Can science survive global warming?

HAVE you noticed that almost everything these days is blamed on global warming?

From droughts to floods, fires and hail storms, cyclones, snowfall, heatwaves and cold snaps. Even perpetually-at-risk coral is now a climate victim – though it just never, ever seems to die.

Every event these days, even those diametrically opposed, is caused, we’re told, by human-created weather changes.

Mind you, those telling us this usually don’t have a clue. And, if they do, they usually have a vested interest in keeping us clueless.


I’m open to global warming by the way. But I’d like a little more evidence than the computer modelling currently on offer. And I’d like it before we totally de-industrialise and inflict third-world status on our descendants. Especially given that this computer “evidence” has failed to correctly predict a single real-life event or trend, ever.

As an example, there’s more ice on earth now than at any time since the Ice Age – it’s just moved around a bit. The polar bears are alive and well, the Pacific Islands haven’t sunk, the earth isn’t a barren wasteland and humanity is thriving (despite half the West being mentally ill).

These things should not be happening, their computers tell us. But scientists and newsrooms never mention these inconvenient truths. They prefer to close their eyes (and minds) and label every thunderstorm as a “catastrophic climate event”.

The earth, according to their scientific modelling, was supposed to have ended years ago! Why hasn’t it? Has anyone ever wondered? Or asked? Does journalism exist?

Even the “experts” from the Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were caught secretly questioning their own computers. “It’s not happening! Where’s the heat? ” they asked among themselves before their emails were subsequently leaked in 2007. Labelled “climategate”, these emails exposed the underhanded quackery of climate elites.

But by the time their next emotion-filled climate report was released, they had convinced themselves – as well as their political paymasters – that the heat was in fact “hiding in the oceans” and that doomsday was still on. Job saved.

If anyone else dares to ask questions, though – like “where’s the measurable evidence?” –  they’re labelled as heretics and deniers in a pile-on from the media and the crazies.

So we now live in a world where, based on computer modelling alone, the science is settled.

It’s blatantly clear, though, that the debate over the ethics and credibility of scientists is far from settled.PC