It’s increasingly the case that public schools are among the most dangerous places to send your children.
It shouldn’t be this way.
We should feel confident dropping our kids at school, assured they will be cared for by responsible staff.
Increasingly though, we drop our kids at school unsure whether they will be cared for or devoured by ideologues.
This is exactly what is alleged to have happened at a South Australian school.
Year 9 students sat through a seminar on Respectful Relationships, which sounds harmless enough, but was anything but respectful.
For starters, parents were not advised that the seminar was taking place. Mums and dads were completely oblivious, when they dropped their children at school, that later that day their sons and daughters would be exposed to what I believe to be some of the most vile material.
Second, the seminar was conducted by a person brought into the school from outside and with no school staff member sitting in on the lesson, which is against school policy. Children were literally handed over to a stranger from outside.
And finally, the seminar – remember, it was meant to be about Respectful Relationships – is alleged by students to have featured material about incest and bestiality.
As reported by the ABC:
‘We’re all just sitting there like, ‘What the hell? What are we doing here? Why are we learning about animals having sex with humans?’’ she [a student] said. ‘It was really disgusting, it was really uncomfortable.’
How humans having sex with animals features in a seminar on Respectful Relationships is anyone’s guess.
How anyone thinks humans having sex with animals is an appropriate topic about which to speak to 14-year-olds boggles my mind.
And yet, that is what apparently happened.
The invited speaker allegedly told the children that the plus in LGBTQIA+ included various things including incest and bestiality, all of which needed to be accepted.
The Adelaide Advertiser reported that girls in the class were so disturbed, they made excuses to go to the bathroom and never returned.
Outraged parents threatened to withdraw their kids entirely from the school. They shouldn’t need to. The principal should be withdrawn … permanently.
The principal told parents he was taking their concerns about the seminar ‘very seriously’.
Well, that’s nice, although it is a pity it wasn’t considered before the session took place.
The principal said he had, and I quote, ‘raised concerns’ with the activist organisation that supplied the speaker.
Raised concerns? You don’t raise concerns when a complete stranger talks to Year 9 kids about incest and bestiality, you raise hell!
The school has offered counselling to students upset by the seminar.
The mother of a Year 9 girl was so badly let down by this disgraceful school administration that she told journalists:
‘It was gut-wrenching to have the innocence of my 14-year-old taken away.’
And yet that is what the Left are intent on doing by any means they can. They seek, at every opportunity, to strip young people of their innocence.
Stripped of fidelity to family and corrupted in their morals, young people are then able to be enslaved by sex – it matters not whether to porn or to radical gender theory – and so easily controlled by the State.
What allegedly happened at this school should be a huge wake-up call to every parent in our nation.
Let me give you three lessons from this episode.
First, take an interest in your children’s education. You cannot assume that the school will advise you about what is going on in the classroom. If you are not proactively asking questions and monitoring your children’s school experience, you are in danger of having your children stolen from you.
Second, don’t accept this behaviour from your children’s school. School staff are meant to be educators, not activists. Refuse to tolerate anything that deviates from what common sense would tell you is a normal school curriculum.
And if the school does attempt ideological pressure, raise hell. We need to make it clear to school administrations that we will not put up with our children’s minds being abused – whether by climate change catastrophists, by critical race theory morons, or by LGBTQIA+ activists.
Finally, make sure you have regular conversations with your children. Talk to them about their day. Know what’s going on in their world. Create space where they can share their thoughts, questions and experiences with you.
The best protection for children is an engaged parent or grandparent.
I know it’s not easy raising children in this day and age. But I’m determined to fight for the ability of every family to be responsible for their own children, free of government and activist interference.
One last thing …
Corey Bernardi was booted out of the Liberal Party back in 2012 for warning that the acceptance of gay marriage would lead to the social acceptance of having sex with animals.
He said at the time:
‘The next step, quite frankly, is having three people or four people that love each other being able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society – or any other type of relationship.
‘There are even some creepy people out there… [who] say it is okay to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals.
‘Will that be a future step? In the future will we say, ‘These two creatures love each other and maybe they should be able to be joined in a union.’ I think that these things are the next step.’
For those comments, Corey Bernardi was kicked out of the Liberal Party.
But devastated parents will now tell you, he wasn’t wrong.