Nick Bury is an investor and former AFP senior police officer and detective.
National unity is critical – so lay off the kids!

National unity is critical – so lay off the kids!

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IF AUSTRALIA is to secure its future, then those who seek to rally behind the nation should maintain unity and not attack their own – especially when they’re school kids. The alternative is for the country to be perverted by Left-wing activists indoctrinating those kids, prior to taking us all down that road more recently traversed by Venezuela – once resource rich, but now an impoverished, socialist State.

Prince Philip – no counselling required

Prince Philip – no counselling required

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AUSTRALIA owes much to the late Prince Philip, who was born about a hundred years ago on a dining room table in Corfu, prior to being smuggled out of Greece in a fruit crate. His parents were dysfunctional, his family had to live in exile, they had no money, and practicably speaking he became an orphan at a young age after his mother was scheduled and his father (who was a poor type) basically abandoned him and eloped with a series of mistresses.

Woke buffoons sending Aussie battlers broke

Woke buffoons sending Aussie battlers broke

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WHEN sandal clad, social security funded brigades of bearded buffoons began to invade corporate Australia’s AGM seasons some years ago, no-one took much notice. The presiding Chair allowed them to speak, the meeting politely listened to whatever rant and rave then, afterwards, they devoured capitalist-provided cakes and sandwiches. No harm was done – until union superannuation funds empowered them by joining the fray.