PRIME Minister Scott Morrison is serving as the 30th Prime Minister of Australia having become the leader of the governing Liberal Party in August 2018. He previously served in Cabinet from 2013 to 2018, including as Treasurer.
Morrison was raised in the Presbyterian Church of Australia, which partly merged into the Uniting Church when he was a child.
He later became a Pentecostal, and now attends the Horizon Church, which is affiliated with the Australian Christian Churches, the Australian branch of the Assemblies of God.
He has said “the Bible is not a policy handbook, and I get very worried when people try to treat it like one”. In late 2017, Morrison stated that he would become a stronger advocate for protections for religious freedom.
Morrison is Australia’s first Pentecostal prime minister. His comments about Australia not being secular were made during his maiden speech to parliament in 2008.
He was born in Sydney and studied economic geography at the University of NSW. He worked as director of the NZ Office of Tourism and Sport from 1998 to 2000 and was managing director of Tourism Australia from 2004 to 2006.
Morrison was also state director of the NSW Liberal Party from 2000 to 2004. He was later elected to the House of Representatives at the 2007 election, representing the Division of Cook in NSW.PC
Scott Morrison says Australia is a free country! PROVE IT MR MORRISON !
We demand that all mandates and all other tyrannical government actions be abolished now and forever more!
AND Abort Abort Abort your atrociously disgusting plans for this action which Will see you surely burn in hell for crimes against innocent populations aka crimes against humanity!
Help look at what Scott Morrison the Australian TYRANNICAL Prime Minister and his gang of criminal political and medical tyrants are doing. We are totally traumatized.
Religion, – Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, gentle Islam, etc., when combined with genuine concern for every neighbour, is now, more than ever, absolutely vital for the World, for individuals to peacefully flourish.
Thought-provoking associations with religious credos will so often, result in our consciences being given a timely, sharp prod: will jolt us out of our selfishness, have us looking outwards to others and inject some serenity, some sanity into our oft-frazzled lives.
Simply put – we definitely need reminders of how to live a decent life in this materialistic, hedonistic, self-centred world.
Through out our Australian history, we have always called on God to provide us with strength and support. The left has attacked our Christian culture for too long.
Thankfully, the recent news of Joe Rogan (worlds most successful pod casting Youtuber), that he has started a war with big tech and the left, is the first domino to fall, that signals the imminent collapse of the left’s support.
And a high profile victory to the conservatives in the Global Culture Wars.