by DAVID FLINT – THE 2022 election campaign has demonstrated again the failure of Australia’s principal political Parties to face the fact that they cannot honestly serve two masters.
In trying to do so they are deceiving their base and through their duplicity are gradually making themselves irrelevant.
- Both Parties continue to pander to the inner suburbs while simultaneously appeasing the regions.
- They think they are the fountain of all wisdom and that the peasants are fortunate indeed to have them.
- Not, it would seem, for much longer.
This is demonstrated in the collapse of their primary vote and the number of people who do not vote or who even avoid enrolment.
The principal Parties are only being saved by the artificial and calculated protections given by the world’s most complicated system of compulsory and preferential voting and the degree of fraud the politicians have decided to tolerate.
This problem is starkly exposed by a curious historical correlation.
This is between the seats targetted by the so-called “teals”, – the unaffiliated Greens – and the Liberal seats which registered a Yes vote for the most disastrous republican model ever conceived.
Although this occurred over two decades ago, this is increasingly relevant today for one simple fact: even now, neither Party has faced up to the glaring lesson of the republic referendum.
As to the 1999 republican model, we should never forget that it came from Malcolm Turnbull, the leader who later gave us such disasters as the French submarines (not the excellent submarines our French friends produce but the converted monstrosity that our government ordered) and that ecological and energy disaster, Snowy 2.0.
That republican model was an outrage on the Westminster system of responsible government.
It would have been the only republic in history where a power-drunk prime minister could have sacked the president, without notice, without any grounds whatsoever and without any legal right of appeal.
In a repeat of the 1975 situation, Australia could easily have become a dictatorship.
But not only did many experts who criticised the model subsequently support the Yes case, so did most of the nation’s expert commentariat.
The more educated and the wealthier electorates, later targetted by the “teals”, did so too, with over 60 per cent in Wentworth, North Sydney and Kooyong actually voting Yes to such an abomination.
Fortunately, they were a minority. Among federal seats, the No case registered a landslide 72 per cent. Only 28 per cent were silly enough to vote for the model.
What was extraordinary was that people who should have known better actually supported the model.
Now let me stress again, this is not just of historic interest.
During the republic campaign, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM) did not have the resources of the wealthy republican movement.
When the Constitutional Convention was held in Old Parliament House in 1998, Mr Turnbull and the republican leadership stayed at the Hyatt, ACM coming in each day by bus from a suburban motel.
In the months preceding the referendum vote, we scraped together enough money to have pop-up offices in each State capital with a State director.
The Victorian director, Rick Brown, had been a close associate of BA Santamaria. He was and is an extraordinary political strategist.
If we were going to lose a State during the referendum, it would have been Victoria where even the leader of the Nationals was a republican.
But because of Rick’s careful advice, we held on to Victoria, thus giving us a clean sweep of all States.
In an interview with Rick on the Monarchy Australia YouTube [see below] channel, he concludes that the raison d’etre of both political Parties disappeared in 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down.
This meant that the values of the ordinary voter were no longer necessarily those of their preferred Party.
What we then saw in the referendum was both Labor and nearby Liberal seats voting the same way.
The only difference was the postcode. That’s right. The postcode.
The inner-city elite seats voted for the republican model. The outer suburbs and the regions voted No.
But neither of the political Parties, he argues, want even now to learn from the referendum. Why?
Because this would have made them change their whole comfortable and deceitful political strategy.
We see this in the schizoid attempts by the Liberals to cater to both Wentworth voters and those in the outer suburbs, and the equally schizoid attempts of Labor to cater for both inner-city elites and the mining electorates.
Rick Brown says that the first major Party that re-focuses its efforts solely on the outer suburbs and the regions will clean up.
But, he says, neither side is so disposed. Both continue to pander to the inner suburbs and simultaneously appease the outer suburbs and the regions.
Asked why this is so, he replies that this is because of the people who control the Parties.
They all live in the inner city elite suburbs. Check out, he suggests, where their staffers are renting. You will not be surprised.
He says the people of the outer suburbs and the regions have real priorities. They know who is ruling them and that the rulers look down on them.
When those who supported the republican model lost, he says, they argued this didn’t matter. “We’ll have a republic in five years,” they said.
They did not. He says such cultural causes are time-dependent. They depend on the cultural view of a particular group of people at a particular time.
I suggested in the YouTube interview that global warming is a similar issue. There was no time to pursue that.
The fact is that as an issue it is unimportant to anyone with any sense at least because our emissions don’t count.
In addition, outside of the elites including those with financial conflicts of interest, there are far more important issues.
Meanwhile, he says the nation is controlled by a new born-to-rule class, not of inherited wealth but of professional elites.
They think they are the fountain of all wisdom and that the peasants are fortunate indeed to have the benefit of what they have to say.
Not, it would seem, for much longer.PC
See Pages 25-26 of Information Paper > https://fluorideinformationaustralia.wordpress.com/election-2022/
Let us hope there is a legal challenge to this ‘Election’ which many claim is totally rigged/fraudulent/fixed. Any Australians who did vote for the Treasonous bastards LNP, ALP, Greens – you have condemned us all to permanent Government Tyranny/Totalitarianism under total control of WEF, WHO, UN, Globalists.
You have destroyed our lives and our country. God save us because nothing else will.
by Diane Drayton Buckland
Dr Russell L. Blaylock. Covid Update What is the Truth ?
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
Full Paper >
World Council for Health – Cease and Desist – We declare that Covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous and unsafe for human use.
The manufacturing, distribution, administration and promotion of these injections violate basic principles of law.
Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.
For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.
Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. More information about this can be found on zeeemedia.com .
Stay tuned for Part 2.
“This WHO Pandemic Treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, says Neil Oliver”
Just take a good look at WHO and their involvement with world mandates and toxic bioweapons
Craig Kelly- Australia Under Threat – warns about WHO treaty with crippling lockdowns and mandates
Stephen Andrew MP for Mirani https://www.facebook.com/StephenAndrewMP
In Shanghai right now, nearly 25 million humans have been put under house arrest.
Imprisoned in high-rise apartments, they can’t leave their homes for anything – even food or water.
‘Essentials’ are delivered to them by a nightmarish army of white-garbed, masked ‘health workers’.
The city’s streets and parks are no-go zones and medical-testing is mandatory.
Groups of people are frogmarched to testing sites where anyone testing positive is forcibly taken away and incarcerated in vast prison-like quarantine centres.
House arrest, invasive tests, detention, starvation rations and countless other human rights abuses are now the norm.
Once upon a time, this would have provoked outrage and condemnation from leaders of the ‘free world’.
Not anymore.
Governments everywhere, including Australia, are utterly silent in the face of this tyranny.
Something Australians should consider an ominous sign for their own future.
When, during this whole campaign, did we hear a single Minister or shadow Minister, make reference to what has gone on over the past two and a half years?
How many apologised for the part they played, or didn’t play, in that nightmare?
A nightmare that saw countless lives ruined, dreams smashed, businesses destroyed, relationships broken and jobs/careers stolen.
Not a single one.
Even today I find it hard to credit the sheer lunacy of it all. And cruelty.
I received literally thousands of letters and emails over the past year, many from Australians who have been deeply traumatised by recent events.
Most heartbreaking are those who say how “sad” they feel all the time now.
As though all feeling of happiness or hope for the future has been drained out of them.
Many of these are young people.
By rights, our youth should be brimming with joy, looking forward to a future filled with brilliant career opportunities, overseas travels, new friends, activities and adventure before meeting someone, having children and everything else that goes with that.
That’s why I’m saying:
There needs to be some kind of reckoning for all this.
My hope is that tomorrow will be that reckoning …
Please REMEMBER all those standing who fought tirelessly, and continue to fight, by the side of the PEOPLE and AGAINST TYRANNY.
In my view PM Morrison failed to exercise leadership through the use of federal powers to ensure the elementary rule was applied: protect the vulnerable, recommend sensible precautions, and let everyone get on with normal life as far as possible. Lockdowns to ensure zero COVID is a Chinese Communist device.
Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.
For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.
Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. More information about this can be found on zeeemedia.com .
Stay tuned for Part 2.
Dr Russell L. Blaylock. Covid Update What is the Truth ? – Read this Paper please !
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
Full Paper >
World Council for Health – Cease and Desist – We declare that Covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous and unsafe for human use. The manufacturing, distribution, administration and promotion of these injections violate basic principles of law.
INSANE TYRANTS – Labor Government South Australia like all the Labor Governments & Liberal/Nationals & Greens
Craig Kelly- Australia Under Threat – warns about WHO treaty with crippling lockdowns and mandates
Australia’s only chance is to VOTE OUT Liberal/National, Labor & Greens
We are all in the fight of our lives for our lives against vile and heinous State and Federal Government Tyranny.
DO NOT vote for Liberal/National Labor or Greens or you will certainly doom us all to Permanent Government Tyranny/Totalitarian Regimes.
It is too late afterwards to say ‘We wished we had listened to the warnings of grave urgency and total Destruction of our Democracy.’
Please study this website and Information Paper to give you, what is a brief insight, into what has and is really going on and that the entire system is totally corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest which is jaw dropping! It is disgusting!
See Information Paper https://fluorideinformationaustralia.wordpress.com/election-2022/
The entire system is totally corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest. If the people representing State and Federal Governments have/want ties, associations, partnerships, memberships, sponsorships, revolving doors with any Corporations, Companies, Groups, Government/NG Departments or anyone or anything whatsoever THEY CANNOT AND MUST NOT PULL THE MANDATE CAPER !
No Gunpoint Medicine ever! as this is a most serious crime /
corruption/conflicts of interest and the most abhorrent violation of Informed Consent / Nuremberg Principles/ Nuremberg Code on a massive scale and they all must be held responsible and accountable for these atrocious crimes against our populations.
DO NOT vote for Liberal/National Labor or Greens or you will certainly doom us all to Permanent Government Tyranny/Totalitarian Regimes.
Malcolm Roberts One Nation
How Stupid is Australia !? While many nations are re-opening from ‘lockdown’ and building new coal-fired power stations, Australia, with one of the world’s richest mineral supplies, remains shackled AND shutting down ALL coal plants to ‘save the planet.’
Who is to blame? Corrupt politicians or the stupid people who vote for them
Comment >
Stop Global Deforestation and keep planting countless amounts of trees globally continually.
David your comment appears to be from one at least of the many misleading comments about the French Submarine Contract. The design for the RAN was not a converted Nuclear Submarine, it was based on that hull but completely different and qualified observers believe it would have been one of the best conventional power (diesel-electric) submersible ships in the world.
Of course the Contract had to be cancelled because the French were well behind schedule for completion of the design stage and the cost had increased considerably with no guarantee of not continuing to rise.
And most important of all considerations the AUKUS Agreement, for which the Morrison Government has not received the praise it deserves for achieving that result, including the far superior Nuclear Submarine technology for the RAN.
You are right that my understanding of how the French submarines would be produced is superficial. How very good they might have been the time to deliver them and the extraordinary cost. I agree that the AUKUS agreement is a great achievement. Let’s hope that we can access nuclear technology soon.
Truer words have never been said. These political imposters only serve each other – not their communities.
The reason the ALP remains in the game in 2022 is because Scott Morrison has become Anthony Albanese-lite.
Until recently, it was unheard of that Liberal politicians would disguise themselves as leftist rat bags.
It used to be that the rat bags pretended to be Liberals “with a heart”.
I truly hope they all lose.
You must be one of the believers in the Union controlled Labor and partisan media propaganda, relentless negativity, directed at Prime Minister Morrison and the Coalition. It reminds me of the way Tony Abbott was treated and criticised by his own side of politics based on the smearing and character assassination.
Such as vaccine mandates, lockdowns and restrictions, public health matters and public hospitals, interstate border closures and many other examples of State Government areas of responsibility and powers effectively blamed on the PM by Labor Premiers. He doesn’t hold a hose, was on holidays in Hawaii during bushfires, not his job but the advertisements do not provide the questions he answered.
People should sit back and think about the period late 2018 to present day when Scott Morrison has been Prime Minister and what has taken place, the worst crisis in public health since the early 1900s from early 2020 and still hanging around.
Consider that the economy is now out of the pandemic recession caused by State lockdowns and restrictions for businesses and employees because of economic stimulus the Federal Government provided, but had to borrow money for that purpose, but now the economy is growing and with 3.5% growth, the OECD forecasts 4.1% soon. Unemployment at the lowest level since the 1970s.