by PAUL COLLITS – CONTRAST the now celebrated queer comedian Reuben Kaye with the now disendorsed Liberal candidate for Wyong Matthew Squires.
Reuben’s 76,000 or so Instagram followers were, no doubt, delighted by his recent rehashing of an old, blasphemous joke on Channel 10’s The Project.
- They now drive their opponents out.
- And they have useful idiot politicians like the NSW Liberals to help them.
- Anyone who says what many Christians think, loses their job.
Offence taken by Christians (and other religious believers)? Who the hell cares? Kaye’s future gigs will now be sellouts.
As the Arts Centre of Melbourne gushes: “The obscenely intelligent, rib-crackingly funny Reuben Kaye returns to Melbourne in an explosion of high camp and filthy humour.”
No apology from Reuben, of course, for his off-colour gag. Being in the rainbow coalition means never having to say sorry. He gets to turn up to his job the next day.
No such luck for Matthew Squires, the latest victim of instant cancel. His political future, whatever that might have entailed, is shot. Probably his business as well.
And only because he holds views about homosexuality with which every believing Christian might, when pressed, agree. A view they would have been happy to publicly express until eight minutes ago.
There are many others who are not remotely Christian but who are also utterly sick of the in-your-face tactics of the rainbow activists.
It was probably not very Christian or charitable of Squires – I’ve no idea of his belief system – to describe the rainbow coalitionists as whatever he called them. Terrorists, I think.
Of course, in the United States, the President, no less, can call his opponents the same thing and prosper.
One of the great tricks of the fact checker industrial complex is what UK social commentator Toby Young calls “offence archaeology”.
You find an “embarrassing” quote from a politician or other political actor, something that suggests sexism or racism or homophobia. Then you get him or her removed from the public square.
The rainbow brigade forms an important branch of the fact checker class. And its power is already immense, and growing.
All you need to do is shout “homophobe!” And the end result, in no time at all, Squires is gone.
Of course, the Reuben Kaye joke comes at the end of a whole month of having the rainbow revolution shoved down our collective throat with the compulsory State and corporate-driven “celebration” of all things Sodom and Gomorrah. AKA World Pride. A truly global phenomenon. And compulsory.
Everywhere you go, including the local Optus shop, you get cinema sized rainbow glorification. The pinnacle of the sexual revolution is the affirmation stage where you don’t just have to accept it – you have to embrace it.
And anyone who says what many Christians think, well, loses their job.
Yes, Reuben Kaye’s shows will be sellouts.
Speaking of sellouts…
We come to the response of the NSW Liberal Party to its Wyong candidate. He is no longer. It took only seconds for the Liberal Party to get rid of him, and a few more seconds for the NSW Premier to “back it in”.
No defence of a “broad church” here. The timing of his outing is, of course, compelling. A week or so out from the election.
They are very good at what they do. And they have the technology to do it, whenever and with whomever they deem needs to be cancelled. They know whose buttons to press. And Dominic Perrottet is more than ripe for the picking.
And with the powerful Greenwich-Kean-Photios triumvirate in control of the governance of NSW, the rainbow coalition knows it has the measure of the political class.
There is really only Mark Latham to worry about. And, maybe, Lyle Shelton and perhaps a Craig Kelly independent, after this Saturday ‘s NSW election.
Let us go through the members of the ruling Party.
The triumvirate has Alex Greenwich – the member for abortion, euthanasia and gay rights – leading the way.
Grooming schoolchildren has become a State-endorsed activity thanks largely to politicians such as him.
Next will be the forced abolition of so-called conversion therapy, already agreed to by the Premier.
Then there is Matt Kean, described by Professor David Flint as Australia’s most dangerous politician (with very, very healthy competition), who is greener than the Greens and who intends to run the NSW economy into the ground through net-zero energy supply.
And, so we come to Michael Photios, the lobbyist’s lobbyist. It helps enormously that practically no one in the State knows who he is or what he does.
Between these three, they have the governance of NSW nailed. Premier Dominic Perrottet is simply the semi-palatable front man.
It has been quite a week of offence archaeology in NSW. Apart from Squires, there was also a Nationals candidate for Cessnock disendorsed for “sexist and racist” comments.
Ash Barnham was off-loaded over the weekend after two-year-old tweets came to light, allegedly containing sexist and racist comments.
The incident was discovered by a deep-dive app which uncovers deleted tweets.
Ah, a deep-dive app. See who is in charge, and how they operate?
And the Swansea Liberal candidate is on notice. She said in a private conversation that “she didn’t believe in climate change”. This is now a sacking offence?
There is absolutely nothing worse than a Jeremy Clarkson-style grovelling apology.
Yes, climate denial is one of the seven deadly sins of woke-world. It shows just how far we have come in the shortest time. And it shows who is really in charge.
Now they are going after the Government’s candidate in Maroubra, who “promoted an unproven drug used on horses as a cure for COVID-19 and labelled climate change the ‘biggest fraud committed on hard working people’ ”.
Doubting climate change a fringe view? Stating the well-known benefits of an outstanding drug promoted by some of the world’s leading cardiologists and proven to help patients recover from COVID is a fringe view? This is clueless.
But back to the Wyong candidate’s sins. The astonishing thing is that, straight away, the Matthew Squires story became about better vetting processes for preselection.
No one, but no one, was willing to defend Squires or to push back against the attack lobby. No debate about what is, and what is not, so-called homophobia.
No one in the Liberal Party remotely thought that his candidacy could be saved from the woke mobsters. No discussion of the propriety of using “deep dive apps” to locate deleted social media posts. This is legalised blackmail.
You might almost conclude that the Liberal Party itself outed Squires, so that it could show just how woke it has become.
Offence archeology is part of the business model for embedding woke ideology in every institution. Have them all running scared of your lot, and you have won.
But the business model depends utterly on having cringing-in-the-corner politicians in charge. Craven types who believe in nothing, defend no principle – like free speech, freedom of belief, and the right of MPs to hold mainstream Christian views, or any other views, for that matter.
Politicians these days will do or say anything to appease those who wield the most power. And they do not come any more powerful than the gay lobby.
Better still, have them not just cringing, but actually believing in what the rainbow people prescribe.
The purpose of engineering the exit of some lowly Liberal (or even lowlier Nat) that no one has ever heard of was not to get rid of them.
It was to demonstrate homosexualist hard power. And to act as a warning to others. Nothing more and nothing less.
It is to show the world who is now in charge. And with the Puppet Premier standing by while the Greenwich-Kean-Photios junta rules the roost, at least until next Saturday, when, quite possibly, there will be a new junta. With the same backstreet boys still ultimately in charge.
It is truly cringeworthy. Militant rainbow activists have not only populated the public square, they have taken it over.
They now drive their opponents out. And they have useful idiot politicians like the NSW governing class to help them, immeasurably, to achieve their ultimate objectives.PC
Amongst all Paul Collits’ legitimate rant, I suspect many agreed with the objection to World Gay Pride obscene rubbish, with celebrations being advertised in/on every institution, building, TV ad, and lamppost.
At least the dogs were still pissing on the latter; a commendable and appropriate reaction.