![Clueless politicians march to bureaucratic drum](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Jane-Halton-CEPI-2-300x500-1.png)
by PAUL COLLITS – TECHNOCRACY and technocrats gave us “pandemic preparedness”. And pandemic preparedness gave us the COVID State. And all of its evil deeds.
Will Jones at the Brownstone Institute notes that COVID has thrown up two core questions – where did the virus come from, and where did the response of governments to the virus come from?
- Pandemic preparedness is now well and truly embedded in the political class’s mindset.
- Plan for something and it is bound to happen.
- Public servants with too much time on their hands invent crazed policies and make them look virtuous.
I have detailed how the seemingly benign but ultimately lethal Biosecurity Act of 2015 established the architecture of COVID fascism in Australia.
But the legislative foundation isn’t the whole story. This is only one leg of the strategy of the technocrats in the world’s capital cities. They had other aces up their sleeves.
Here is Will Jones again: “The lockdown and NPI agenda began in the Bush White House in 2005 – though China had previously used lockdowns/NPIs in response to SARS in 2003 and claimed success (despite SARS disappearing everywhere and not just where NPIs were used). US President George W Bush was worried about biological attacks after 9/11 and the Iraq invasion and asked his team to come up with a whole of society response.
“The 2005 bird flu scare added impetus to the emerging agenda of ‘pandemic preparedness’ (despite the fact that the scare came to nothing). The plan the team came up with was based on the use of NPIs for social distancing – very similar to what China had used, though the team members themselves did not credit China for their idea but, bizarrely, the high school science project of one member’s 14-year-old daughter.
“This draconian biosecurity strategy grew from there. It came to include a stress on the fast development of vaccines and deployment of digital vaccine passes as the exit strategy from restrictions, particularly mRNA vaccines which were seen as a printable vaccine amenable to quick tailoring to emergent pathogens.
“…The new biosecurity-oriented, NPI-based pandemic preparedness ideas gradually became embedded in international policy and practice, including through national pandemic plans, WHO guidance, and pandemic simulation exercises such as Event 201, organised by Johns Hopkins University.”
The biosecurity movement, as Jones terms it, has been a powerful instrument for nudging democratically elected politicians towards COVID policy madness. It is managerialism on steroids.
Three truths are in play here.
The first truth is that clueless, fearful, reputation-obsessed politicians have come to rely totally on the advice of bureaucrats and so-called “experts”.
The second truth is the political scientist Charles Lindblom’s thesis about the development of public policy which he called “incrementalism”.
As per Britannica: “Incrementalism was first developed in the 1950s by the American political scientist Charles E Lindblom in response to the then-prevalent conception of policy making as a process of rational analysis culminating in a value-maximising decision.”
Lindblom summarily dismissed the “rational actor model” of policymaking, and suggested instead that policy develops incrementally over time, building on what already exists and susceptible to the influence of interest groups. He argued that it is interest groups that determine election outcomes and policies. Ideas, ideologies and methodologies (like the reliance on modelling) get baked into public service thinking and behaviour over time.
The third, linked, truth is the old Christian adage – “the devil makes work for idle hands to do”.
Public servants with too much time on their hands think up things like “pandemic preparedness” and make it look virtuous.
Politicians always have an urge to be seen to be doing something, to be problem-solving. Bureaucrats oblige by giving them ideas about “doing things”, about solving “problems” whether or not the problem actually exists (see under climate emergency).
Politicians also hate being thought of as reactive and flat-footed. They like to be “strategic”. Vested interests like Big Pharma and the Microsoft founder with the Messiah complex found ways to get inside the heads of policymakers (and academics and the legacy media), to embed a fear of pandemics and suggest the policy tools for combatting anything that came along that someone in a white coat defined as a “pandemic”.
Pandemic preparedness is now well and truly embedded in the political class’s mindset. It is especially an obsession of those charged with overseeing public health.
A benign interpretation of this process might see it all as merely an example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Plan for something and it is bound to happen.
A less benign interpretation might see hidden, malign forces at work.
The susceptibility of politicians to apparently “rational” advice from bureaucrats is something to behold.
Curtin University’s Rocco Loiacono notes: “Late last year I berated a former senior Liberal politician in this State [Western Australia], reminding him that, shamefully, it was a Liberal government that passed the Public Health Act and all its draconian provisions. I asked him: ‘What were you doing when the Bill was before the Parliament?’ His response was words to the effect of: ‘Well, they told us not to worry because these provisions will never be used!’
“They told us”. Indeed, they did. Here is a politician, a useful idiot, admitting that “they told us”.
What are the characteristics of those providing the advice, those who “told us”?
The COVID bureaucrat class is elitist, woke, Leftist, echo-chambered, and utilitarian. It is the ruling class.
It takes its orders from the globalist set which has vested interests in policy outcomes and the tools with which to bribe bureaucrats, journalists and academics – funding, flattery, secondments and opportunities for “public-private partnerships”, the preferred model of team Davos and of the modern politician.
Here is where the other great contribution to democratic theory of the last century kicks in. This is public choice theory, most notably proffered by James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock. Public choice theory outlines how bureaucrats are inevitably captured by private interests.
Public health bureaucrats are now a wholly owned subsidiary of those who are commercially and ideologically wedded to those with an interest in pandemics, real or (especially) imagined. They are connected by funding and by career advancement.
The pandemic preparedness movement and the vaccination movement have developed in lockstep, sharing personnel and ideology.
Everyone knows about Bill Gates’ tricks, of course. (Well, readers here do, at any rate.)
And, as Will Jones notes, the pandemic preparedness movement reached its apotheosis in 2019 with Event 201.
The movement was helped along enormously by international organisations, many of which were (inevitably) commissioned, championed and financially underwritten by Gates.
Key organisations included the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Gavi, the Global Fund and the Vaccine Alliance, whose interconnections forged the conjoining of the preparedness for a pandemic and vaccines as the single-bullet solution.
The pandemic champions all over the globe formed what the political scientists call a “policy community” with key government organisations.
Regular attendance by politicians at events like the World Economic Forum’s Davos strengthened the networks and the thinking. (Greg Hunt, of course, is a former employee of the WEF.)
It is the same with events for politicians like those of the United Nations, the G7 and G20, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) and APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation).
Then there is the World Bank. Of course, the World Health Organisation is the daddy of them all. Naturally funded by Bill Gates, as well as by the Chinese Communist Party.
(WHO notably bucked Lindblom’s theory of incrementalism when it abruptly and boldly overturned half a century of settled policy by advocating lockdowns and the rest in early 2020.)
Who has heard of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)? Me neither.
GPMB is an independent monitoring and accountability body to ensure preparedness for global health crises. Co-convened by the Director-General of WHO and the President of the World Bank, it is comprised of political leaders, agency principals and world-class experts.
It is tasked with providing “an independent and comprehensive appraisal for policy makers and the world about progress towards increased preparedness and response capacity for disease outbreaks and other emergencies with health consequences”. In short, the work of the GPMB is to chart a roadmap for a safer world.
A safer world?
Does anyone now seriously think our world is “safer” as a result of all the pandemic preparedness that helped to deliver COVID totalitarianism?
Nor should we forget the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. Co-chaired by one Helen Clark of NZ.
These dangerous organisations are popping up all over the place.PC
Bureaucrats are problematic
TGA COVID 19 Vaccine PRODUCT INFORMATION – First Approval 16 February, 2021 – Date of Revision 8 April, 2021
I just came across more of the older Research I did previously Re: TGA Product Information.
Information on the horrific graphene oxide/graphene hydroxide in the Covid Jabs/vaccines in link hereunder. (I also did some research on some of the other ingredients which also should not be injected into anything living).
See > https://www.globalresearch.ca/graphene-hydroxide-in-the-mrna-vaccine-vial-dr-andre-noack/5763548
TGA THERAPEUTIC GOODS ADMINISTRATION – AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTDate of First Approval 16 February, 2021 – Date of Revision 8 April, 2021COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZenecahttps://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/pi-covid-19-vaccine_0.pdf
(ChAdOx1-S) solution for injection
This vaccine is subject to additional monitoring in Australia. This will allow quick identification of new safety information.
Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse events at >
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca contains the excipients histidine, histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, disodium edetate (EDTA), sucrose, ethanol absolute, polysorbate 80 and water for injections Toxicity and local tolerance studies
Non-clinical data obtained from toxicology and local tolerance studies with investigational vaccines utilising the same ChAdOx1 adenoviral vector vaccine technology as COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, concluded that the ChAdOx1 technology was well tolerated in mice and was not associated with any adverse effects.
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is a vaccine, as such, genotoxicity (mutagenicity) studies have not been conducted.
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is a vaccine, as such, carcinogenicity studies have not been conducted.
Use in the elderlyThere are currently limited data available for the efficacy and safety in individuals over 65 years of age.
Further information will be collected from ongoing clinical studies and post-market monitoring.
The decision to immunise an elderly patient should be decided on a case-by-case basis with consideration of age, co-morbidities, their environment, potential benefits and potential risks.
Use in individuals with significant co-morbidities
There are currently limited data available for the efficacy and safety in individuals with significant co-morbidities.
The decision to immunise an individual should be made on the basis of potential benefits over risks to that individual.
Paediatric use
The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in children and adolescents (aged <18 years old) have not yet been established. No data are available.
Section changed Summary of new information
4.4 Inclusion of text relating to events of Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia
4.8 Inclusion of text on Blood and lymphatic system disorders: Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia
The safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of co-administration of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZenecawith other vaccines have not been evaluated.
Effects on fertility
It is unknown whether COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca may impact fertility.
No data are available.
5 of 15
Use in pregnancy – Category B2
There are a limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca in pregnant women, or women who became pregnant after receiving the vaccine.
The data are insufficient to inform on vaccine-associated risk.
Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.
If the people representing State and Federal Governments have/want ties, associations, partnerships, memberships, sponsorships, revolving doors with any Corporations, Companies, Groups, Government/NG Departments or anyone or anything whatsoever THEY CANNOT AND MUST NOT PULL THE MANDATE CAPER !
No Gunpoint Medicine ever! as this is a most serious crime /corruption/conflicts of interest and the most abhorrent violation of Informed Consent / Nuremberg Principles/ Nuremberg Code on a massive scale and they all must be held responsible and accountable for these atrocious violations/crimes against our populations.
The most sacred Rights of the Medical Profession are First Do No Harm and the Patients’ Rights to Fully Informed Consent to Treatment and Refusal of Treatment.
These have been grossly violated by Governments and the disgraceful subsequent pressure/control/gagging placed on the Medical Profession to do so.
This is absolutely abhorrent and must be stopped and ALL MANDATES MUST BE ABOLISHED permanently and irrevocably and all other acts of Governmental Tyranny.
All Medical Professionals should consider joining Australian Medical Professionals Society AMPS.
I believe very soon there is going to be a lot of elbowing to get Front Row Seats to see Hard Justice served.
We need more courageous and moral leaders now more than ever. But it is also a problem of the Australian people, we get the leaders we deserve, most Aussies have their heads in the sand and only care about themselves. The Aussie journalists bar a few are an absolute sell out and disgrace. Paul Colitis has done a great job exposing how useless our conservative leaders have been. Conservative politicians need to start calling out the treasonous WEF politicians in Australian parliaments now. A falling civilisation we are and it will unfortunately take a big we up call to turn things around.
Law Firm releases Bombshell Legal Opinion on alleged Illegal Control of Doctors Conduct – Senator Malcolm Roberts
More >
“GRAVE breaches” include:
giving medical treatment/interventions/procedures
without obtaining freely given informed consent.
Anna de Buisseret
U.K. Lawyer