PILATE’S contemptuous dismissal of truth echoes down the ages. Those who, like Pilate, wash their hands while authoritarians try to gag anyone they insist must not speak, ignore what distinguishes civilisation from the evil alternatives.
The search for truth is dependent on freedom of speech. As Robert Menzies warned: “Today’s truth is frequently tomorrow’s error…. If truth is to emerge and in the long run be triumphant, the process of free debate – the untrammelled clash of opinion – must go on”.

- MP Craig Kelly has been told not to repeat scientifically endorsed views.
- A Sydney television host has ordered him to 'be quiet'.
- They attack Craig Kelly because he embarrasses politicians and their elite allies.
Menzies practised what he preached. When novice backbencher and subsequently Democrat leader Don Chipp decided to give notice that he would cross the floor over some government bill, Menzies replied, “If you feel that way, my boy, you must follow your conscience”. This freedom is at the very heart of representative democracy. As Burke explained, we choose our representatives for their judgment. Any restriction is contrary to the “whole order and tenor of our constitution”.
Craig Kelly has been ordered not to repeat scientifically endorsed views on medicines or vaccinations, a Sydney TV host even ordering him to “be quiet”.
Following the US mainstream media, no longer adhering to the adage that “comment is free but facts are sacred”, journalists will too often insert some adjective like “baseless” about something which a responsible media once reported with curiosity and without condemnation, such as the fact that banned medicines may still enjoy reputable scientific support or that allegations of electoral fraud are supported by mountains of evidence. Such journalists will also readily dismiss comment by reference to some non-existent standard such as “the” science.
Rather than limiting themselves to desk-based reporting, such journalists could visit a court room. There they would often see expert witnesses called by both sides.
They would come to understand that scientific truth is determined neither by majority nor even consensus, as demonstrated when Australian scientists won the Nobel Prize for showing that some gastric ulcers can be caused by a virus, Helicobacter pylori.
In the case of Craig Kelly, where the mainstream media have smelt blood, the Prime Minister unwisely surrendered just as he did over the National Anthem. Unsurprisingly, Kelly’s pre-selection is now an issue.
On that surely it is time that our normally manipulated pre-selections be replaced by primaries where registered Labor, Liberal, etc, supporters in the relevant electorate or State actually decide who their candidates shall be.
Probably the strongest reason why there is a bi-partisan move to replace Craig Kelly, as there was with Trump, is that he embarrasses the politicians and their elite allies over the litany of burdens they impose on the people for which they will never have to answer.
Central to this is their endorsement not only of the increasingly discredited theory of man-made global warming but also both the Paris solution and the claim that the successors to the assorted dictators, thugs and dissembling politicians will deliver on their promises decades hence.
Independent research suggests that at best this will barely reduce the temperature in 2100, saving about two per cent GDP at a cost of between 16 to 32 per cent of GDP. I doubt whether most politicians believe all this. If they did, they would not have “carbon” footprints many times those of ordinary people, unless of course they are outrageous hypocrites.
Why then have they, as Alan Jones and Terry McCrann warned years ago, signed a national suicide note? What they and other elites want is for Craig Kelly and a few colleagues to stop reminding Australians of this. But ordinary Australians are not stupid. Only ten per cent of airline travellers buy “carbon” credits, probably those elites who don’t themselves pay for their tickets.
As with their refusal to harvest water, as with their immigration programme designed to satisfy the fiction that the GDP is rising while wages are stable or falling, as with an education programme delivering declining standards, the politicians are running our great country into the ground. Hence their determination to throw anyone who exposes this out of parliament.
Meanwhile in America, Speaker Pelosi followed the answer given by the high priests when Pilate invited them to explain their case, “If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee”. There was need neither for evidence nor due process. The voice of Pelosi was sufficient. The so-called Senate trial is undoubtedly unconstitutional for any one of several grounds most of which have been mentioned in prior columns.
One arises out of reliance on Trump’s free speech-protected assertion that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
On that Time magazine has now confirmed the existence of a “conspiracy” among a “well-funded cabal” of “powerful people” working together behind the scenes to “influence perceptions”, “change rules and laws”, “steer media coverage” and “control the flow of information”.
They even admit to using the eight months of violent looting, burning and torching by Black Lives Matter to advance their agenda.
The key moment on the day of the election was 11pm. Trump was winning with a solid lead in the battleground states. In a Zoom call at that time, cabal architect Mike Podhorzer calmed conspirators by “presenting data” to show a Biden victory was in hand. As it was.
Voting was then suspended in battleground states on the ruse there was a drainage overflow in one polling station.
Counting soon secretly resumed in the absence of Republican scrutineers. And as anyone with the slightest experience knows, this was obviously done for one reason and one reason only – fraud.
Biden’s vote suddenly advanced exponentially, massively and as Patrick Basham has demonstrated here, implausibly.
Rather than answering the mountain of evidence Donald Trump’s lawyers subsequently assembled, its existence was denied by the mainstream media with social media punishing anyone who mentioned it. Despite that, Trump still strikes terror into the hearts of the elites. He and anyone considering following him must be silenced.PC
As proven continuously but not covered by the lying media! Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer were, along with One Nation Robbed in the last election largely by the lies of MSM and lying governments at the time and supported by a corrupted AEC and so with a Government built on lies, 30% of this country allowed a crooked election to govern this great country built on lies and falsehoods
Just heard about Kelly leaving the Liberal Party! A great loss – but can’t blame him as nobody likes to be ticked off for telling the truth!
Telling it as it is, – that’s what we expect of our Politicians! A great loss for Conservatism in the Liberal Party!
Yes – brave Craig Kelly M.P. deserves the civilian equivalent of the Victoria Cross! Tony Abbott and Donald Trump both deserve huge accolades for their wise, Conservative efforts to benefit their Countries. All three have not been afraid to speak the truth!
They have reminded us all that ‘climate change’ has been massively hyped-up, overstated and lied about. This scare-mongering has been lining the pockets of the Communist Party of China and the western billionaires, both of whom have enormous skin in the game. China is manufacturing the components of solar panels and wind turbines – (and with a massive amount of new coal-fired generators in the pipeline to facilitate this gargantuan manufacturing effort) – and then the western billionaires have been handling the import, assembly, distribution and instillation of them in this Country and World-wide.
Then our Craig Kelly speaks out about the real need for an effective alternative to, or hand-in-hand treatment with, the vaccine for Covid-19. Kelly is so right! Ivermectin is being used so very effectively by millions throughout the world in trio with Doxycycline and Zinc.
But of course, Ivermectin is a cheap, generic drug and if introduced to Countries such as Australia, then Big Pharma would be denied further billions of dollars!
Please keep up your crusades Craig! The ordinary voters of your electorate and indeed of Australia are right behind you!
Perhaps you could speak out loudly about Australia’s dire need to build more dams for essential water supply in times of drought and the dire need to take ‘woke’ teachers in hand and to drastically insist on the teaching of the basics in primary levels and of English, Maths, true Science and History being the major part of our senior curriculum.
Perhaps it IS time for us to have ‘primary’ elections where the candidates for election to our Parliaments are actually elected by all Party Members? Craig Kelly and people of his ilk would always be a shoe-in by sane and sensible Liberal Party Members.