Credit: The White House / Flickr
Earlier this week, President Donald Trump took a crucial step in fulfilling the promise to initiate reform in our elections. In signing the Executive Order “PRESERVING AND PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF AMERICAN ELECTIONS,” he established a solid foundation to ensure free and fair elections for all eligible voters are restored for all eligible American voters.
“Election fraud…you’ve heard the term?” President Trump asked as he began signing the Executive Order. “It will end it, hopefully.”
“This will go a long way toward ending it,” he continued. “There are other steps that we will be taking in the coming weeks. And we think we’ll be able to end up getting fair elections.”
However, President Trump acknowledged that some people think he shouldn’t be complaining because he “won in a landslide.” That doesn’t seem to faze him as he demonstrates a clear understanding through the Order of what’s at stake and what needs to be done.
#BREAKING: President Trump just signed a HUGE executive order to secure our elections
The order requires:
Cutting federal funding to states who REFUSE to take steps to secure elections
DHS resources be used to ensure illegals are NOT voting
A citizenship question…
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) March 25, 2025
Just this week, a Pennsylvania special election was won by two Democrat candidates for the state Senate and the state House.
The Senate still maintains a 27-23 conservative majority, but the House race broke a tie in favor of the Democrats, 102-101. Trump won the Lancaster County district just four months ago by 15 points and in an overall R+23 Senate district.
Earlier this year, Mike Zimmer flipped a state Senate seat in Iowa’s 35th district, which President Trump carried that district by 21 points in 2024.
In Minnesota, Doron Clark won a House race in District 40B by 70 points, far exceeding expectations.
Lastly, Dan Cruce won a state Senate seat in Delaware, again overperforming previous Democrat margins.
President Trump’s current approval rating is around 47%. By comparison, Joe Biden’s approval rating averaged around 39% during his last year in office.
Voter Rolls
The Order starts out by requiring States to enforce the “Federal prohibition on foreign nationals voting in Federal elections.” Section 2 calls for the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) to “take appropriate action to require, in its national mail voter registration form” documentary proof of US citizenship.
This verification of citizenship can be provided by a United States passport, an ID that is compliant with the REAL ID Act of 2005, a military ID validating citizenship, or a Federal or State ID if it indicates citizenship.
This section also requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to provide access to the States “without the requirement of the payment of a fee” access to systems to verify the citizenship or immigration status of people registering to vote or who have already registered. DHS will coordinate with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to review the state’s publicly available voter registration lists and records of voter list maintenance as required by 52 USC 20507 “to ensure consistency with Federal requirements.”
Interestingly, Section 3 “Providing Other Assistance to States Verifying Eligibility” orders the Commissioner of Social Security to “make available the Social Security Number Verification Service, the Death Master File, and any other Federal database containing relevant information” to assist in verifying the eligibility of voters.
Earlier this year, Elon Musk and DOGE uncovered millions of individuals in the Social Security Administration database that were dead- or at least likely dead. Over 15 million people in the database were over the age of 110, according to Musk’s post.
According to the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, “the Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) transaction allows jurisdictions’ motor vehicle agencies (MVA) to verify voter registration and identity information with the Social Security Administration. The MVA submits an inquiry to the SSA and the SSA attempts to verify the information and responds back to the MVA with the results.”
According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE!
Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2025
President Trump’s Order requires the Attorney General to “take appropriate action with respect to States that fail to comply with the list maintenance requirements of the National Voter Registration Act and the Help America Vote Act” from 52 USC 20507 and 21083.
Currently, 24 States and Washington DC utilize the ERIC system “to help election officials maintain more accurate voter rolls and detect possible illegal voting” and to “help states reach out to potentially eligible but not yet registered individuals with information on how best to register to vote.”
The problem is that ERIC’s own bylaws forbid states from transmitting any information regarding the ‘voters’ citizenship status.
Improving the EAC
Section 4 of the Order requires the EAC to stop Federal funds* to states that fail to comply with the laws set forth for the national mail voter registration form, including the requirement for documentary proof of US citizenship.
*States do not have to comply with Executive Orders. However, the President has budgetary mechanisms to enforce compliance with the law. Withholding Federal funds through Federal agencies is one such method.
The EAC also must amend the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 (VVSG 2.0) to disallow voting systems that produce a ballot that uses a quick-response code (QR code) or a barcode in the vote-counting process. This is critical. The Dominion ICX system used throughout the state of Georgia relies exclusively on a QR Code for vote tabulation. Further, the ES&S DS200 with the ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device also uses a barcode.
The Order requires the EAC, within 180 days, “to review and, if appropriate, re-certify voting systems under the new standards” mentioned above. The EAC must rescind all previous certifications “based on prior standards.”
Jurisdictions utilizing Dominion ICX machines courtesy:
Jurisdictions utilizing ES&S ExpressVote machines courtesy:
The Order invokes the VVSG 2.0 again, this time ordering the DHS and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to “heavily prioritize compliance with the VVSG 2.0…and completion of testing through the Voting System Test Labs accreditation process” when considering provisions through the Homeland Security Grant Programs. This would deliver a massive blow to any voting jurisdiction that is dependent on these Federal grants for election administration.
And here’s the kicker:
Not one single voting system has met the certification requirements set by the VVSG 2.0.
Enforcing and Upholding the Law
Section 5 of the order, “Prosecuting Election Crimes,” empowers the Attorney General to enter into “information-sharing agreements” with the States to the “maximum extent possible.” The aim is to provide the DOJ with “detailed information on all suspected violations of State and Federal election laws,” including information on individuals who:
registered or voted despite being ineligible or who registered multiple times
committed election fraud
provided false information on voter registration or other election forms
intimidated or threatened voters or election officials
otherwise engaged in unlawful conduct to interfere in the election process
Election law enforcement has become highly partisan. Certain Secretaries of State have selectively chosen which election laws to enforce and against whom.
The well-known case of former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who is serving 9.5 years in Colorado prison for taking a forensic image of election machines in her custody prior to a “Trusted Build” in order to preserve forensic evidence, is a prime example. Later that year in the build-up to the 2024 Presidential Election, it was discovered that the same Secretary of State who condemned Peters was guilty herself of publishing almost the entire state of Colorado’s BIOS passwords, unredacted, on its Secretary of State website for several months. This violation of law completely compromised the integrity of those systems in her state. Yet, Secretary Griswold not only steered clear of any criminal prosecution but also retained her position as Colorado’s chief election officer.
This Order addresses this lack of or selective enforcement of election laws. Section 5(b) compels the Attorney General to:
prioritize enforcement of Federal election integrity laws in such States to ensure election integrity given the State’s demonstrated unwillingness to enter into an information-sharing agreement or to cooperate in investigations and prosecutions; and
review for potential withholding of grants and other funds that the Department awards and distributes, in the Department’s discretion, to State and local governments for law enforcement and other purposes, as consistent with applicable law.
In the 2020 Presidential Election, US Attorney William McSwain sent a letter to President Trump stating that he was ordered not to investigate or make statements about election irregularities in Pennsylvania but to pass them off to then-PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who is now the governor of the commonwealth.
The irregularities mentioned are assumed to include claims of truck driver Jesse Morgan, who alleged he drove upwards of 250,000 ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in a trailer that disappeared at one of his stops. The official report from the US Postal Inspector’s Office was heavily redacted but refuted Morgan’s claims.
It seems as though this Order would compel the US Attorney and Attorney General to investigate those crimes in conjunction with the state authorities.
.@realDonaldTrump @elonmusk @AGPamBondi @dbongino @FBIDirectorKash
Can we please work on getting this USPIS report from the Jesse Morgan trailer that “disappeared” in transit from New York to Pennsylvania unredacted???
You know, the one that had 250k+ filled out ballots in the…
— CannCon (@CannConActual) March 28, 2025
Improving Security – Foreign Interference
In Section 6, “Improving Security of Voting Systems,” the Order requires the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security “to prevent all non-citizens from being involved in the administration of any Federal election, including by accessing election equipment, ballots, or any other relevant materials used in the conduct of any Federal election.”
This would essentially eliminate companies engaged from overseas in our elections, including Dominion Voting Systems, a Canadian company that outsourced at least some of its coding to Serbia; Scytl, a Barcelona-based company; and several others. Furthermore, nearly every election system in use today incorporates foreign components- such as chips, motherboards, hard drives, printers, and other computer components- from commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) systems.
The Order also requires the Secretary of Homeland Security and EAC to “review and report on the security of all electronic systems” used in voter registration and the voting process, assessing “the extent they are connected to, or integrated into, the internet and report on the risk of such systems being compromised through malicious software and unauthorized intrusions into the system.”
Preventing Foreign Funding
Section 8, “Preventing Foreign Interference and Unlawful Use of Federal Funds,” requires the Attorney General and Treasury Secretary to prioritize enforcement of laws preventing foreign nationals from contributing to or donating in U.S. elections. It also calls for enforcement of laws prohibiting lobbying by organizations that receive federal funds.
In the 2024 Presidential Election, Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss transferred $34.4 million to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, in addition to tens of millions more to other left-wing activist groups, according to reporting from The Washington Examiner.
Furthermore, recent allegations against the Democrat fundraising powerhouse ActBlue have raised questions about the source of its funding, with accusations that much of it comes from overseas accounts. The Gateway Pundit reported on claims from ActBlue “Smurfing” investigator Peter Bernegger last June.
Repealing Biden’s Federal Voter Registration Drive
President Trump also repealed Executive Order 14019 with his own Order, Executive Order 14148. This Order reinforced his previous order that was intended to end to utilizing federal agencies and engagement with the federal government to register voters.
All in all, this is a valiant start to shore up election integrity from the Trump Administration. President Trump assured us that “there are other steps that we will be taking in the coming weeks, and we think we’ll be able to end up getting fair elections” as he signed the Executive Order. He added, “It’s an honor to sign this one…to sign all of them…but to sign this one is a great honor.“
While the Executive Order does not go as far as Rep. Pete Sessions Make Elections Secure Act (MESA Act), President Trump took crucial steps within his executive authority to dismantle the election-fraud machine.
If you thought the Establishment lawfare groups and state attorneys general fought hard on his other executive actions, stand by. This is going to attract an unprecedented barrage of lawsuits from the leftist election NGOs across the country.
The post An In-Depth Look at President Trump’s Election Integrity Executive Order and It’s Massive Potential Impact appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.