by PAUL COLLITS – I HAVE just witnessed one of the funniest things I have seen this year. It features US podcaster Joe Rogan, so there is a multiple expletive alert.
Rogan thinks Joe Biden voted for Donald Trump. He even “guarantees” it.
- Weird political alliances are now everyday occurrences.
- Some are simply matters of convenience, others not so much.
- Raucous laughter should ensue in the light of the unexpected, blatant Biden happiness.
His evidence includes the MAGA hat incident and the cordiality bordering on ecstasy (on Biden’s part) at the White House “smoothest of transitions” meeting.
This presidential get-together included both “welcome back” comments and the broadest of smiles on Joe’s dial during the photo opps, that, for Rogan, bespoke a level of happiness normally associated with a wedding. (Well, that depends on who the child is marrying, of course…)
Not only did Uncle Joe put on the MAGA hat, he took it on the plane with him.
Joe Rogan might also have mentioned the strategic and premature Biden endorsement of Kamala. This was yuge, to use a phrase.
Some might argue that it won Trump the election. The locked-in, embarrassing and brainless Kamala, no doubt, created a new constituency for Trump.
I remember the 1996 Australian election when people, including traditional Labor voters, who simply couldn’t abide Paul Keating.
John Winston Howard simply rode the Keating-hatred to the beach. Few Americans wanted Kamelot.
Whether Biden actually voted for Trump is neither here nor there. No one will probably ever know.
It was only one vote, after all, and assuming Biden voted in Washington DC, where the Left vote approaches Mugabe-level election endorsements, it wouldn’t have made a jot of difference.
No, the Biden moves of significance were done a little earlier.
Apart from the obvious anger that the Bidens must have felt following the Obama-led coup, there may be another reason for Joe sucking up to The Donald.
When Trump controls the DOJ, from January, and has the power to pardon criminals, he will have the power to put Biden in jail. For in prison he should be.
A casual reading of Australian journalist Miranda Devine’s book, The Big Guy, will probably convince any doubters, if nothing else does.
Biden might also have advised Trump that he will ensure that the President-elect is not further troubled by the authorities between now and January 20, 2025.
Given what these guys get up to, who knows what might have transpired at the Big House, lawfare-deal-wise?
Whatever Biden’s motives, he cannot help but feel vindicated by the thumping victory of the Republicans. If he were ever up to a memoir, self-justification might be expected to be in there, somewhere.
None of which should make Biden our latter-day friend.
He has been simultaneously evil and nondescript. His administration bullied social media companies into censoring COVID heroes, like US author Alex Berenson.
He undoubtedly stole the 2020 election. He turbo-charged the COVID State and enforced vaccine mandates, viciously.
He served Obama. He is a crook. Richard Nixon once said, “I am not a crook”.
Well, compared to Joe Biden, he wasn’t.
Joe regularly sniffs the hair of little and not-so-little girls. He brought son Hunter along for the ride in his lucrative, global veep adventures and he advanced the interests of the Chinese Communist Party.
He funneled gazillions of American taxpayer dollars into the pockets of Zelenskyy stooges and American military contractors in the cause of an unwinnable Ukraine war.
He is, in short, a creep – and an accidental president.
Others will want to add their own examples of Joe’s crimes. A bad actor for the ages, a contender for Dante’s circles of hell.
But, for a brief moment, it does feel like Beijing Joe is one of us. A reformed Never Trumper. It is yet more testimony to the fact we are living in post-modern political times, where, as the great Australian philosopher David Stove once said, “anything goes”.
Weird alliances are now everyday occurrences. Some are simply matters of convenience, others not so much.
It has been said, for example, that the RFK Jr alliance with Trump signals a massive and significant political re-alignment in US electoral politics. We shall see.
Whatever. More raucous laughter should ensue in the light of the unexpected, blatant Biden happiness in his twilight years.
Smiling like a Cheshire cat, it is, after all, the season for schadenfreude.
Re-alignments like this don’t happen every day. It might even give pause to the UniParty theory, much spoken of in these pages.PC
Joe and Jill Biden’s smiles when they were photographed with Donald looked too exuberant to be faked, plus Jill was wearing Republican Red. Joe can’t stand Kamala and he and Jill perceived the Dems as having shafted them, so their exquisite revenge was delivered with beaming countenances, and may prompt Donald to pardon their son Hunter.
Donald and Joe probably discussed allowing the Ukrainians to fire US missiles into Russia, affording Donald more leverage come settlement time. Joe and Donald’s new relationship will both incense the loony left and help unite America. Joe wouldn’t have had the cognisance to know that the Dem machine cheated on his behalf in the 2020 election, so Donald wouldn’t hold that against him.
Bidens not our creep, I’m an Aussie…. own your own mistakes. Trump can’t come fast enough….
Right on!!