Donald Trump destroyed the credibility of E. Jean Carroll in an avalanche of posts on his Truth Social account showcasing a thorough recap of Carroll’s prior statements, including her opinion that she thinks most people think rape is “sexy.” 

Carroll an 80-year-old former Elle magazine author, alleged in 2019 that Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

Trump maintains Carroll is a “whack job” who’s “not my type” and denies the allegations, insisting that he had no idea who Carroll was prior to the outlandish claims. 

A Manhattan jury found Trump was not guilty of rape, but when the former president claimed Carroll was “deranged,” she immediately started a defamation suit, and Judge Lewis Kaplan was more than happy to pile on the damage compensations.

In May 2022, Judge Kaplan ordered Trump to pay Carroll $5 million in damages. Trump appealed and called the case “attempted EXTORTION” based on “fabricated lies and political shenanigans.”

Last year, Carroll went after Trump again, suing him over remarks he made while still in the White House in response to rape allegations. Judge Kaplan sided with Carroll and issued a pretrial judgment last year finding Trump liable for defamation, leaving a trial to determine how much he will pay.
Carroll is seeking at least $10 million in damages in the second defamation case, more for defamation than she sued for the alleged assault, which is unfolding in a Manhattan court this week.
Trump called attention to an interview to Carroll conducted with CNN’s Anderson Cooper which has since gone viral.
In an excerpt of the interview, Carroll claims rape is “sexy.”
Pressed by Cooper on whether she felt “like a victim” after allegedly being raped, Carroll replied, “I was not thrown on the ground and ravaged –the word rape carries so many sexual connotations. This was nuts. This was not sexual.”
“I think most people think of rape [as] a violent assault,” Cooper shot back.

“I think most people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies,” Carroll retorted.


“Can you believe I have to defend myself against this woman’s fake story?!” Trump wrote in response Carroll’s ludicrous exchange with Cooper.

Trump also displayed Carroll’s mental illness and bizzare sexual proclivities by using her own words against her.

The embattled former president posted screenshots of Carroll’s posts on social media from over the years, in which she broadcasts her incoherent views about “anal sex,” a sex “tip” that she “learned from her dog” and pornography.

“Everything interesting on Twitter is about sex,” Carroll she wrote in one tweet.

“Sex Tip I Learned From My Dog: When in heat, chase the male until he collapses with exhaustion…then jump him!” the 80-year old former Elle magazine author wrote in 2010.

“How do you kow your ‘unwanted sexual advance’ is unwanted, until you advance it?” the plaintiff who claims Trump raped asks her online readers.

“Would men have invented chastity belts, veils, and croks if women weren’t just unbelievably HOT?—Honey, you were BORN to seduce!” Carroll wrote in 2011.


Under cross-examinaion by Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba on Wednesday, Carroll admited on the stand to deleting massive amounts of evidence, under subpoena, which is a crime.

She also admitted to having a gun without a license.

FLASHBACK: Here’s a Look Back at the Crazy Lady Who Said Trump Raped Her But Can’t Remember the Year and Calls her Cat “Vagina T. Fireball” and Paints Her Trees Blue – ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

The defamation trail which began on the heels of Trump’s big victory in Iowa, in which he garnered a whopping 51 percent of the vote from the Iowa Republican caucus.

Trump warns Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, is only giving Carroll’s bogus claims standing to interfere with the election.

“Now that E. Jean Carroll has admitted to illegally deleting and destroying mountains of evidence (as well as, it seems, unlawfully owning a gun and buying ammunition!), if Judge Lewis Kaplan does the right and PATRIOTIC thing, he will immediately dismiss the current Election Interfering Witch Hunt Trial, and reverse the unfair and biased result in the first Sham Trial, which was forced upon a very popular and successful President of the United States of America (ME!). The Crooked Joe Biden-directed Conspiracy of Hoaxes and Scams is falling apart like a rotten House of Cards. Make America Great Again!” Trump wrote on Truth Social after leaving court Wednesday night.

The allegations leveled by Carroll, a woman he claims he doesn’t recall ever meeting, are as bogus as the Russian collusion hoax contrived by “Democrat Political Operatives,” Trump continued.

“I’ve said it once & I’ll say it again, a thousand times. Until this ridiculous Hoax was revealed to me by the Fake News Media, I never heard of E. Jean Carroll, never had anything to do with her, never would want to have anything to do with her, never brought her into a LOCKED changing room of a crowded NYC Department Store (directly opposite the checkout booth!), & NEVER TOUCHED HER, OR IN ANY WAY WOULD WANT TO TOUCH HER,” he wrote. “The whole story is a MADE UP & DISGUSTING HOAX! Like the now fully discredited RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX, & all of the others, this one is also conceived, funded, & carried out by Democrat Political Operatives like her lawyer (who I just beat in another SCAM case!), Roberta Kaplan, Piglet Reid Hoffman, a major Democrat Donor who is funding this Witch Hunt, or “Crazed” George Conway, who lost his wonderful wife, Kellyanne, to another, and has gone completely “NUTS!” Judge Kaplan knows this, & all about “THE FAKE DRESS,” but won’t let it be revealed. BROKEN JUSTICE!”

As TGP has reported, in 2019, after Carroll was awarded millions from Trump, she sat down for an interview with Vanity Fair and revealed she lives with mice in a cabin she called “Mouse House.”

FLASHBACK: Here’s a Look Back at the Crazy Lady Who Said Trump Raped Her But Can’t Remember the Year and Calls her Cat “Vagina T. Fireball” and Paints Her Trees Blue – ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

She also paints trees and rocks outside her log cabin and travels th country with her blue-dyed poodle that she named “Tits.”

Carroll also called her cat, Vagina T. Fireball.

A video that was uploaded to Youtube by Elle Magazine on October 30, 2017, confirms the the information she told Vanity Fair is accurate.


Americans who voted for President Trump were not allowed “standing” with claims of election fraud, but this nut case gets standing with nothing but accusations from decades before.

Meanwhile, not a single one of Jeffrey Epstein’s clients have faced justice.

The post E. Jean Carroll’s Is A Nutcase And Trump Proves It With Reciepts: ‘Most People Think Of Rape As Being Sexy’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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