by PAUL COLLITS – MOST Australians probably haven’t heard that the World Health Organisation is about to visit on their nation a new, binding global health treaty.
Courtesy of our democratically elected governments.
- Globalists to be handed power to compel nations to implement lockdowns, hard borders quarantine zones.
- This is another betrayal of Australia’s sovereignty and the freedoms of its people.
- The next time a virus comes along we can expect COVID-19 on steroids.
This is the same mob that just delivered the world into global health fascism for two years, and they’re not done yet.
They wish to lock in for all future generations the system of command and control that gave us crushed rights, freedom dwindling away to nothing, a global mental health crisis, endless waiting lists for critical medical treatments, mass under-employment, smashed small businesses and stunted, fearful children.
Australia’s former Prime Minister welcomed this development. So, no doubt, does the new government.
Australia’s One Nation party has claimed prior to last month’s election: “There you have it, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed the Liberal and National Coalition’s support for WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty” in Geneva.
“This is another disgusting betrayal of Australia’s sovereignty and the rights and freedoms of the Australian people.
“Under the guidelines set out by WHO and supported by Morrison, WHO could have the power to compel nations to implement measures such as lockdowns, hard borders around quarantine zones, vaccine passports, mandatory check-in and contact tracing, mandatory health tests, mandatory removal and quarantine, and mandatory vaccinations.
“To make matters worse WHO can declare a pandemic without justifying or even publishing its reasons. There is no appeal, no transparency, no fairness.”
Morrison was reported (by Adam Brooks on Twitter) to have said in the last week of the campaign: “WHO should have those powers and authorities”.
So, compulsory vaccinations would be ok? The there was a suggestion that Morrison has backed away from signing the treaty, but his successor as prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has apparently not followed suit.
Freedoms checked in 3 moves
CEPI’s work is just one piece of the jigsaw being assembled as phase two of the globalist take-over. The plandemic, of course, was phase one.
Or perhaps, more accurately, phase one was all of the pre-plandemic prepping done over several decades by various globalist organisations, like the Bilderberg Group, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Trilateral Commission, the WEF and the Club of Rome.
Phase three is variously called “build back better”, or “the great reset”, and comprises two strategic strands of activity.
First, it includes both the media’s great “look over there”. It’s wag-the-dog reportage of the Ukraine war, distractions like Partygate (and all the other British “gates”), the burial of real events.
Second are the actual building blocks of the brave new world – bio-digital passports, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), use of the banking system to control behaviour (as in Canada) and manufactured food shortages. These would also include smart cities programs, further economic crises, the destruction of small business globally, surveillance and tracking of people’s every move, the innocent sounding digital “safety” legislation currently being rolled out (in both Britain and Australia, for starters), social credit-by-stealth, the aforementioned treaty and all the ongoing work of the shadowy vaccine mandate industrial complex. Then there is Bill Gates’ new book!
The new normal, Orwell/Huxley world of tomorrow also will be relying on CEPI-style international networks of the unelected managerial class of the kind foreshadowed by the prescient James Burnham back in the 1940s.
It is not a world that any of us would welcome, but it is one that is coming like an express train, and is either clearly understood and supported by governments of every persuasion, or blithely allowed by useful idiots and puppets from London to Canberra and everywhere else, or, most likely, a mix of both.
And there has been pushback, as Alexandra Marshall notes: “The revelation that both Labor and Liberal leaders intend to sign and ratify WHO’s Global Pandemic Treaty has come as a terrifying shock to most citizens.
“#StopTheTreaty has been trending, with the citizens of nearly 200 nations begging their governments to stay away from a self-declared ‘globalist One-World health authority’ that openly declares its intention to usurp the powers of parliament and force their ‘health orders’ on over 90 per cent of the world’s population – health orders that include mandatory vaccination, digital surveillance and arbitrary detention in the name of quarantine.”
But if you think it’s only WHO we should fear, despite its sudden prominence on the hustings down under, think again.
There are other dangerous, unelected institutions waiting in the wings ready to crush us again, and next time, more so.
Paula Jardine’s excellent recent series of articles at TCW Defending Freedom highlighted the role of organisations like Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) in leading the world through agitprop and lies towards the roll-out to billions of vaccines that are not needed by most, dangerous, even lethal, for many and generally useless in relation to their purported goals.
But who has ever heard of CEPI? This is the Centre for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation, inevitably funded by Bill Gates and supported by the World Economic Forum.
Australia’s very own former Secretary of the Department of Health in Canberra and now global corporate high flier, Jane Halton, plays a key role in advancing CEPI’s sinister agenda.
It was CEPI that, miraculously in October 2019, a mere few weeks before COVID’s first cases began to emerge, met to work on global responses to a viral pandemic, and formulated strategies for said pandemic.
Halton was there sitting at the table of the globalist establishment, along with other carefully selected movers and shakers, to steer the group towards an outcome that would form much of the blueprint for the then unformed COVID State.
It was called Event 201, described as follows by one of its progenitors (Johns Hopkins University): “Event 201 was a 3.5hr pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.
“Fifteen global business, government and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment and attention now and in the future.”
Two of the event’s key recommendations for pandemic actions were public/private partnerships, the very currency of the WEF and its global cheerleaders, and the “surge manufacturing” of vaccines.
Perhaps they had in mind PPPs like that between Ursula von de Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO, the sainted Prince Albert Bourla.
Event 201 was the initial card played by the COVID Class in the game that also gave us cards such as the Wuhan lab leak, the Chinese nationals returning to their Italian homes after Chinese New Year 2020, the computer modelling of Imperial College, the essential masks, the overturning by WHO of half a century of settled epidemic science and the fake binary of lockdowns forever or the saviour vaccines.
In the interconnected – the unkind might call it incestuous – way of all things public health, Jane Halton is the sister-in-law of Daniel Andrews’ Chief Public Health Officer, Brett Sutton and the wife of Australia’s Deputy Statistician, Trevor Sutton (they made Canberra’s top ten power couples in 2016).
It is all very cosy atop the system. (Brett Sutton is the one who, for example, justified on health grounds the locking of children’s playgrounds across Melbourne during its world record breaking lockdown, and so much more besides.
Along with the Premier of MelDanistan and the police commissioner who ordered his cops to shoot protesters with rubber bullets and arrest pregnant women in their homes, Sutton formed Victoria’s troika of COVID State power, its own axis of evil.
As Halton’s CV notes: “Ms. Halton is a member of the Advisory Boards of the Australia & New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Bank), Clayton Utz and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
“She is also a member of the Interim Board Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. Previously, Ms Halton has held numerous international appointments including the executive board of WHO (2004-2007), President of the World Health Assembly (2007), Chair of the executive board of WHO, and Chair of the OECD Health Committee (2007–2012).
Secretary of the Board of WHO. Who else?
Well, Jane Halton has had a pay day. Big time. It was little reported that, in March this year, the Australian government funded CEPI to the tune of $100m. A tidy contribution, indeed.
Something that the devastated and largely ignored flood regions of Australia might well have done with, for example.
As reported (again) by Alexandra Marshall at The Spectator Australia: “The advertised pretext for a global health treaty is that countries were wrongly allowed to take bespoke approaches to COVID – in particular, their vaccine roll-outs. According to WHO, this endangered the health of the whole planet.
“A more accurate reading of the situation comes from discussions had at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations launched at the World Economic Forum in 2017, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and a consortium of nations that include Australia.
“The Liberal government pledged a further $100m to CEPI in March, 2022 to add to the $1.5b it has raised from other governments.
(The Wellcome Trust, with all of its links to the still very much alive eugenics movement, is now chaired by none other than Julia Gillard, buddy of Bill Gates and even more Jacindarella-like than Ms Ardern, before the latter was even heard of).
The Australian Council for International Development welcomed the former Australian government’s magnanimity. Naturally – it was their idea!
This announcement follows a letter to the Prime Minister co-signed by the Australian Council for International Development calling for greater investment by the Australian government in tackling vaccine inequity, vaccine hesitancy and pandemic preparedness.
If the phrase “vaccine hesitancy” used in this context doesn’t set alarm bells ringing among the approximately one third of Australians who seem intent on not voting for a major Party at the election (and every other sane, freedom-loving person on the planet), I don’t know what would.
Australia’s political heroes, Craig Kelly of the United Australia Party (UAP) and George Christensen, now, mercifully, of One Nation, have been all over the coming WHO Treaty and all of its alarming implications for our future freedom.
As Craig Kelly said before the election: “It’s your choice. If you want Australia to be part of this globalist treaty, which will force Australians to abide by the dictates laid down by unelected foreign bureaucrats – then vote Liberal or Labor.
“But if you say ‘hell no’’ and want to stand up to protect our nation’s sovereignty – then vote for the UAP.
Don’t say we weren’t warned.
The short-term agenda for Jane Halton’s CEPI is as follows: “The Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit, co-hosted by CEPI and the UK government on 7 and 8 March 7-8, brought leaders together to push forward CEPI’s efforts to respond to the next “Disease X” by making safe, effective vaccines in 100 days.”
CEPI’s plan is costing $3.5b. Vaccines in one hundred days? That would make Operation Warp Speed look like the slow lane, and the said vaccines would no doubt come with automatic approvals for “emergency use” despite an absence of appropriate testing while ignoring side effects.
“Emergency” and “disease” having been carefully redefined by every public health agency in the world.
This has inevitably led to indemnifying drug companies, propaganda drives by governments and a paid up (literally, by Bill Gates) media nudging the public into submission.
In other words, the next time a virus comes along we can expect COVID-19 on steroids, with yet more global health totalitarianism.
Over to you, Albo. My hopes are not high.PC
The Mudoch media has ALWAYS dropped truth bombs in advance — ALWAYS wrapped in lies in its perennial spin for Mr Globalist.
Two years ago The Weekend Australian Magazine (June 6-7 2020) ran a hard to ignore cover-story by Megan Lehmann on Jane Halton. Halton, her name in red capitals, arms-folded in a femocrat jacket-and-jeans power outfit, was posed chiaroscuro beside the similarly capitalised white teaser: “We have a problem”, it ran. “Searching for a COVID vaccine, saving the economy… who are we going to call?”
Well, none of our best credentialled doctors, epidemiologists, biologists, scientists or medical ethicists apparently. And certainly not the constitutional, legal and human rights apparatus long in place to safeguard an unsuspecting and under-informed public.
The deceits aforethought were all there in the three-page feature, harkening back to Halton’s role as the Gates-backed chair of CEPI in Event 201 on October 18 2019 at New York’s Hotel Pierre. This was hosted by the World Economic Forum in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and John Hopkins Centre for Health Security and attended by 16 “world experts” and leaders. It met to wargame a fictional virus called CAPS (Corona Virus Pulmonary Syndrome) just 19 weeks before the WHO officially declared the COVID pandemic. “So how’s that for spooky?”, Halton quipped to Lehmann.
Or not so spooky? Halton has spent her career rehearsing for just this globalist health coup d’etat from inside the pandemic Trojan Horse, both as a former Canberra health mandarin, WHO director, and chair of the OECD’s health committee.
Likewise the other truth bomb in The Australian (Life & Times, Wednesday 11 November 2020) by Tom Dusevic was a fact-filled full page report, “Just What the Doctor Ordered”, that rang loud alarm bells about the vaccines but strangely stirred no reader comment.
Not even about Ausralia’s then Chief Scientist Alan Finkel, reported as “watchful” in relation to the question of the most promising COVID-19 vaccines: “It is too early to select the most promising candidate as we do not yet know their safety or efficacy, or our capability to manufacture them at large scale under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions. Furthermore, it is not a given that vaccines licensed first will be the most effective,” Finkel wrote to Industry Minister Karen Andrews and Health Minister Greg Hunt.
Finkel also presciently wrote: “The risk is deployment of a vaccine that is not fully evaluated for safety and efficacy and, worse still, exacerbates the potential of immune-mediated disease.”
Now with 40 percent excess world mortality since the start of Emergency Use Only-approved jabs, this potential has become grotesque reality, widely labelled online as “VAIDS”. Nonetheless our government TV ads still urge the hypnotised to go give themselves a Boost!
Thanks Paul, I don’t think the leaders of other countries like the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Aftrica) were impressed with how the New World Order or the WHO want to do things so Joe Biden’s amendments didn’t get signed. I’m not too sure what happened as the media/news has been silent on the outcome. On another note, our govt must have thought we would need a lot of covid test kits as the last two times I’ve gone to our usual chemist, they have given us two boxes of covid test kits containing 5 tests, by using our health card. We couldn’t get them once and now they are trying to give them away.
The election is over, the apathy party was returned.