The Covid policy wizards are baffled again. In Australia, some 98 per cent of the population have had at least one Covid vaccine and yet, ‘Everyone is getting sick at the moment!’ reports a bemused Daily Mail Australia. They are just one of the establishment media to pick up and run with the story, and it’s true, no ‘expert’ seems to really know why we are getting sick.

Covid, flu, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (come on, now, I’m sure you have been enlightened about the latest addition of RSV to the respiratory virus family) are on the up and up. Official flu case notifications are up by around 16 per cent and cases of its virus stablemates are also flying off the shelves.

The Mail has a stab at explaining the conundrum by elaborating that not getting the flu is what is making everyone get the flu. Yes, it makes no sense but follow the ‘logic’ here… You see, flu disappeared off the face of the Earth during Covid because of the stunning efficacy of ‘lockdowns and measures such as the widespread use of face masks’ (nothing to do, of course, with the cessation of testing for flu when junk Covid tests were all the rage).

Paradoxically, this genius strategy in the war against Covid ‘led to lower immunity and increased susceptibility to the flu’ because people were not being exposed to pathogens to develop natural immunity to other respiratory infections. It kind of makes sense in a dim light if you squint hard enough.

The other culprit for the rise in flu, Covid, and RSV is our old favourite … that vaccine uptake has taken a dive. Flu vaccination rates, for example, are 16 per cent lower whilst barely 7 per cent of children under five have been vaccinated. Even amongst the elderly, a cohort which usually reaches around 65 per cent flu vaccine coverage, only 35 per cent have been vaccinated so far in 2024.

According to the newly-minted Commonwealth government agency, the Australian Centre for Disease Control, Covid vaccination has tumbled down the charts from 97.9 per cent of the population being vaccinated against Covid in the early days of the Great Covid Panic, to just 39 per cent who have availed themselves of the latest booster (booster number four, making it six doses in total). Fewer than two-thirds (64.4 per cent) of the allegedly Covid-terrified elderly have bothered with more Covid shots, turning their noses up and their sleeves down to the jab. Working-age people (18-64) are down to just 20 per cent who are fully-boosted.

If the experimental Covid vaccines worked well, then the trajectory of Covid vaccination would not be downhill. Instead, we are getting large numbers of people reporting that they ‘got Covid’ anyhow after being ‘vaccinated’ and they are none too happy about it.

The Covid vaccine’s declining wake has been followed by a similar trend in influenza vaccine coverage, which hovered around just two-thirds (64.3 per cent) of the population at the end of May, right on the cusp of winter flu season, whilst RSV uptake is also reported to be less than stellar. Our public health ‘guardians’ grudgingly admit that ‘the flu vaccine is not perfect – it may not prevent infections entirely’ so they are left to riff on the new and unconvincing melody that ‘vaccination prevents a severe response to the flu’ rather than preventing infection as such.

Australian CDC data shows no discernible pattern of difference between those vaccinated and unvaccinated for the flu who subsequently report respiratory illness (figure 9 below).

As for Covid vaccine safety, personal experience continues to similarly confound propaganda expectations. A state government survey in South Australia in 2022 showed that one in three South Australians who got the Covid vaccination experienced some form of side effect and won’t have any more – 31 per cent ‘of [all] those surveyed said they would not get the fourth dose because they had side effects after getting previous doses’. So, by jab number three (the first booster following the primary two-dose course), a third of the population were so fed up that they decided not going to risk crossing that cow paddock again with subsequent jabs. This finding was, of course, duly buried by much of the media.

Fool me once, shame on you, as the saying goes, fool me twice, or three, four, five or six times and shame on me. Better to quietly walk away from it all without having to ‘fess up to being taken for a ride.

The flow-over effect of wariness about the Covid vaccines to other vaccines for respiratory viruses may also have something to do with doubt about whether the new season crop of flu and RSV vaccines might have the same problematic mRNA biotechnology and lipid nanoparticle delivery system as the Covid ones.

Previously unchallenged (except for a small coterie of sceptics who could be dismissed as ‘nutty anti-vaxxers’), vaccines have taken a hit. This challenge to their popularity was delivered largely by the disastrous mRNA experiment. ‘Experts’, of course, continue with their befuddlement, real or pretend, about what is actually going on. It appears that the only things our pandemic experts are experts at is head-scratching.

They will not consider, for example, the possibility that the ‘triple-demic’ of Covid, flu, and RSV may be caused by immune suppression resulting from the Covid vaccine, for which there is a growing body of respectable scientific literature. To the ‘experts’, vaccine-induced compromised immunity is just a conspiracy theory.

In the same flippant manner, they refuse to consider the role that the Covid vaccine jab-frenzy may be playing in the historically unprecedented bump in other health conditions like turbo cancers, heart problems, neurological problems, blood clots, and sudden deaths. There can only be more deserters from the vaccine cause while these questions remain.