Left splinters as Voice unity disintegrates
On : - -by ERIC ABETZ – A VOICE that speaks out of both sides of its mouth is not to be trusted. And so it is with the Voice proposal on which we will need to cast a vote later this year. Having been…
by ERIC ABETZ – A VOICE that speaks out of both sides of its mouth is not to be trusted. And so it is with the Voice proposal on which we will need to cast a vote later this year. Having been…
by ERIC ABETZ – WHEN your opponents start praising you, it’s worth taking stock and examining your position. The shadow attorney-general and spokesman for Indigenous affairs, Julian Leeser, may well reflect on the accolades and bouquets coming his way from his political…
by ERIC ABETZ – LIBERAL Leader Peter Dutton has finally taken a strong stand in opposing the Voice proposal both on principle and in detail. Leadership requires the strength to say “No” even when those around you clamour to proceed without foreseeing…
by ERIC ABETZ – THE comprehensive wipe-out of the centre-Right in Australia is continuing unabated with the defeat of the Liberal-National government in NSW on the weekend. Its 5.5m voters (Australia has about 17.3m voters in all) delivered their verdict in a…
by ERIC ABETZ – CHANGING the law is not easy. Nor should it be. Serious consequences flow. But surely changing our Constitution should be more difficult as even more serious consequences might flow. In 2016 Australians faced a double dissolution election on…
by ERIC ABETZ – MANY of the observations made about Australia’s choice of new ambassador to Washington, former PM Kevin Rudd, are less than flattering. A former Labor premier and senate deputy leader, Kristina Keneally, once described him on Sky News as…
by ERIC ABETZ – I HAVE been involved with the Australian Monarchist League for many years now, but when I stepped up as Campaign Chairman of Vote No Republic, I did so with the confidence that the organisation supporting me was comprised…