NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has backed changes to the Australian Constitution that will permanently embed identity politics at the heart of the nation.
The Premier this week revealed that she’s in lockstep with the Left-posturing ABC, Sydney Morning Herald and other low-circulation media organisations.

- Ms Berejiklian's push for constitutional change is at odds with the Prime Minister.
- She has called for all people to support her position irrespective of personal views.
- Federal Liberal senator suggests Aboriginals are not included in Australian Constitution.
Her support of the Indigenous Voice proposal, which seeks to create a race-based shadow parliament, is at odds with other senior Liberals.
Former deputy Liberal leader Neil Brown, who served under John Howard, last week stopped short of describing the Voice proposal as racist.
Mr Brown, who announced he was quitting the Liberal Party in disgust, said the Indigenous Voice proposal would split the nation.
“How can we be proud of the country of Menzies when its government is doling out for an Aboriginal electoral system where only race will get you on the roll, only race will get you elected and only race will give you permanent access to government coffers?” he said.
“Where’s the public interest in destroying self-help, free enterprise, thrift and small government?”
Mrs Berejiklian, however, is throttling up pressure on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to force his hand on the issue.
At a book launch on Monday for Left-wing factional colleague, Senator Andrew Bragg, the Premier said the changes would “make our nation better”.
“Irrespective of your views and your politics,” Ms Berejiklian said, “this is an issue all of us should be united upon.
“This is crucial when many of the proposed reforms require constitutional change and a vote by referendum.”
Although supporting other reconciliation measures, Mr Morrison has previously ruled out changes to the constitution.
He said his preference was to “legislated voice to government”.
Senator Bragg also moved against the Prime Minister, spinning the Indigenous Voice proposals as “the patriotic agenda of centre-Right Parties”.
“The people who drafted the Uluru statement did so asking to be included in the Australian Constitution,” he said.
“They did not ask for a separate State. The Party of patriots should drive this agenda because it’s the patriot agenda.”
Senator Bragg has launched two books since entering federal parliament in 2019 – on superannuation and reconciliation.
Despite his assertion to the contrary, the Australian Constitution is equally inclusive of all Australians – including Indigenous citizens.
According to the Australian Constitution Centre, Australia’s Constitution is a “rule book for all participants within our democracy”.
“It is binding on every member of the community including ministers, parliamentarians and judges and can only be changed by Australians by voting at a referendum.”PC
As my three requests to have my (Shakespearean, Midsummer’s Night) Reply deleted have all failed, I feel that I must now APOLOGISE for any disrespect shown or for any insult taken. It was just my weak effort to inject a tad of comedy, colour and culture!
However, I do stand by my fervent dislike of recent, very defective ideas and policy proposals.
I think that even the G7+ Leaders subtly recognised that Australia would be COMMITTING ECONOMIC SUICIDE to disregard our prodigious banks of high-quality coal and not to use it for supplying our own need for cheap, reliable, 24 hour, base-load energy! Likewise, we would be idiots, – worse – cretins – if we didn’t EXPORT OUR COAL to the developing Nations for whom modern, coal-fired generators would provide the path to a decent life.
It’s now a well-known fact that the sorry climate catastrophists, who hysterically demonise CO2, are plainly very wrong; in times past, the World and her diverse life forms thrived wonderfully well with much, much higher levels of CO2.
Then we come to the demeaning and insulting idea that our Indigenous population need a separate ‘voice’ to Parliament. Our First Nation’s people are unique, but of course, they have all the same rights and privileges as has every citizen of Australia; one privilege being the right to vote for and to contact their local M.P.s, at both State and Federal levels, to be their spokesperson and ably represent their ‘voice’.
WE MUST NOT CHANGE OUR CONSTITUTION to divide off, or make separate, any group in our population.
I do however, strongly hope that Jacinta Price wins a seat in our Senate Chamber where she is sure to add loads of knowledgeable and level-headed sense to every debate!
I would vote NO to the proposal for “a voice” treaty, and one of my reasons would be the experiences of the Aborigine & Torres Straits Islanders Commission (ATSIC) which the Howard Government shut down for very good reasons, including a lack of governance and a lot of corruption.
Referred to by Australians who have indigenous ancestry as “Aborigines Talking Sh*t In Canberra” because they mostly received little or no support from ATSIC bureaucrats who looked after themselves first and foremost.
All Australians can vote and there have been Australian Aborigine descendants in our parliaments as elected representatives, and continuing to the present day. I understand that the wonderful Jacinta Price intends to stand for election at the next Federal Election, what a voice she would contribute.
Questions we’ll likely never see answered:
Where does a Senator for NSW paid $211,250 annually find the time and resources to focus attention on writing a book (paperback retailing for around $27)? Have any federal funds or other resources assisted the senator publication of same? On what planet are Liberal Party officials using Party funds to spruik the senator’s book?
“Gladys backs race-based elections”
Stupid is as stupid does.
This is of course the Age of Woke and Globalism.
I prefer worldly intelligent Australian patriots.
Try to imagine representatives from every ethnic group in Australia, the multicultural society of migrants since 1788 and for tens of thousands of years earlier.
And then a quota system for women, forget the best person for the job.
Then add the woke gender based alphabet of people, they must have a quota.
It is a mad, mad, mad world.