A coordinated mob of “Anti” fascists knocks down a police officer in Essen on Saturday

Thousands of violent far-left “Anti” Fascists stormed the streets of the western German city of Essen this weekend, trying to “shut down” the party convention of the AfD (Alternative for Germany). Politicians and delegates were attacked and hunted throughout the city, many had to be escorted by riot police to the Grugahalle center. One officer is in critical condition after being kicked in the head while on the ground.

A far-left alliance of (often government-funded) NGOs organized the riots in Essen under the motto “Widersetzen” (Resist), led by the “Anti” Fascist League VVN-BdA. Organizers claimed 50.000 rioters attacked 600 AfD delegates.

The current German interior minister Nancy Faeser is an “Anti” Fascist League supporter who has written for their magazine “antifa” (The Gateway Pundit reported). Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a far-left activist as a student in the 1980s, who frequently visited East Germany and met with the Communist party leadership.

AfD vice-chair and Bundestga member Beatrix von Storch, who has written for The Gateway Pundit, was attacked by a threatening mob of street hooligans on arrival at the train station in Essen and had to be brought to safety by dozens of riot police.

Police then escorted von Storch to the convention center.

Als AfD-Mitglieder in #Essen eintreffen, brüllt es lautstark über den Bahnsteig: „Haut ab! Haut ab! Haut ab!“
Ein NIUS-Team ist vor Ort, wir informieren Sie über alle wichtigen Vorkommnisse auf und rund um den Parteitag der AfD. https://t.co/c7zLLgaHam pic.twitter.com/hBFOdvXHex

— NIUS (@niusde_) June 28, 2024

Police escorting another delegate to the hall were attacked by about 200 violent “Anti” Fascists. One officer was beaten to the ground and kicked in the head by this gentleman. The officer is in critical condition.

Die Essener Polizei fahndet nach diesem Herren.
Er schlug und trat am Boden liegende Polizeibeamte. Stand heute musste ein Polizist schwerverletzt ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden.#Essen #Grugahalle #AFDBPT2024 pic.twitter.com/7WBEOUuJDv

— Boris von Morgenstern (@BvMorgenstern) June 30, 2024

A group of AfD delegates had to be herded into a bakery by police and remained there for 45 minutes while the zombie mob howled at the doors outside like a scene out of “Walking Dead.” The group was eventually escorted to the convention by riot police.

Am Morgen wurde dieser Politiker von Linksextremen in einer Bäckerei eingekesselt. Erst ein Dutzend Polizeikräfte konnte ihn aus der Lage befreien. Seine Eindrücke schildert Oskar Lipp bei #NIUS. pic.twitter.com/HGn8I8CYoo

— NIUS (@niusde_) June 29, 2024

Masked “Anti” Fascist militias tried to block the A52 autobahn leading to the city.

Vermummte Demonstranten versuchen immer wieder, die A52 zu stürmen, um #AfD-Politiker an der Anreise zum #AfDBundesparteitag zu hindern.

Alle Infos im Liveticker von #NIUS: https://t.co/xqvo6hGidk pic.twitter.com/3GUcvo0ECj

— NIUS (@niusde_) June 29, 2024

Riot police had to use pepper spray and truncheons to prevent the well-organized street guerilla from reaching the autobahn.

Jetzt erste Ausschreitungen in #Essen, linksextreme Demonstranten versuchen zur Autobahnauffahrt an der Messe durchzubrechen, #Polizei setzt Pfefferspray und Schlagstock ein #e2906 #afd #parteitag pic.twitter.com/tQgFLuU4Xu

— Frank Schneider (@chefreporterNRW) June 29, 2024

A group of AfD delegates were cut off by a violent mob. Police initially said it was not possible to guarantee their safety on the way to the convention center.

Mehrere #AFD-Deligierte sind in einer Seitenstraße in #Essen-Rüttenscheid von linken Gegendemonstranten umzingelt, Polizisten sagen, man könne sie nicht zur Halle geleiten, das sei nicht durchführbar #e2906 #Parteitag #Grugahalle pic.twitter.com/dBnAGhJjx3

— Frank Schneider (@chefreporterNRW) June 29, 2024

Videos showed the trained and uniformed “Anti” Fascists executing intricate mob tactics, which they are apparently drilled on.

Universities and clubs in Germany offer training in street combat to leftist rioters, often funded with taxpayer money.

The AfD convention was delayed by about half an hour Saturday due to the violent attacks.

On Sunday, the protests were disrupted by rain. The “Anti” Fascist crusaders do not like getting wet.

The convention re-elected Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla as leaders of the AfD.

The delegates also voted to leave the EU “Identity and Democracy” party, after being evicted from the “Identity and Democracy” group in the European Parliament by French National Rally head Marine LePen over remarks made by AfD candidate Maximilian Krah.

That step will leave the AfD largely isolated as Europe’s right-wing parties move to form a powerful EU bloc.

The post Germany: Violent Antifa Street Militia Try to Shut Down AfD Convention, 28 Police Officers Injured, One Critically appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.