THE same gang of “modern” Liberal MPs who contradicted Prime Minister Scott Morrison on energy policy has joined Labor and Greens to defeat his religious protection bill.
Ignoring Mr Morrison’s plea for unity – warning a split could hand Anthony Albanese government – five Liberal MPs crossed the floor last week blindsiding the PM.

- There were undertakings given and those undertakings weren’t honoured.
- Religious protections undermined by the ALP and Liberal ‘moderates’.
- Years of work deliberately derailed by anti-religious Liberal Left MPs.
The five – Trent Zimmerman, Dave Sharma, Bridget Archer, Fiona Martin and Katie Allen have continued their systematic undermining of centre-Right values, with Mr Sharma saying his “conscience was clear”.
Angry centre-Right colleagues are furious that their compromise on net-zero targets was not replicated by “modern” Liberals on religious issues.
Defence Minister Peter Dutton said many of the rebels – including Dave Sharma, Fiona Martin and Katie Allen – had intentionally misled Mr Morrison.
“There were undertakings given and those undertakings weren’t honoured,” Mr Dutton said.
“He was, frankly, I think misled.”
Trent Zimmerman and Bridget Archer are reported to have been open with Mr Morrison, telling him beforehand there was a possibility they might cross the floor. The other three said nothing.
Assistant Attorney-General Amanda Stoker said the renegade Liberal MPs had allowed Labor and the Greens to “derail” years of hard work.
“At the 11th hour, a motley crew of Labor, the Greens, some independents and a handful of Liberal backbenchers derailed years of work with an amendment that would have caused havoc for faith-based co-education and single-sex schools,” she wrote in The Weekend Australian newspaper.
“It would mean a girls school would be forced to enrol a biological male who identifies as female,” she wrote.
“It could also force faith-based schools to alter their religious teachings or risk being sued.
“It would also deny schools the tools to deal with activist students or activist families … seeking to divide or undermine the culture of the school.”
Australian Christian Lobby director Wendy Francis said the faith community was “bitterly disappointed”.
“The bill was undermined by the ALP and the Liberal moderates,” she said.
“Up until this week Labor had been reaching out and working with the faith communities.
“But this last week it did feel as though the Labor Party pulled the rug out.”PC
These five should hang their heads in shame!
The enormous ‘swing’ to protect minority LGBTQ groups has now gone way, way too far; they have all the ‘protection’ they need. It’s time for the pendulum to return to centre.
Ordinary, heterosexual citizens who hold religious beliefs are in an enormous majority in our Country. They and their religious institutions have an undeniable right, (within the common law), to practice their beliefs freely according to their religion’s creed.
These five worthless Fake Liberal grandstanders are pointless! If they ARE intelligent, they would realise that children with sexual dysphoria or established lgbtq sexuality, would be altogether unhappy in a faith-based school.
Public schools are very well equipped to help these children; to either help them sort out, or to accept their sexuality as they go through the often tumultuous years of puberty.
According to Wikipedia, Sharma matriculated with the “highest possible TER of 100”, and “graduated [from Cambridge University] in law with first class honours”.
He’s now 46 years old, which means that within fifty years he’s going to find out whether his academic accomplishments will save him from being thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. (He’ll be very, very disappointed when he learns the bitter truth, but I guess that’s the price he’ll have to pay for exercising his free will to make the wrong choices).
Morrison is owned by the gay Left faction. He has very little flexibility among such radicals. He was stupidly brave to even start a pro-Christian push against these self-worshipping monsters.
Even after betraying his party, the PM and the faithful, Sharma has the gall to say his conscience is clear.
This spineless wimp has no place in a centre right politics.
He’s a Green dressed in conservative clothing.
I think I’d prefer the lunatic Phelps.
Sharma is my local MP and I had already decided not to vote for him at the next election when he and his lefty mates threatened to cross the floor before Scott Morrison went to Glasgow. This latest stunt reinforces my decision.