On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, U.S. Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland delivered a speech that many will remember not for its content but for its cringe-worthy execution.

As he took the stage among a lineup of radical leftists, Raskin’s moment quickly devolved into chaos when his teleprompter failed him, leaving him frozen and fumbling for words.

Raskin began a line intended to criticize Trump: “Someone should have told Donald Trump that the President’s job under Article two of the Constitution…” However, what followed was an awkward and painfully long pause as Raskin struggled to recall the next words.

As he stood there, Raskin awkwardly attempted to regain his composure and stumbled through the rest of the line, “Someone should have told Donald Trump that the president’s job under Article Two of the Constitution is to take care that the laws are faithfully executed.”


BREAKING: Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin just FROZE trying to quote the constitution against Trump on the DNC floor in front of the entire crowd and millions watching

“Someone should’ve told Trump that the president’s job under Article II of the constitution————” pic.twitter.com/S1QtHvfqRE

— George (@BehizyTweets) August 20, 2024

During his speech, Raskin also lied about January 6th: “Five people died that day.”

Rep. Jamie Raskin blatantly lies about January 6th: “Five people died that day.”

The leftist media won’t fact-check this. pic.twitter.com/xUgTEu1oD4

— Media Research Center (@theMRC) August 20, 2024

Rasking also blasted the “Banana Republicans who converted Lincoln’s party into a dangerous cult of personality.”

Election Denier Jamie Raskin cries about “banana Republicans” because he’s completely unhinged and delusional pic.twitter.com/7TbyLOxW5F

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 20, 2024

The post Election Denier Jamie Raskin Humiliates Himself After Freezing During DNC Speech appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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