WITH the whole world consumed with climate change, let’s restore a bit of sanity, ditch the restraints of seriosity and take a light-hearted romp through history.
The first recorded climatic calamity is the great flood in Noah’s time, whenever that may or may not have been.
Noah did not engage in futile posturing such as our climate alarmists who seek to save the planet by pulling the plug on a measly one per cent contribution to man made carbon dioxide emissions.
Unlike the alarmists, Noah took decisive action which actually achieved something: Noah saved the animals.
Climate change alarmists are hell bent on destruction of the cheapest power source that has made Australia a world class industrial nation.
In contrast, Noah, being a practical man, forsook ideology for practicality and became a builder, rather than a destroyer. He built an arc.
To ensure safety, Noah installed a kitchen on his vessel but no bathroom: he did not want two sink the arc.
When construction was completed, Noah saved the animals from the diluvian disaster by taking them on board two by two.
To ensure that only those who were clean came on board, grubs were banned.
A brig was constructed to cater for any fraudsters, who were secured behind a door marked “Condor”.
Zebras threatened to go on stripe unless they were provided with their own special crossing, so Noah provided a separate zebra crossing in remarkable prescience of how the world would become a feuding ground of identity politics in the 21st Century.
First to come on board was a cow because Noah needed, again with prescience of the demands for quotas in our time, a helmswoman, to steer the arc. The cow did not have a partner so Noah had to Bible.
Next a deck hand was needed. This could be a male as the helmswoman fulfilled the 50 per cent gender quota. Noah’s wife asked who he would choose from the eagerly waiting applicants. Noah pointed to a rugby league player saying “Eel do”.
How to provide sporting entertainment, had Noah stumped for a while until he came up with the idea of a run in an advertising rag for a cricket.
Wearing a bowler hat who, as an exception to the two of a kind rule, was to be accompanied by a bat and kept in line by a wicked keeper.
Then came the birds. They had to be healthy and legal, so ill eagles were prohibited entry and dispatched to Manus Island.
A toucan keen to leave its partner behind, was told “singles can’t board but toucan”.
Noah encountered a flamingo who would not embark unless he was allocated a sumptuous state room. Noah lost patience and yelled “in that case, you can flamin’ go!”
Storks could come as long as they promised not to stork the other passengers.
An undesirable beast tried to sneak on board by disguising itself as a lyre bird. Noah saw through the subterfuge and banished the creature saying “get off the arc, you’re lion”.
A frog’s entitlement to hop on board was not recognized as France did not officially become a country until many centuries later.
Animals boarded the arc day after day and night after night until there were only two left waiting on the shore. Noah said “necks please” and the giraffes galloped up the ramp.
Everyone knows that horses survived the great flood, but how they did it remains a mystery. When their turn came, Noah’s voice had given out: he was too hoarse to call them on board.
Enough of nonsense.
I for one am ready to call a truce with the climate changers. Let the schools stop indoctrinating our kids with alleged consensus of scientists falsely packaged as facts.
In return, us climate change sceptics should agree to immediately close coal fired power stations, thereby cutting our one per cent contribution to emissions to zero.
Then we wait, a day, a week, a month, a year, however long it takes for the penny to drop that our once flourishing economy is in ruins, our citizens are reduced to living at third world standards, all for a negligible effect on world climate.
Even then, it is unlikely the climate warriors, led by the formidable Zali of Warringah, guided by her consensus scientists rather than fact finding researchers, will abandon their fanciful quest.
The planet must be saved. Let us manfully, womanfully and gender fluidly, soldier onward with plan B, which is…?PC
– JurisDiction
AUTHOR: Juris Laucis is a Sydney-based barrister and member of the Liberal Party.
The Sun and Solar activity is primarily the source of all heat deployed on planet Earth, Slip Slop Slap.
I would like to inject some probably uncomfortable facts into the Global Warming “debating” of the far left and far right. That means to you that having sufficient potable water, breathable air and enjoying pleasant seasonal weather are all of our birthrights. And it is our obligation to pass on these fundamentals to our grandchildren.
So, I cannot see for the life of me, how it has become an issue of factional politics.
Let me explain about the “facts” part – or a couple of them… You see, the planet has already warmed up considerably. (https://www.openpr.com/news/2015379/soaring-global-temperature-to-fuel-boom-in-heating).
And since 2016 it has begun to accelerate. And is heading towards the dreaded 2 degrees mark. (See https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/decadaltemp.php). Notice “NASA”?
This has happened for 2 main reasons.
(1) Carbon and nitrogen gases have accumulated in the atmosphere, covering the planet in a gaseous version of a warm blanket.
(2) We (globally and in Oz) have cut down too many trees (over 95% of land area in Oz, and counting) that cool the planet, produce oxygen and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide. The animals and insects that nourish the root systems that provide soil stability are disappearing. So is the soil (from the resultant increasing storm intensity).
Why super storms? The bottom line is the superheated atmosphere in the tropics generates heated air that collides with abnormally cooled air masses from the melting antarctic and general glacier melt. To you and me that means super-storms, tidal surges (as water levels rise from melting ice), and generally more uncomfortable and unseasonal weather.
So, it is not a platform for political rhetoric but a looming problem that we need to address, and not continually sweep under the political carpet because the thought makes people uncomfortable.
It is what it is.
So let’s do something about it collectively, instead of all the “right versus left” arguments. Please. For our kids’ and grandkids’ sakes.
How about we form an environment-cross-bench “Global Warming war cabinet”, make some sound decisions and get on with it? That’s what we’re paying politicians to do.
And just to be clear, our comparatively tiny population has managed to pretty much trash a relatively enormous land mass with no compunction. And the massive tree-loss HAS contributed significantly to planetary warming and lowered oxygen levels.
That’s another fact.
So, it is my belief that we need to move forward with a series of solutions and solve our part of the world’s problem.
And for the coming “re-set? Let’s include improved land husbandry.
“Pharmacist and Naturopath”.
That’s very impressive. Why don’t you stick to your areas of professional expertise, and leave science to those who know what they’re talking about?