![COVID madness vs vaccine lies](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Jeannette-Young-lies-300x500-1.jpg)
QUEENSLAND’s Chief Health Officer and incoming Governor, Jeannette Young, in doing her usual daily briefing for the Covidly supine, quivering masses, quietly slipped in the fact that one of the new “cases” in Queensland had been vaccinated.
Not being at the press conference, I don’t know if any of our low information “journalists” asked the very obvious question.
- More vaccinated people in the UK are contracting the virus than unvaccinated.
- At what point will politicians accept vaccines have limited efficacy?
- So much has been invested in the COVID panic, they can't change course.
Whoa! You just said that a vaccinated person got COVID. Does this mean that a vaccine is not, in fact, an effective means of preventing the spread of COVID?
But wait, there’s more. The United Kingdom Health Minister – Sajid Javid – has just contracted the dreaded virus. Here is what he said, naturally announcing it on Twitter: “This morning I tested positive for COVID. I’m waiting for my PCR result, but thankfully I have had my jabs and symptoms are mild. Please make sure you come forward for your vaccine if you haven’t already.”
So, I was vaccinated, then got COVID. It is only mild, because I had the vaccine. So go get vaccinated, so that when you get COVID you probably won’t die from it.
This is breathtaking, at several levels. One of the most prominent health politicians in the world has just admitted that the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread.
He now knows this from personal experience. And he isn’t that sick! More reason to get jabbed, and, unstated, we will continue threatening to ruin your lives if you don’t get vaccinated.
There is also a lie contained within the minister’s announcement.
This is the suggestion, heavily implied in his statement, that the symptoms are mild because of the vaccine, not merely after taking the vaccine.
But don’t we already know, as Peter Hitchens has so often reminded us, that the most commonly experienced symptom of COVID is “feeling fine”?
No minister, getting the vaccine might help reduce the suffering, but for many of us, our natural immunity works just as well, especially for the healthy and for those who have already had COVID or, indeed, any of COVID’s predecessors and relatives.
And if your concern is the dreaded Delta variant, and you believe, like the intellectually challenged Premier of NSW, that Delta is different and scarier, why on earth would you think that having the COVID jab would help keep the new variants away?
So there goes that argument for getting the jab. (Politicians cannot have it both ways on the variants question. If they are different and scary, why would the vaccines made for the other one work? But if they do work for variants, then why are we so scared of Delta?)
No, what Javid was cleverly attempting to do was to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. He was thinking, no doubt, and advised by his PR team, that people will know you have been vaccinated.
Then they might think – why bother getting vaccinated? We don’t want that, because the vaccines are our silver bullet get-out-of-jail-card.
Wait a minute. I am not very sick. So, let’s say that I am not very sick because of the vaccine. Brilliant. We’re still in the clear. The key word here was “thankfully”.
How many will see the undercurrents of what has just happened?
According to HuffPost, one of the seven required skills of a journalist is to be “investigative”. I will leave readers to determine the extent to which they believe that our current crop of mainstream media reporters fulfil this particular requirement.
The admissions by Young and Javid, pillars of the health establishment, on opposite sides of the world, would be considered seismic in normal political times.
Some obvious questions come to mind. You mean that all the talk by politicians over the past 18 months about vaccines ensuring our freedom and safety has been rubbish?
Did you know this all along? If so, why have you been lying to us? Why have you been quietly endorsing the vox pop abuse and bullying of those who won’t get the jab?
Why have you been considering vaccine passports? When did you first know that vaccines did not protect people from getting COVID, but, rather, merely provide one way of treating the symptoms?
Why don’t you suggest non-vaccine medical solutions (like Ivermectin) to those who cannot get the jab or who do not wish to?
Why did you stop people suing pharmaceutical companies? Why did you simply wave through the vaccines without proper clinical trials?
And the biggest, never-asked questions of all:
- Your policy for a long time, though never really stated out loud, has been zero COVID. We have to “smash” the virus, eradicate it. It is a war. Man the barricades!
- Vaccines are the means of ending the lockdowns and giving us back our freedom. (Freedom that we never gave you permission to take from us, by the way).
- You are now admitting that the vaccinated still get COVID. What a vaccine does now, apparently, is reduce symptoms and deaths – no bad thing, of course.
- Does this not mean that you have, in effect, changed the very meaning of “vaccine”, from a prophylactic device to a curative one? If so, why did you not explain this, so that we would be free, knowingly, to consider taking a vaccine as merely one among several possible (medical and non-medical) actions or non-actions that can be taken to self-protect? Including the reliance, for many, on natural immunity and general good health, the best means yet of avoiding the ’rona.
- If vaccines do not stop infections, what is Plan B for COVID policy? Come on, let’s hear it.
Let me repeat the big question in terms that even the most dimwitted politician might understand. If vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID, and given that eradication is your policy objective, when will the lockdowns ever end?
It is great to see that Will Jones at Lockdown Sceptics (and The Conservative Woman) is on the case, and has seen the significance of Javid’s admission.
But, again, there is more. Jones notes that the latest ZOE App data show that now in Britain there are more vaccinated people testing positive than the unvaccinated. Take a minute to take this in.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, despite being vaccinated – and he is far from alone. The latest ZOE data shows that, as of July 12, infections in the vaccinated (with at least one dose) in the UK now outnumber those in the unvaccinated for the first time, as the former continue to surge while the latter plummet. (Note that 68 per cent of the population has had at least one vaccine dose, so there are still at this stage disproportionately more new infections in the unvaccinated, though on current trends that may soon change.)
At what point will the government accept that these vaccines have limited efficacy in preventing infection and transmission, and thus the whole rationale of being vaccinated to protect others – vaccine passports, compulsory vaccination, and so on – is false?
Let the graph tell the story.
Yes, of course it is the case that there are many more people who have been vaccinated – well, at least jabbed once – in the UK than those unvaccinated. But you get the drift. And the deep significance of this development, as revealed in my five-part “big question” outlined above.
What is more sinister, also pointed out by Jones, is that the ZOE app web site has removed from the published graph the unvaccinated rate of testing positive for the virus. Who is it that doesn’t want everyone to know that vaccination will not eradicate the spread of the virus?
Perhaps the scariest question of all in the age of the panicked politician, the low information voter and the permanently quivering and seemingly blind masses is this – is it even possible any more for a politician to jump the shark over COVID?
A game changer for COVID madness? Sadly, no, I fear not. Too much is so heavily invested in the COVID panic by so many that a little Logic 101 is hardly likely to make much difference.PC
06/12/2021 CHI Australia, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, C19, China, Corruption, Vax
As many Australians believe the only way to regain lost freedoms is to comply with those dictating the inoculation campaign, it’s worth looking at those bureaucrats responsible, especially as some of these people refuse to discuss the options offered by experienced vaccine developers, immunologists, and molecular biologists, but instead, put their faith in only those campaigning for these experimental shots.
But first, a bit of history; back in November 1940, the recently appointed director general for information for the Australian government, Sir Keith Murdoch, an influential Australian media owner himself, resigned his post after comparisons were made with Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels – the press withdrew co-operation, and politicians protested. By then his son, Rupert Murdoch, was 9 years old. Rupert Murdoch extended his father’s media success and amassed one of the world’s largest media conglomerates, with additional massive investment in pharmaceuticals, particularly, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Please continue :-
‘5) If vaccines do not stop infections, what is Plan B for COVID policy? Come on, let’s hear it.’
At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, the answer to this question is ‘a vaccine that does stop Covid’. Most of us, but possibly not the writer of the article, understand that evolution is relentless. Just as Covid is evolving through the Greek alphabet, so does just about anything else. We get annual ‘flu shots, each one different to that of the previous year. Perhaps Mr Collits should read the article by Robert Gottliebsen in The Australian about the worrying developments in the effectiveness of Pfizer against the Delta strain, where there is a very large sample in Israel. But reduced effectiveness doesn’t mean the politicians are lying, or are hell-bent on maintaining lock-down, as some conspiracy theorists may aver. In the UK, Boris Johnson is setting the standard by removing all restrictions at a time when UK infection is over 50,000 cases a day. If this massive experiment fails, it really is back to the drawing board with vaccines. We do need a vaccine and an administration regime that is effective.
Build Back Better?
COVID-19 of course, Great Reset of our lives and climate hoaxers’ New Green Deal for them, the climate hoax.
I am not aware of any influenza vaccine that provides one hundred per cent protection and many who have been vaccinated experience mild symptoms of seasonal flu (coronavirus strains).
But I am not a medical professional.
So true Paul. Once more and more vaccinated get infected and die from Covid (which is what the data indicates – see link below), perhaps the sheeple will wake up.
This study by eminent scientist Herve Seligmann with data from Israel found: the vaccinated have a 3 fold higher chance of catching covid19 and 20 fold higher chance of dying from covid19 compared with the unvaccinated.
Herve Seligmann is no conspiracy theorist either, with over 100 peer reviewed international publications and 3932+ medical citations for his work – see link below.
Dear Sean
I feel the truth is somewhat hazy out there?
No doubt it appears very difficult to get to the bottom of the true statistics promptly?
1. How many people in NSW Hospitals suffering from COVID which Version of COVID is it?
2. What are the ages of each patient in Hospital supposedly suffering from COVID?
3. Which patient has received Vaccination one dose or two doses?
4. Which vaccination did they receive?
5. Which patients suffering COVID in hospital have any underlying pre-existing health issues that could comprise their ability to recover quickly if at all?
6. Finally in regard to all of the above data how many are really on Ventilators?
7. Finally! Finally! How many people have died this year from these Variations of COVID or with the variations of COVID?
All of the above data would be interesting for the people of NSW to know under these devastating Lock downs?
Thank you so much.