THE Chair of the Democratic Reform Movement, Walter Villatora, has urged delegates to free the Party from the grip of self-serving factions.
In an email to Party members and supporters prior to this Saturday’s critical NSW Liberal Party AGM, he said backing factional candidates would result in even more electoral disasters for the Party.

- We must ensure we honour the hard-won gains enshrined in our constitution – “One Member, One Vote”.
- There are a lot games being played by the factions.
- If you consider members’ rights, free from factional manipulation, as important, then I urge you to support Philip Argy.
“Liberal Party delegates have a critically important election this Saturday, including the election of President of the NSW Liberal Party.,” he wrote
“This election is an opportunity to ensure that we never again descend to the depths that caused us to lose the recent federal election – and can potentially lose us the upcoming State election as well.
“We need to regain the lost ground gained by the Democratic Reform Movement and the thousands of members and supporters that contributed to the historic and successful constitutional reforms that were predicated on democracy, transparency, fairness and a merit-based approach ensuring optimal electoral performance.
“We have to ensure that we honour the hard-won gains that have been enshrined in our constitution – “one member, one vote”.
“We need to protect members’ rights by giving members a say in their own Party, a say in timely candidate selection.
“This is the minimum respect that we can extend to our members. It is in fact, only a starting point, albeit an important starting point.
“There are two candidates for President this Saturday.
“Only one has made an outstanding contribution over many years to member’s rights.
“Only one has the background and experience to navigate the Party through these challenging times to a place that will ensure electoral success.
“Only one candidate is endorsed for President by the Democratic Reform Movement and by our greatest living Liberal, the Hon John Howard OM AC SSI.
That candidate is Philip Argy.
“Other candidates that the Democratic Reform Movement endorses, for other important positions, are Naji Najjar, Rhondda Vanzella, Edwin Nelson, Charles Camanzuli, Blake Keating, Michael Davies, Paul Nettelbeck and Kyle Kutasi.
“There are a lot games being played by the factions in relation to the upcoming AGM election, including candidates that are purporting to be supportive of Democratic Reform, when in fact they have been long-standing opponents of the reforms.
“Reforms that have finally given our rank and file members a say in their own Party.
“If you consider members’ rights, free from factional manipulation, an important consideration of a candidacy, then I urge you to support Philip Argy for State President.” PC
Grow up Matt.