by PAUL COLLITS – THE formal decision of Bobby Kennedy Jr last week to run for US President – as a Democrat, of course – has elicited a number of reactions.
The Guardian’s one line description included the phrase “anti-vaccination”. Predictable, given the old Manchester rag is funded by Bill Gates, and therefore rabid in its defence of the indefensible, and extremely tedious, as only the far-Left press can be.
- Some see a large target on the back of Kennedy the Younger. For he threatens so much that the US elites wish to see protected.
- List Item #1One need only contrast JFK’s heartfelt and sensible fear of a nuclear confrontation with Dementia Joe’s palpable indifference.
- A DeSantis v Kennedy contest would guarantee good-to-great governance.
One fears that journalists at the Australian branch of The Guardian know as much about US politics as they do about COVID vaccines.
For the progressive, green, globalist, woke, COVID (PGGWC) class, Kennedy is simply a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer nutter. And, therefore, to be given “the treatment”. Ignored, silenced, trolled, ridiculed, dismissed. It is what they do.
Partly, the statist Left’s reaction to the Kennedy run is borne of fear. RFK’s core message threatens so much of the prevailing order.
As US author Jeffrey Tucker states: “He has a keen eye on how the public-private partnership (PPP) in all industries – moguls and oligarchs working hand in glove with State power at all levels – has become the primary threat to the American system.”
The PPP is, explicitly, the foundational model for the New World Order.
Others with great sympathy for Kennedy’s various stands – not the least of which has been his evisceration of Anthony Fauci – think that RFK’s presidential cause is hopeless, but will give him an excellent platform for building broader support for medical freedom and freedom generally.
Not to mention the restoration of integrity and transparency in public administration and the serious pursuit of system-corruption. And therefore worthwhile, even if he loses badly. He will be a thorn in Biden’s flesh.
(Kennedy’s most recent book was The Real Anthony Fauci: Big Pharma’s Global War on Democracy, Humanity, and Public Health, 2022. He also had produced a film of the same name. Bill Gates also suffered much criticism in both book and film, which added immensely to their appeal and to the impetus for RFK’s run.
As the book’s Amazon blurb reads: “This is not just another political book. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates and their cohorts use their control of media outlets – both conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.”
Jeffrey Tucker calls the book “a modern classic”
A note on the widespread view that Kennedy’s electoral cause is hopeless also comes from Tucker: “Robert F Kennedy Jr has officially filed with the Federal Election Commission as a candidate for president. Yes, he will run for president as a Democrat, challenging Joe Biden in the primaries. Does he have any chance? A quick quip: he has as much chance as Trump had in 2015, back when all the smart people and money knew for sure that the nomination would go to Jeb Bush.”
So when you see the dismissals and chortling from mainstream media, keep that in mind.
Still others support Kennedy’s bravery but fear for his safety. We are all familiar with what happened to his father and uncle when they took on the established criminal forces embedded in America’s Deep State.
As RFK Jr says, Lee Harvey Oswald was (patently) a CIA asset, and the CIA and other elements of the USA’s military industrial complex didn’t want the Vietnam War to end. And there was just as much stench surrounding RFK Sr’s assassination in 1968.
Bobby Kennedy was the anti-war candidate in the 1968 presidential election, and we all know how the American political class loves a war (and a war machine).
They just don’t know how to win them, though that, too, may simply be part of the bigger script. You prolong wars, you don’t need to win them.
So, some see now a large target on the back of Kennedy the Younger. For he threatens so much that the US elites wish to see protected and to remain hidden. He threatens both to challenge it and to expose it.
Finally, there are those who would welcome, for the first time in many decades, a face-off for America’s highest office between two outstanding and honourable candidates.
Assuming, and hoping, that is, that the Republican candidate will be Ron DeSantis and not yesterday’s man and a decided un-hero of the pandemic fiasco, Donald J Trump.
A DeSantis v Kennedy contest would guarantee good-to-great governance and the restoration of America’s reputation for exceptionalism, whoever won.
A wonderful prospect and one not seen in our lifetimes. Clinton v Bush 41? Clinton v Dole? Bush 43 v Al Gore? Obama v Romney? Hillary v Trump? Too often observers of American elections have lamented the fact that both candidates were, well, lamentable.
They have concluded that surely a great nation of three hundred million plus people could come up with at least one good candidate for whom to vote. Two good ones would be all but unprecedented.
Apart from his famous set of initials, who is Robert Kennedy Jr? And what is he known for?
He is, indeed, a warrior against medical oppression, as his detractors know. One of the greatest, in the pandemic era.
He wonders what has happened to the old, patriotic Left. He stands up to biofascism. He has been a conservationist in the original sense of that now corrupted term. Before “green” went “red”.
His foundational thinking combines the best elements of social democracy, social conservatism and classic liberalism. He is utterly fearless. He has been deplatformed (of course). And he will now be facing a war.
Kennedy’s candidacy is a breath of fresh air in American politics, boring and tainted as they have now become.
His rationale is as follows, stated some time back on Twitter: “If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between State and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms. Together we can restore America’s democracy.”
Of course, he also brings that rare combination to the table – a contrarian, non-mainstream set of political messages and values combined with huge name recognition.
RFK Jr’s ideological journey will resonate with many who began their political lives with a social democratic sensibility – that is, were Left-of-centre – but who have steadily, over time, become, in turn, utterly disillusioned with Leftist politics, only then to turn towards Right-of centre, mainstream alternatives which, subsequently, have also let them down.
Those in which they have placed their trust have now formed The UniParty of big city snobs who want to run all our lives, and who have given themselves the power to do so.
Hence, RFK promises to restore some semblance of re-connect between the Democrats – now run by rich, entitled neo-Marxists – and normal, outside-the-beltway Americans who once supported them and knew that they had their backs.
A little like the Australian Labor Party, whose loss of core values has been one of the major sad stories of our lifetimes. As a fighter for the underdog and the struggling middle class, it is as if Kennedy’s run has somehow set the natural order back in a semblance of balance.
There is, in RFK Jr’s run, also something of the magic of the Kennedy name and of the halcyon days of American politics in the sixties – Camelot, if you will – that is restored, or at least remembered with nostalgia and affection.
Much of that affection for the Kennedys died with Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick in July 1969, though the stench surrounding Ted Kennedy – who was driving and who then fled from the car in which Kopechne drowned – seemed not to stop him remaining in public life for what seemed like an eternity and being a force for the very Deep State-Democrat establishment that his older brothers had so resisted.
Many would argue that, given their legendary womanising and presumed links to at least the outer edges of organised crime, the era of the elder Kennedys was no Camelot.
JFK’s key adviser, Ted Sorensen, said those exact words. There were some policy bungles, too, like the Bay of Pigs. Yet the Kennedy brothers (as President and Attorney General) were not a danger to system stability, good governance, political decency and public order in the way that most US (and other) administrations since have been.
And that most Western governments now are. One need only contrast JFK’s heartfelt and sensible fear of a nuclear confrontation with Dementia Joe’s palpable indifference to what is, perhaps, a greater threat to the world than even the much-hyped Cuban Missile crisis was in the sixties.
Biden is as dangerous as it gets.
As Jeffrey Tucker says, God bless RFK for calling it out.
“He has put his career, reputation, and even life on the line to stand up for what is right. This is what it is going to take to save this country.”
And not just the USA. The rest of the world, too.PC