A new and unprecedented law has passed the chamber, marking an incredibly frustrating time for those conservatives who are paying attention to the disintegration of free speech rights.

According to Mark Dreyfus, ‘This bill delivers the toughest laws Australia has ever had against hate crimes.’ In other words, it’s a new crime the government has invented which is unique in that it aims to imprison people for ‘speaking’ instead of committing an actual material crime.

This is a Trojan horse manoeuvre likely to further imperil Australia’s dwindling rights to political communication and free speech. The bill has had the effect of amending the federal Criminal Code, which means it applies nationwide. Further to this, several submissions were made to government, including from Christian and Jewish bodies, many of whom were highly critical to the amendments as there are fears it would ‘lower the bar’ for criminal prosecutions and open up the potential of lawfare being used to indicate ‘psychological harms’ are taking place, for example an LGBT activist might indicate a conservative ‘harmed them’ through their speech, or a Muslim migrant might suggest a person is ‘racist’ for wanting stricter border policies. A penalty of imprisonment for exercising ordinary free speech rights has been opened up with the new legislation which is why it is extremely detrimental.

What is interesting and particularly worrying is why the government has indicated it wishes to crack down on supposed ‘crime’ through a strategy that targets speech’. Surely the money put into this bill and its enforcement could instead be spent on tackling actual real and material crimes, for example funding better law enforcement, police departments, defence, and national security agencies?

Instead of doing that, the government thinks it can solve the crime crisis by limiting speech. There are already laws in place to stop real or impending crimes so why exactly is government creating extra legislation to target the making of offensive ‘threats’? Arguably, it is because the legislation is not really about real violent threats at all, but other ‘new crimes’ including ‘threatening to use force’ which is an arbitrary statement. Real threats to material crimes are already indictable offences. Lately, the only ones who appear to be driving a legislative push to ‘stop offensive speech’ are the Woke mob; particularly LGBT activists or some migrants who think conservatives who are pro strong borders are ‘racist’. Perhaps this is why the amendments suggested in the bill are mostly focused around ‘sexual orientation’. If this is a bill truly designed to curve material crimes against LGBT people, the government should first prove that LGBT people are being violently targeted by people making ‘offensive or threatening statements’. There are laws already in place to stop issues like domestic abuse and harassment, so the extra laws indicate another agenda is at play.

‘Offense’ is an inherent aspect of political communication and is often unavoidable – in fact this is indicated by justices of the High Court. This is evident in a leading free speech case known as Coleman v Power [2004] HCA 39 where the following is stated: ‘From its earliest history, Australian politics has regularly included insult and emotion, calumny and invective, in its armoury of persuasion [229]. They are part and parcel of the struggle of ideas.’

I am therefore of the opinion that the new laws are there to either drive an assault against speech or foster a society that is overly sensitive and over-reactive to mere words they find uncomfortable. If the Criminal Code without the amendments is enough to deal with the issue of conspiracy to commit a crime or the planning or threat of real crimes, then making speech an offence warranting imprisonment when no real crime is really going to be committed, is preposterous. Australia already deals with ‘prospective crimes’; departments in counter-terrorism deal with the issue of suspected terror-related crimes, and the federal police can investigate statements made by people if they’re on the road to committing an offence. Section 31 of the Crimes Act 1900 makes it an offence to threaten grievous bodily harm. Several state acts also have their own laws in place to mitigate prospective crimes, and indict threats or ‘intimidation tactics’.

The notion that a person’s sexuality, religion or race is the driving factor behind ‘new crimes’ indicates that division and intolerance is ramping up within the country. The way to deal with an intolerant country is actually by giving it ample free speech rights, not shrinking free speech rights. People learn tolerance when debate is allowed, not when it is shut down.

It appears the government is therefore creating new laws to tackle intolerance without addressing the cause as to why intolerance is rising. Intolerance occurs when people are unable to see another person’s point of view; this typically happens when propaganda or indoctrination results in people becoming close-minded and unable to properly debate through issues. Intolerance also increases in societies that open wide the doors to ideologies (through migration for example) that are vastly different to the prevailing ideas already established within a country. Instead of creating laws geared at imprisoning people for stating their truest thoughts on several sensitive issues, our society should aim to make room for discussions, and learn how to have a civil and rational conversation with people from different walks of life.

The role of free speech, debate, and communication is actually there to quell the escalation of violence. When legal mechanisms are used to squash the ability to communicate, this ironically creates conditions where violence escalates because violence is often what occurs precisely because communication breaks down or is stunted…

This law, in tandem with its twin counterpart the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill, frankly is the last straw for many. It looks like the government has forgotten how to tackle the cause of crime. It is almost certain that this broadly drafted legislation will be misused and in fact put human rights advocates in prison instead of solve any real problems.

To stop crime, improve the mechanisms of law enforcement itself and expand their investigative capacities so they deal with the cause of crime. Many crimes are committed while intoxicated, and within domestic environments. If the federal government is truly concerned about stopping crime it would begin an inquiry into rising crime statistics which have been on a skyrocketing upward trend since 2019-20. Much of that crime likely involved domestic abuse, as it occurred during the pandemic years where many lost jobs, were caged up in their homes, and quality of life plummeted. If the government wants to target real problems then it needs to stop creating the conditions for crime and instead open up a dialogue where differing views are tolerated or listened to, not imprisoned.

As if the government who couldn’t stop protesters from flying a pro-Palestine flag over the Parliament House are capable of stopping real crimes. Our nation’s capital just relaxed hard drug laws as of October 28, 2024 which is inviting organised criminal syndicates into the heart of Australia, yet they are telling us they can ‘curve crimes’.

With a federal election coming up it is laughable that they believe stunting political communication is somehow going to result in more favourable votes. It will simply make them look as inept as they probably are.

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