AT LAST, we have the truth from the Prime Minister – even if by accident.
As reported from news.com.au and elsewhere: “Businesses such as cafes and pubs should be allowed to open to fully-vaccinated patrons only, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said, as companies around the world bring in compulsory vaccination for workers…
- Vaccines do not prevent infection with COVID, nor hospitalisation, nor death.
- Britain has more COVID deaths among vaccinated than among non-vaccinated.
- Public health leadership is “violating the bedrock principles of clinical ethics”.
“We’d have to have more restrictions on people who are unvaccinated because they’re a danger to themselves and others,” he said.
“If you’re not vaccinated you present a greater health risk to yourself and to others than people who are vaccinated … and public health decisions will have to be made on that basis.”
In other words, Prime Minister, medical apartheid.
Crushing the right to a normal life of those who, quite reasonably, question the efficacy of, and the need for, a non-vaccine whose dangers are untested yet clearly real, as even a cursory reading of the international scene reveals.
The political elites have revealed themselves to be clueless as well as malevolent in relation to the jab. (Or perhaps they are lying rather than clueless, and are relying on our cluelessness).
Here is the real evidence about vaccines from overseas:
- Evidence from the UK, Israel and elsewhere demonstrates that vaccines do not prevent infection with COVID, nor hospitalisation, nor death;
- There have been more COVID deaths in the UK among the vaccinated than among the non-vaccinated during the first half of 2021;
- No COVID vaccines have yet received the tick from Therapeutic Goods Administrations in any country of which I am aware – they have been okayed merely as an “emergency” measure;
- There are no results as yet – how could there be? – on the long-term impacts on health of the “vaccines”;
- The American cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough has described the US vaccine program as an “act of malfeasance”;
- There is substantial evidence that the vaccines shamelessly promoted by politicians cause documented, substantial, harmful impacts on many who take the jab. As UK journalist Sally Beck has noted, 1500 dead in Britain and a million adverse reactions, not to mention the Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) suggesting that they themselves believe that only one in ten adverse vaccine events are being reported;
- 11,000 deaths have (officially) occurred in the USA attributed to COVID vaccines, but a whistle-blower says the real number is 45,000;
- As Sally Beck again notes, Pfizer’s trial to see if the vaccine is safe for expectant mothers ends in December 2021. AstraZeneca provides no information on its site about the COVID vaccine and pregnant women. This is irresponsible and could result in unnecessary miscarriages and stillbirths;
- There is a politically mandated denial of the right to sue Big Pharma companies whose vaccines cause harm and death;
- The actual co-inventor of mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone, has been expressing serious concerns about how therapeutic approaches that are still in the research phase are being imposed on an ill-informed public. He says that public health leadership has “stepped over the line and is now violating the bedrock principles which form the foundation upon which the ethics of clinical research are built”.
What is Plan F when the inevitable case of a vaccinated super-spreader is revealed to a public which had been led to believe the mistruths spread by government about COVID vaccines, on the advice presumably of senior health bureaucrats, and endorsed without question by the media?
As I say, these are facts. The words of people who actually know what they are talking about and who feel embarrassed and fearful about what has been happening.
It is quite reasonable to suppose that, if I can discover all these things, so too can health bureaucrats, political advisers and journalists.
With ex-Pfizer employee Mike Yeadon, therefore, one must assume that they know they are lying. And either punishing or insulting the innocent – for their crimes.
Among leaders here and abroad, PM Morrison has, at least so far, spared us from the abuse of those of us who, for whatever reason – which is none of their business – refuse to take the jab.
Here is a brief selection of the insults from around the globe.
From UK politician Michael Gove, the guy who – along with Carrie, or Princess Nut-Nut to her friends – runs Boris.
“Ultimately, if you can be vaccinated and you refuse to, that is a selfish act.”
“You’re putting other people’s health and lives at risk, you should get vaccinated.”
So, as Laurence Fox (formerly of Lewis and now of the UK Reclaim Party) has pointed out, people who get the jab aren’t themselves selfish? Really? Most Poms only get the jab so they can holiday in Marbella or Ibiza or, God help us, Benidorm. And Gove himself – he got the jab to save others? Spare me.
Most Sydneysiders want the jab – if indeed they do – so the lockdowns will end.
More fools them for thinking that. The vaccine not being a vaccine could mean that the lockdowns never end.
Low information voters and politicians don’t seem to understand this basic point. Not misinformation. Just fact.
Oh, and a quarter of Brits signed up for Test and Trace are now not giving over information on who their contacts are.
Are they selfish, Mr Gove? Or have they simply realised, like the so-called vaccine-hesitant, that, now that they are living under the gaze of Big Brother, that the whole show is bollocks?
What about the President of the Philippines?
“For all I care, you can die anytime.”
“To those people who do not want to be vaccinated, I am telling you “don’t go out of your house”, because if you do go out of your house, I will tell the police to return you to your home. You will be escorted back to your house because you are a walking spreader.”
Then there is the unfortunate Walt Secord, NSW Shadow Police Minister, giving pause to those of us who might think of voting Labor next time just to get rid of Gladys and the Photios Industrial Complex.
So much for that strategy. Walt wants $11,000 fines for anyone who dares to post information about lockdown protests on social media.
As British political commentator Paul Joseph Watson explains: “Shadow Police Minister Walt Secord said the massive fines were needed to ‘throw the book at these idiots who spread misinformation and lies along with the Delta variant’.”
Secord is simply playing the latest popular game among Australian politicians – see who can abuse and punish dissidents the most.
NSW Police Minister David Elliott is proud to report that there have been 15,000 dobbing incidents at Crime Stoppers. The real criminals must be thinking they have died and gone to heaven.
Sadly, the minister concluded: “The 15,000 calls to Crime Stoppers is a clear message to the government that the community expects action.”
Well, in the face of what would appear to be the total absence of resistance among the populace, or perhaps a goodly number simply feeling little choice but to go along to get along, or who are simply too frightened to leave their homes only to be harassed by the police, and now, the army, the politicians might well think that.
We have had the fascism, then the insults. What about the cover-ups?
Robert Malone asks: “Why is it necessary to suppress discussion and full disclosure of information concerning mRNA reactogenicity and safety risks?”
A simple question. A pertinent question. As is why are doctors, nurses and the rest are barred from speaking out, on pain of de-registration and career destruction.
Does not anyone actually worry about the cover-ups, lies and censorship? Seemingly not.
Where is the Australian fourth estate in all this? Not only missing in action, but arming themselves with baseball bats with which to belt the “covidiots”.
Sadly, the once great Murdoch press, so consumed with protecting politicians, has become another arm of the Liberal-Labor COVID State, and has joined the war.
Positioning this as a war on what they deem to be “anti-vaxx insanity”, it has launched an ill-thought-out fight against Australian citizens.
And never a mention of relevant distinctions among those who are “vaccine hesitant”, nor analysis of their motives.
The Australian newspaper’s attack on (alleged) anti-vaxxers is plain to see, led by a sadly mis-informed and aggressive Jack the Insider (aka Peter Hoystedt).
The tabloid Murdoch press is a joke with its creepy “Our Best Shot” campaign.
Our Best Shot claims to answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine roll out.
Who in God’s name would ever want to have The Daily Telegraph in charge of “debunking myths”? Australia, roll up your sleeves? This is mind-numbing idiocy, even by tabloid press standards.
Try this for a fact about vaccines. Sally Beck again reports: “Vaccinated people infected with the Indian ‘Delta’ variant have the same viral levels as the unvaccinated infected with this variant, Dr Anthony Fauci said.”
Roll up your sleeves, Aussies! Oops. Never let the facts get in the way of a jingoistic media campaign.
That all this is happening in an alleged liberal democracy is a scandal. Australians should be ashamed.
Come the hopefully inevitable Nuremburg II Trials, still (alas) probably some years off, heads will roll.
Each day brings us ever closer to simply being tools of the State. As Laurence Fox says – and he thinks that Britain is bad for not taking the vaccines question seriously – “we are basically China”.
I predicted some time back that vaccines would be regarded by PM Morrison, the States and territories as the get-out-of-jail-free card for politicians who had imposed lockdowns and police brutality.
I never predicted that my own country would lose its sanity, its spine and its morality.PC
It’s completely logical to expect MORE COVID DEATHS AMONG THE VACCINATED AS the Countries from where these figures come – Israel and Great Britain now have a much, MUCH higher percentage of the population actually vaccinated.
Looking at figures for those who have died after having had their shots, they are FOR THE VERY GREATER PART, – VERY FRAIL, OLDER PEOPLE who have died from the ravages of old age – WHILE HOSTING SOME COVID INFECTION, but NOT BECAUSE OF, OR BY COVID ALONE! The same may occur in those with a serious co-morbidity!
Fantastic article. At least there is still some sanity out there. Keep up the good work.
NO ATROCIOUS LOCKDOWNS —. THAT’S A GIVEN! STOP THIS LOCKDOWN AT ONCE GLADYS BEREJIKLIAN! The economic, mental and social damage you’re inflicting is mindlessly idiotic and completely needless; it’s shocking, cruel and actually criminal!
VACCINATION against this new Wuhan bug should never, NEVER be mandatory. It’s not dangerous for the healthy majority and it’s certainly a million miles from the danger that viruses such as smallpox, polio, dengue or yellow fever etc. etc. once posed for all, — hence the once-compulsory travel vaccination certificates!
HOWEVER, there must be massive encouragement to ‘get the jab’. We all need antibodies to fight this nasty, NEW, COVID COLD VIRUS which for some ‘at risk’ minorities can be dangerous, even fatal. FATAL for them just as the seasonal ‘flu often proves fatal! Being 75 myself, I can’t wait to get my second Astra-Zeneca! RISKS? One in a million — AND — any medication, ANY, poses some tiny risk!
REMEMBER:- Acquiring the needed antibodies from vaccination is WAY, WAY BETTER than acquiring them from actually hosting a dose of this new, Covid virus! But we do need antibodies as, like the long-established Covid common cold, it’s here to stay worldwide!
I hope Morrison is proud of the Martial Law he has helped mad Gladys bring into NSW!
During and since 2020 ADF personnel have been deployed to assist State Police with hotel quarantine security and various other duties, the disciplined ADF personnel can work with Police but are not armed and do not have the powers to arrest people that Police have.
To refer to this as Martial Law is ridiculous.
The dobbing is what gets me. We’ve been trained for this for a long time, ‘speak up against DV / racism / hoon drivers’. There are a lot of good little Johnny from citizen’s watch types out there these days thinking they are doing their civic duty by being nosy little prats.
How long until it’s ‘speak up against those who don’t hand sanitize? / social distance?’
Unsure if anyone has read a book titled “COVID19 The Great Reset”. This books outlines the plans to “thin the heard”. It would be a joke if it was not written by the founder of the International Monetary Fund.
“Houston we have a problem”
Yes The Great Reset, Build Back Better and New Green Deal are leftist globalist slogans as they attempt to capitalise on the pandemic, it is an extension of the climate based hoax and warming trend modelling creative accounting.
It is worrying that government leaders and others including members of the Royal family are supporting this nonsense and they must be ignored.
The propaganda/lies in the main stream media, the useless Doctors willing to prescribe people with experimental jabs (including kids) over safe and effective therapeutics (i.e. hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin), the mind numbing stupidity of politicians unwilling to look at the carnage occurring overseas (e.g. the most fully vaccinated countries are all recording massive Covid19 infection rates and higher Covid19 mortality rates among the fully vaccinated vs unvaccinated) is doing untold damage to Australian institutions. A good thing there is “Politicom” and elections soon approaching, but seriously, I am more afraid of going to hospital with Covid19 than of catching Covid19 in the first place.
The ADF has stopped using hydroxychloroquine. There are nasty side effects you should research.
“And [another beast who comes up out of the earth] causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Revelations 13:16
Perhaps when enough “vaccine passports” have been lost, forgotten, stolen, or forged, we will receive the “option” of an equivalent micro-chip implanted in either our forehead or our right wrist. The chip would hold the number of our “passport” – which, of course, would need to be a unique global identifier to facilitate its use across international borders throughout the world. Without said chip, we would neither “buy nor sell”, among other things.
These are certainly interesting times…
Many countries today require international travellers to produce a return airline ticket, a passport, an entry visa and a yellow book containing evidence of vaccinations required to enter the country.
My first yellow book and passport was obtained during the 1960s but over the following decades it is no longer necessary for travel to most countries. But maybe now COVID-19 vaccination records will be demanded and what is wrong with that?
What is wrong with that?
What were the vaccinations in your record. I guarantee none of them were for the flu, which is exactly what Covid is.
The whole thing has been a scam from the start. There were safe drugs to treat the symptoms of this flu, but the politicians banned it. The test they use to force up the numbers has been withdrawn as being absolutely useless, something the politicians knew from at least April 2020. The narrative suddenly changed from ‘deaths’ to ‘cases’ when the egregiously bad projections of potentially millions of Australians dying imploded to less than 100 (OF not WITH). The duplicitous politicians and their lackeys have not followed the science at all, they are all banging on with the same, now completely discredited, rubbish they were sprouting 18 months ago.
What’s wrong with vaccine passports? Everything. They are not needed, the whole concept is based on lies. They will cause even more segregation and division. They will make political prisoners of anyone who has half a brain who refuses the mRNA fake ‘vaccine’.
That is what is wrong.
This link might help you to better understand what COVID-19 virus really is …
OHS legislation ensures the introduction of Vaccine Passports in the work place, as will the requirements of airlines and other formas of public transport. The duty of care is inescapable. Those who refuse vaccination, and refuse to provide a VP, have made a conscious decision to become unemployable dependents of the state. Your call.
“[…] what is wrong with that?”
‘A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”’
So it’s clear what is wrong with the mark of the beast. Whether or not this is the direction in which the so-called “vaccine passport” might ultimately be heading remains an open question, but, in this context, the current confluence of global currents – economic, military, geopolitical, social, cultural, and medical – certainly raises interesting questions and gives cause for more than a little concern. (At least, it does so among more discerning individuals; typically those who are widely read and have a reasonable knowledge of history, and who are thus able to engage in a considered and well-reasoned analysis of that which is transpiring before their very eyes).