phone use cause brain cancer?
– my answer is yes!”
(Dr Charlie Teo interview on 60 minutes)
Dr Vini Khurana associate professor neurosurgery Australian National University warns of the rising increase in brain tumours associated with mobile phone use noting tumours on the same side of the head as their preferred side for making calls.
The Radiation & Nuclear safety Authority in Finland has found that just one hour of mobile phone radiation exposure triggered harmful changes in human cells.
Scientists have proven that just a 2 minute phone call affects the electrical currents in the brain for over 1 hour after.
The Risks Associated with Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation. Dr. Gary G. Kohls
By Dr. Gary G. Kohls
Global Research, May 31, 2024
Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter 28 June 2007
5G and Cell Tower Radiation: Caught in a Regulatory Gap
There is No U.S. Federal Agency Ensuring Cell Tower Wireless Safety
By Environmental Health Trust
Global Research, October 30, 2022
Environmental Health Trust 24 October 2022
5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them.
Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences
Washington State University
There is no U.S. government agency with oversight for cell tower radiation health effects:
no research reviews, no reports, no environmental monitoring, no risk mitigation and no post market health surveillance for the daily, full body radio-frequency (RF) radiation exposure from cell towers. Cell tower radiation exemplifies the concept of a regulatory gap.
Moskowitz: Cellphone radiation is harmful, but few want to believe it
The telecommunications industry insists cellphone technology is safe. But the director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Family and Community Health is determined to prove it wrong.
By Anne Brice
July 1, 2021
Stop Smart Meters Australia
As much is allegedly not heard from mainstream media about some things – this selection of articles is for information purposes only for consideration by people who are interested >
Lessons from the Chamberlain case: the human cost of wrongful conviction
Hostile media commentary at the time focused on whether Lindy Chamberlain met gender stereotypes of how a grieving mother should behave.
John Jarratt reveals he is to star in a rom-com after devastating false rape allegations threatened to end his career
Since then, Jarratt has been a vocal critic of the Australian legal system which saw him ‘dragged through the mud’ for two years.
The History of False Sexual Harassment Claims: Extortion
Although people do make false harassment claims, the occurrence is far from common. This is especially true of low-profile cases. Often, victims have nothing to gain from speaking out about their victimization. However, the same is not true of high-profile cases that involve celebrities. If someone accuses a celebrity of sexual harassment, she has a lot to gain. In the past, sexual harassment accusations resulted in some large payouts.
For that reason, it should be no surprise that some individuals use harassment cases as a form of extortion. With the hopes of getting a big payout, someone might make a false claim of harassment against a celebrity.
Survivor of alleged elite paedophile ring including former prime minister speaks out – Oct. 28, 2015
WOMAN claims to be victim of VIP paedophile ring saying she was prostituted to “paedophile parties” at Parliament House.
“The matter was thoroughly investigated by ACT Policing’s Operation Attest and there was no evidence to substantiate the complainant’s allegations,” the statement read.
Paedophile Suppression Orders
By Senator Malcolm Roberts One Nation
See Transcript >
Australian Paedophile Offenders Exposed
Australia’s most notorious child sex offenders are listed right here. Named and shamed.
Virtually ignored by mainstream media – Heiner Affair 2013: Carmody says Labor covered up child sex, Rudd should be charged
Date: July 29, 2013
The Carmody report into institutional sexual abuse in Queensland has been virtually ignored by the media.
Disgraceful – Every Country should have long ago Defunded and Exited the WHO
Outrage Over WHO Guidance on “Sexuality for Infants”
By Will Jones
Global Research, May 15, 2023
The Daily Sceptic 14 May 2023
Speaking out against ‘the agenda/narratives’ will allegedly, get anyone cut down at the knees.
Alan Jones goes against the Government Agenda/Narrative for the Climate Change Claims Fraud.
Any whistleblowers / anyone who opposes any of the ‘agendas/narratives’ are allegedly brought to their knees by any means the ‘controllers’ can think of.
Watch Video >
Communism is ‘knocking on the door’ Alan Jones
September 09, 2020 – 9:15PM
Sky News host Alan Jones says doctors speaking out against the current handling of Victoria’s COVID-19 crisis fear the potential repercussions for sticking their heads out.
A group of 13 doctors and surgeons recently signed a letter to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews which said the lockdowns and restrictions were killing more people than COVID-19, many of these doctors are now fearful for their own professional futures.
“This is now a massive story,” Mr Jones said.
“They are now fearful for their own professional futures; they believe there will be repercussions for speaking out.
Yes, Jones’ conservatism does him no favours
Well said. The presumption of innocence is being challenged and the comments from that senior policeman about ‘victims’ should have seen him carpeted at least, even better demoted back into the non-commissioned ranks.