by PAUL COLLITS – AS THE bodies pile up, the vaccinated continue to get COVID and die in alarming and unexpected numbers while tens of thousands of vaccine-injured are still dutifully ignored.
Undeterred, the Australian Government and the medical class continue to press on with COVID boosters for all.
- This all adds up to low information (and cowering) doctors.
- US doctors have urged doctors in Australia to be brave and to speak out.
- Other Western nations have banned and put severe restrictions on COVID vaccines.
US author Edward Curtin reckons that the world wants to be duped. While Brownstone Institute President Jeffrey Tucker refers to the majority of people as “obsequious servants of ruling-class lies”.
Well, these descriptions certainly apply to many people down under, as we persist with the Vaccine State and the official narrative goes out of its way to avoid admitting the fact that, in terms of effectiveness and safety, the COVID vaccines are a busted flush.
The Government has four million Omicron-specific booster doses available right now and another 10 million arriving this month.
The recommendation for additional boosters came into effect on February 20.
February saw the largest supply of new vaccines into the Australian COVID vaccine program, since late 2021
But the sell is lukewarm these days. The boosters “are anticipated to provide a benefit”. Wow. That is a comedown from the hysterical talking up of the vaccines of 2021.
The rest of the world, meanwhile, is waking up.
In Idaho this week, two lawmakers presented a bill to criminalise mRNA vaccines!
Florida is urging the rest of the United States to stop using vaccines, and has established a commission to investigate vaccine harms. It has issued a health alert, warning its citizens of the dangers of taking the boosters.
The UK is now restricting the boosters to a small minority deemed to be in COVID danger. Denmark restricted its vaccine roll out ages ago.
Of course, every move away from the Vax State is met by an army of quibbling fact checkers. The global efforts of the fact checker industrial complex are focused and unrelenting. The propaganda remains turbo-charged.
However, while the Australian Government keeps face and the political class as a whole keeps silent, there are undercurrents of unease across Australia.
Things are hotting up. We have proven cover-ups of vaccine-linked deaths by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
We have the suggestion (from the recently formed Australian Medical Practitioners Society, AMPS) that doctors could be personally liable for vaccine injuries. Despite the then Government’s stated intent in 2021 to ensure they were covered. It now seems they aren’t.
We have compelling evidence of the bullying of doctors by the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) into cheering on the vaccines.
They were told in 2021 they had to (simultaneously) ensure their vaccinating patients had informed consent and, on pain of deregistration, uphold the vaccine “safe and effective” narrative, which many of them knew to be lies.
Here is what AHPRA told doctors in March 2012: “Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.”
If it wasn’t so serious, this overreach – to put it at its politest – would be seen as farcical. If it was ever reported in the media.
There has been the suggestion, too, that, in conscripting doctors to act as vaccine propaganda agents, the Australian Government and its health regulatory gauleiters may well have breached the Constitution (Section 51, relating to Commonwealth Government powers).
Fortunately, in these matters, two Australian freelance investigators, Elizabeth Hart and Emma McArthur, continue to pursue vigorous inquiries and to interrogate the slippery medical regulatory establishment, as does the excellent AMPS.
Then there are the censorship laws recently passed by the Queensland Parliament.
Sadly, this all adds up to low information (and cowering) doctors and something of a vicious circle.
As Coverse, an Australian organisation that helps the vaccine-injured, has noted perceptively: “If the doctor doesn’t think (something) is caused by the vaccine they may not report it. By not reporting it, the government doesn’t have the full picture so they don’t put out safety notices and then doctors don’t know that they should be looking out for it, so they don’t report it.”
And, while all these things are going on, Australia’s ICUs remain clogged with vaccinated COVID patients.
And booster take up rates have stalled badly. The third booster reached 72 per cent of the population. The fourth was taken by a mere 44 per cent.
Into this maelstrom flew the heroic American doctors, Peter McCullough and Pierre Kory, described as “quacks” by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, one of the more extreme COVID cheer squadders in the legacy media.
These newspapers are part of a campaign that was joined by pro-vax activists and even an event organiser (Eventbrite) to prevent McCullough and colleagues from being heard here. Even from being allowed to enter the country.
These world-renowned medicos, all intellectual heavyweights, were relegated to the Novak Djokovic category of non-persons. This time it didn’t work.
Peter McCullough has been urging doctors in Australia to be brave and to speak out.
In a series of well attended public events, he has emphasised with eloquence and power the harms that COVID vaccines do and the fact there are effective, alternate treatments that are available but which have been banned in Australia.
He just wants to stop the shots. And he remains optimistic that the truth will come out.
Finally, amid the vaccine mayhem, the head of Australia’s TGA, John Skerritt, has quietly “retired” following his two-plus years of steering Governments through the lies and the enforcement of brutal tyranny. With nary a comment from the media.
The Australian Health Minister said: “During this time it was his reassurances that left Australians confident in the approval and regulation of medicines, vaccines and treatments.”
The minister added Skerritt leaves behind a large legacy.
A large legacy? This is risible. I assume that the Minister delivered these lines with a straight face.
John Skerritt is the man who, in 2021, claimed that the Moderna COVID vaccine was “one hundred per cent effective”. Moderna is the vaccine that was suspended or restricted in several European countries, merely months after Skerritt’s glowing encomium.
Skerritt also threatened in 2021 to sue Craig Kelly, the man who, with mining magnate and Chair of the United Australia Party, Clive Palmer, brought Peter McCullough to Australia. For “spreading misinformation” about COVID vaccines! Kelly and Palmer welcomed this laughable threat.
Skerritt is yet another, like Adern and Fauci, caught tip-toeing from the still-on-fire COCVID building.
Yet, until and unless the heat from the fire gets applied much more directly to the political class, the magnificent efforts of the medical freedom-fighters and truth-tellers will remain very much as outlier behaviour, well and truly in the background.
For example, I would expect the forthcoming (March 25, 2023) election in NSW to be yet another COVID debate-free affair, like all the others over the past year where political tyrants have either been electorally rewarded, or, if defeated (like Scott Morrison), have been shown the door for reasons other than their COVID policies.
The COVID justice optimists will only be proven right if the people object to what has happened. Loudly, strategically and often.
Yes, the numbers of Australians now not getting the boosters suggests that Peter McCullough’s optimism might be justified.
Yes, there are green shoots, seen in the Spectator Australia’s coverage, the emergence of truth-telling medical organisations and in the successful Freedom of Information campaigns.
But the enemy is well dug in, and showing no sign of raising the white flag any time soon.
The powerful vested interests of Big COVID are hanging in there, and even planning future atrocities.
Hence, there is a long way to go before we can claim victory and see justice done.
There are still many, many Australians, alas, for whom Edward Curtin’s description – that we want to be deceived, and not make waves – still fits rather too comfortably.PC