A DARK horse candidate running for NSW Liberal President has thrown a spanner into factional plans, saying he’ll restore Menzies’ values to the Party.
Hunters Hill branch president Philip Argy, who entered the campaign race this week, warned the Party had “jettisoned” its traditional values.

- “I will restore the values of RG Menzies and allow more argy-bargy in debates.”
- “We need to read – and re-read – the [Liberal Party] document ‘What We Believe’.”
- “I will work hard to make sure that opportunities for gaming the system are removed.”
“The Liberal Party has lost – if not jettisoned – its philosophical integrity,” Mr Argy said in an email to grass roots members and Party supporters on Friday.
“We need to read – and re-read – the [Liberal Party] document What We Believe,” he said.
“I want more true Liberal policies and conviction candidates and members to evangelise them.
“Conviction politicians have credibility; those who swing in the breeze depending on their audience do not.”
Mr Argy – who has been a Liberal member since the mid-1970s – said the Party had become “dysfunctional” due to the rise of factional interest groups.
His opponent in the race is failed Parramatta federal candidate Maria Kovacic, who has been described as a friend of Left factional leader and NSW Treasurer Matt Kean.
“I have always remained unaligned from factional interests,” Mr Argy said. “I am conservative on some issues and progressive on others.
“Our Party’s operational integrity has been lost by having a dysfunctional State Executive – incapable of making happen what we all know should have happened for the last federal election.”
He said the NSW division had played a significant role in the defeat of the Morrison government – blaming in large part its failure to preselect candidates.
“Early preselections of candidates gives them a chance to build a profile,” he said.
“It’s obvious you can’t fatten the pig on market day. We need to close the loopholes that led us to losing office federally.
“I will work hard to make sure that opportunities for gaming the system for the betterment of anyone other than the Party are removed.
“I will restore the values of RG Menzies and allow more argy-bargy in debates.”
The vote will take place at the NSW Liberal Party’s AGM on August 6.PC
All so for the future of Australia far off the track it is embarrassing! Do your homework! Clive Palmer (ex Liberal) and still wanting their original values along with Craig Kelly 🙂 and their new Senator in Victoria https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ralph+babet+maiden+speech has my backing and in NSW and Queensland One Nation as a coalition to get this country back look at their policies! Way ahead of anything LNP or Labor can produce for Australian’s along with truly honest thinking people!
If John Howard has endorsed Phillip Argy then so do I . John Howard was/is the voice of real Australians and we are all still here waiting for strong leadership to get rid of the manipulating creeps like Kean .
“What we believe” is a great document with wonderful principles espoused.
However it is evident that it is not what “we” believe any more.
Sure, there are some, maybe many who mourn the loss of these values.
It could well be that Philip’s aim to return those values is a false hope, for people
do not readily change what they believe, even when shown good reason let alone when
a leader says they should.
Imagine what would happen if the party was to attempt to expel everyone who didn’t
enthusiastically endorse “What We Believe”.
The decision is not about a leader, the decision we face is about what the fundamentals of our association are going to be.
The decision is about who we are.
“Oil and water don’t mix” but make useless sludge.
Face the facts. Our parliaments are committed to Mr Globalist’s criminal Climate and Pandemic Agendas to collapse our economy and sovereign rights for “the greater good”.
Both agendas are fronts for The Great Reset coup they rubber stamped here by imposing Global Emergency Governance in April 2020. National Cabinet effectively snuffed out the will of the people and hollowed out what remained of our constitutional system of government.
What passes for everything we’ve lost is now thoroughly corrupted. Willing fools and hypocrites dominate the major parties. All fruitlessly push insane policies to serve history’s two greatest crimes against humanity.
We’ve been conned into a death spiral.
Our leaders have succumbed to this UN-WHO/WEF corporate fascist “vaccine” and biosecurity dictatorship, morphing gruesomely by the minute.
This and their deadly raft of further confected emergencies are entirely self-inflicted but avoidable. Find the collective guts to ‘fess up and withdraw from our toxic international commitments!
Meanwhile trying to fix a party rendered “dysfunctional” because it 110% backs Mr Globalist’s transparently muderous frauds is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The Menzies’ Liberal Party of Australia is almost finished with a small dedicated group of real Australian Liberals doing their best to keep it going.
In fact both sides have moved to the left and are trying to drag the majority of Australians who occupy the centre ground of the political spectrum along with them, instead one third rejected them at the last federal election and primary votes for both sides dropped to 32.7% and 36.1% Coalition in front.
Politicians now trying to fool voters to trust them to handle a change to the Constitution, no details and complete explanation as to why we should provided, another example of treating we the people with contempt.
Get rid of Kean. He is a liability to the party. He should be kicked out of the Liberal Party.
Kean’s membership of the Liberal Party is fraudulent.
Shades of Lidia Thorpe but not as crass.
Philip Argy was always a very good man many years ago in the local Conference meetings and always had good proposals in debates on motions. He is a very intelligent decent honest man of integrity, which is sadly lacking in the Party currently.
For the sake of the once great Party, vote for a good capable man in Philip Argy. I cannot see myself voting Liberal next March if the lamentable greenie ring in Matt Kean is still busy turning the Party into a modern day Communist Party, with his weirdo cronies. I have always voted Liberal for the Lower House since early 1960s. I did happily vote for Mark Latham in the last upper house election, because of my views on that old arts minister :((
Good on this Argy bloke for challenging the factions. It seems an almost herculean task to defeat them but I like what he says and certainly hope those with a vote do what’s best for the Party! We are facing complete oblivion as a political force otherwise. And then the factions will have their coveted control over a party out of power Federally and in NSW! They just seem too pig-headed nowadays to even care. How sad. Menzies would turn in his grave if he could see what has been done.
A less herculean task after each subsequent election as Liberal Org keeps repeating it’s worst mistakes. Argy is saying all the right things, I wish him well if what he’s suggesting is truly his quest. He’ll face a loaded battle to become appointed, he’ll face an even bigger battle try to shift the matt Keans who infest the party. That will be a task for the electorate and one that the electorate will most certainly, in time, achieve.
The Liberal party needs some good leaders, but it needs much more than this. Even the greatest leaders wil falter without the backing of those they lead. The factions have conspired against and defeated, great leader after great leader. They have gamed the system so that fresh talent is stifled before it begins, to a point where the party represents nobody and most certainly does not represent the stated values still proudly proclaimed in the Liberal website.
Menzies Liberal values are not dead, they are not redundant, neither are they out of step with the electorate, they are simply no longer on offer from the party which the great man created.
It’s not up to great leaders to rescue Menzies Liberalism, it’s up to all of us to play a part. While ever we tolerate the Keans, the Turnbulls, the stand for nothing wet candidates we guarantee ourselves poor governance and national decline.
“I am conservative on some issues and progressive on others.”
Clearly the man is double-minded and thus a total waste of space – it seems that the rotting corpse of what was once the Liberal party is no closer to being resuscitated.
One up vote and two down votes?
There is the Liberal party’s problem right there: too many conservatives who wish to rescue it simply don’t understand that a so-called “progressive” attitude is like cancer – you can’t be “progressive on some issues”, because the progressive attitude spreads and infects everything else. How else do you think that the party ended up in such a sorry state in the first place?
In every single thing I have written in comments on this site I have proved to be absolutely correct, yet it seems that the readership hasn’t quite grasped that yet. It appears that the Liberal party is doomed to its eventual fate: like a man stuck in quicksand, the more it struggles, the faster it sinks.
Maybe you’re using an out of date definition, Morrie. Argy is who we need, and if John Howard thinks so then so do I!
“Maybe you’re using an out of date definition, Morrie.”
The quote from Argy was “I am conservative on some issues and progressive on others.”
The fact that Argy has placed “conservative” and “progressive” in opposition to each other in the same sentence shows exactly what he means: that they are in tension with one another – in fact, that they are diametrically opposed; so there is no question here of “definitions”.
More to the point – and more importantly – why does he feel compelled to identify himself by selecting labels at all? If he does not understand that a man’s integrity, intelligence, and common sense are plainly apparent by his conduct and manner of discourse, then he understands nothing at all. Of course, I can’t blame so many of the readership here for being blissfully ignorant of this simple and salient fact, because none other than the supreme deity John Howard is blissfully ignorant of it as well.
I keep explaining things here, but many who could benefit from said explanations are, sadly, none the wiser. It proves true the aptness of the aphorism coined by the late Jerry Garcia “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know”.
“[…] if John Howard thinks so then so do I!”
I would point out that I don’t need John Howard’s assistance to formulate my opinions; I am mature enough to be able to do that all by myself. That people want to hang with bated breath on every pronouncement of their political idols is consistent with this constant and altogether nauseating bleating that we need “leadership”. However, John Howard, just like every other politician before or since, was not a “leader” at all; he was a nothing more than a public servant on a higher pay grade and in a better-cut suit (and a fairly mediocre servant at that).
I have said this before and I will say it again: the *voters* are the principals and the politicians are the agents; not the other way around – they work for us, we do not work for them. Ergo, *we* are the leaders and it is people like Howard who must follow *us* by governing in our best interests and acceding to our wishes. Until conservatives can lay hold of this fundamental truth, they will continue to find themselves slaves to mendacious Machiavellian morons. It’s really not rocket science.
I meant to explain the reason for all the. * in my posts – that’s what I have to do on Farcebook and other Globalists controlled media/social media; to try and stop being banned constantly by them for a month at a time, or many had their pages shut down for telling the truth / sharing different articles views and opinions from that of the narrative of the monstrous Tyrannical global governments and their striving and almost salivating to get us controlled by Totalitarian Lunatic Regimes. STOP THEM.
There’s a lot of EVIL to be purged from Australian Parliament and Global Parliaments.
Please note the sections with all the * interspersed is the only
Way I can get anything posted on the globalist farcebook without
Being continually banned for telling the truth.
SRI LANKA Corruption / Digital ID / Social Credit Code Fuel Rationing
See Sri Lanka Corruption >
The government owes $51 billion in debt and cannot make any payments on loans. Their currency collapsed 80% and was basically worthless. Tourism halted after the pandemic, adding to the crisis. The people had hit rock bottom and knew exactly who to blame. President Rajapaksa and his brother, former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, are extremely corrupt.
They allowed the problem to become a crisis; living lavishly as their people starved.
The revolutionary wave has only just begun. I warned that it would first come for emerging countries. However, do not think this incident will be isolated to one nation. Unrest is rising as living standards decline.
The Australian Arm of the monstrous World Economic Forum which has Infiltr*ated Aus*tralian Parli*ament and most Global Parlia*ments – look at the Tyra*nnical Ca*nadian Parli*ament – about half their Parli*ament is W*orld Eco*nomic Fo*rum Mob*sters !
So the Mon*strous Wor*ld Econo*mic For*um has done the job of destr*oying our Country, our Democ*racy and all our free*doms rights choic*es will be gone forever and they will have us living under full throttle Tota*litarian Lun*atic Regi*mes – think of them forever the Tyr*ants Dan*gerous D*an And*rews and Cr*azy Eyes from Northern Territory and the Lun*atic from WA and the Queensland Tyr*ant Pre*mier and the others they will have us living in full thro*ttle permanent Tyra*nny.
Stop them from ever getting back into po*wer again before it is too late.
The Globalist Tyrannical Mobsters the World Economic Forum is calling for an end to wasteful global car ownership!!!
Whilst these Fil*thy Me*ga R*ich Glob*alists / W*E*F / W*H*O / Big Phar*ma /Big Me*dicine/ Big Med*ia / Big Te*ch / Vile, Dis*gusting and Treas*onous Poli*ticians terr*orize and de*stroy our lives, our countries, our Demo*cracies/ All our fr*eedoms, rig*hts, Choi*ces and Life as we have always known, go*ne forever ! And Dig*ital Ide*ntity System and cash*less soc*ieties are the final destr*uction of all our ri*ghts and free*doms! Don’t let them do it !
Are all the people of the world going to sit back and let these Psych*opaths do this to us all, our lives, our countries ?!?!
People of the world u*nite in soli*darity and sto*p them all.
Download Information Papers >
Mandates/Corruption/Conflicts of Interest and much more
Monkey Pox, Spanish Flu and much more
See Truth about water fluoridation chemicals from page 47 on
What a breath of fresh air. Mr Argy sounds almost too good to be true. Though, I suspect, he will be thoroughly crushed by the factions – as happens with all loyal Liberals these days. God’s speed, Mr Philip Argy.