NSW Treasurer Matt Kean has been publicly savaged after allegedly white-anting Scott Morrison’s re-election campaign last month and then partying with ALP supporters after the Prime Minister’s defeat.
While Mr Kean, who as a Left faction heavy-weight, is unlikely to be removed by his “boss” Premier Dominic Perrottet, it appears the public is taking matters into its own hands.

- Kean labelled treacherous over federal election antics.
- Premier tells ministers to focus on their jobs – or they’ll lose them.
- Voters side with Elliott to blast Matt Kean’s “unusual” behaviour.
After this week being labelled “treacherous” by his NSW colleague David Elliott, Australia’s “most dangerous politician” has been set upon by fed-up centre-Right voters.
“Keen is a woke disaster for the Liberals,” Helen wrote in The Australian online. “The Premier needs to show some backbone and get his team on the same page – voters will not re-elect a rabble even if it means voting in Labor.”
“Moderates like Kean are destroying the Liberal Party on all levels. We saw it happen in Victoria and WA – it’s about to happen in NSW. Wake up Perrottet before it’s too late,” warned Marilyn.
While Lynne D wrote: “Why anyone would vote Liberal while they allow Kean to stay in their ranks is beyond me.”
“History will show that Matt Kean was at the root of the defeat of the Liberal government in NSW,” said StephPMQ.
“He and his like have learned nothing from the rise of the teal independents. Man up Dom Perrottet and get your government back on the rails!”
Mr Perrottet had attempted to intervene in the aftermath of Mr Elliott’s criticism warning that if both men remained distracted from their jobs, they would lose them.
Voters, however, viewed this as an empty threat.
“The Premier has hardly stood up to the green Left of his Party since being elected,” JD Jeremy wrote. “He has elevated Kean in a way that has rendered himself impotent.
“I just don’t understand how you can be pushed around by the crazy Left?”
Dexxter wrote: “Perrottet has no courage. He should sack the Turnbull mini-me Kean or else face oblivion at the next State election.”
While Michael said: “Perrottet will never sack Kean, so the threat is clearly aimed at Elliott.
“Elliott should resign as a minister now, leave the rest on their current path to electoral defeat in March, and take over as opposition leader after the election.”
“Dominic what you have done is the opposite of leadership,” Paul commented.
“This allegation [of treachery] is not a distraction. This is the issue. There is still time to act before your government becomes terminal.”PC
Why doesn’t the Albanese government give Australians a VOICE by referendum on nuclear power? It seems that most of the population are in favour of it, along with other resources, it may be more expensive at first but for once can we have some foresight, or perhaps the powers that be are more concerned about their investment portfolios.
“Why doesn’t the Albanese government give Australians a VOICE by referendum on nuclear power?”
Here are three good reasons:
1. Three Mile Island.
2. Chernobyl.
3. Fukushima.
(I guess you don’t follow the news much).
“[…] most of the population are in favour of it […]”
LOL; how many would be in favour of a nuclear reactor on the other side of their back fence?
Yes there are three good reasons and from this there has been technology shift (believe it or not).
Three Mile island 1979 – and BTW, no deaths
Chrenobyl 1986 – yes many deaths
Fukishima – 2011 and the cause was not from a Nuclear meltdown but a Seimic phenomenon, a Tsunami – sure the result was disastrous and begs the question why it was positioned where it was in a known unstable seismic zone.
Since the first two of the above, new technology in the past 40 odd years HAS moved on, consider in the 1980s you did not have this much access to technology, did we? the Internet was very limited, little in the way of search engines, no artificial intelligence (except Matt Kean), you had a 386 Processor in your computer if you were really with it (where as now your mobile phone has hundreds of time the power), if you had a Personal computer, it had a 10megabyte hard drive if you were lucky, and these days it would have the capacity to store just one low resolution photograph.
Perhaps worth reminding that in Lucas Heights, there are many who do have a Nuclear Reactor in their neighbourhood.
We have to move on, just as technology has.
“[…] technology in the past 40 odd years HAS moved on […]”
As has aircraft design and avionics, including the use of computer systems and sophisticated software to improve safety, to the extent that flying has become increasingly less risky. Of course, this will be of little comfort to the relatives of those who died in the 737 max crashes (remember those?).
Anyone who thinks that advancements in technology are going to somehow miraculously render safe the production of electricity by means of nuclear fission is living in a fool’s paradise, because technical risks of any type can never be fully eliminated; they can only be mitigated through such things as automation, over-engineering and redundancy. Accidents will *always* happen; it’s only a matter of time.
Of course, the important thing to consider in this context is that when the radioactive genie gets out of the bottle, things can go very badly wrong, as anyone who used to live in or near Chernobyl can so reliably attest. This is the reason why I myself would never buy a property in Lucas Heights, and I’d be interested to know: would you purchase a house near the reactor there, and would you allow your spouse and children to live there?
Folks this is not a Game to lose!
The bottom line is resting with the public on this next election! Who are not seeing clearly because of the biased ABC and Enemedia in the world and this country while the left take us to the new World Order and UN Control! The NSW election looming but a distraction! Until the lies are fully explained to the satisfaction of all Australians the left will continue to white ant this once prosperous and healthy Nation! We need Voters who take their responsibility seriously 🙁 This is not a Game!
Please, please Premier, remove Matt Kean immediately else you will lose the election and bring NSW down.
What hold does Kean have over you?
A few issues here:
1. Matt Kean is far too arrogant to take any criticism or advice from anyone. Kean’s ego is inherited from his faux mate, Turnbull and is not unlike Shorten (Beaconsfield?) and Rudd when it comes to getting in front of a camera.
2. Perrottet needs to get from the influence of Kean (who must have some sort of factional control over Perrottet being Premier). Kean is looking to be the Premier in waiting (or more likely Opposition leader in waiting)
3. Kean is not a moderate, he is so far left he should sidle up to Bandt (but with the flag more prominent)
3. Perrottet needs to get a grip on what leadership entails and lead! Someone remind him of the corruption and disastrous Labor State Government via Krinstine Kennealy and Co.
4. People of Epping and Hornsby electorates need to think more than twice about who they vote for and why and what the preselected representatives can do for them and the community in general.
5. The world will be a better place when the woke dissappear to oblivion, and Kean will no longer be relevant. I cannot wait for the pendulum to swing the other way.
6. Time for Politicians to speak their own truth and not that of some other catastrophists (e.g. Thunberg, Australians tax payer funded ABC, Flannery etc) and remember that they represent the electorate, not their ego.
The clock ticks remorselessly to the destruction of the last Liberal government in Australia, that of the boy-premier Perrottet and his handler Matt Kean. Two events in the last forty-eight hours seal Perrottet’s fate and that of his government. Firstly there’s the bizarre decision to put a third flagpole on the Harbour Bridge for the Aboriginal flag. Even Perrottet recoiled when he saw the price of this Matt Kean initiative at $25m. Then there was yesterday’s meeting of the National Cabinet, an initiative of the reviled Morrison that has been embraced by Albo. Sadly you read
the Federal and all State governments agreed to progress The Voice, the instrumentality by which a racially determined minority seems to gain precedence over a representative democracy with a universal franchise. You would expect that an experienced NSW Liberal government would recognise the risks inherent in this proposal. But no, the Perrottet government is a willing accomplice to this particular exercise in progressive group-think. Non-Indigenous voters should kick Perrottet and Kean out of office at the earliest possible opportunity. Let’s see how identity politics really works.
Good comment. The conservatives in this country are weak and do not fight against infiltration by phony conservatives like kean and turdball. One good result from the last election is that most of the libs who lost were lefties and phonies. Pity about Amanda Stoker though.
There’s a deep irony. Turnbull, for all his faults, proclaimed a commendable philosophical objection to The Voice or anything similar. In doing this he ran counter to the prevailing pro-Recognition sentiments of Liberal ‘moderates’. We should not expect a further intervention by Turnbull on this matter.
Front up to an election with Kean tugging the strings from the safety of cabinet and the few Liberals who manage to retain their seats will be amending their business cards with the prefix “shadow”.
It’s that simple, Kean goes or the votes do!
If none within the Liberal party have the spine to stand up to white-anting from within, then the Liberals and particularly the NSW Liberals have no reason to continue to exist.
Liberalism is not dead, but the party which for decades championed the cause is sick and dying.
Do the same thing, expect the same result. Face an election on a Kean led platform and there will be a result the equivalent of every other state and federal contest where climate change appeasement has been put up.
Change my mind, we can see who was right around 8pm on March 25 2023 !
Author Aaron Patrick joined Ben Fordham to talk about his new book which explores how Turnbull became a “destructive force” in the Liberal Party.
The book, Ego: Malcolm Turnbull’s and the Liberal Party civil war, details Turnbull’s journey from prime minister to apparent anti-Liberal.
“I think he deserves a lot of the credit, or the blame, for the destruction of the Morrison government,” Aaron Patrick said.
“He was having an impact in all those wealthy inner-city seats that all went teal.
“He was able to articulate why wealthy, wavering Liberals should not like Scott Morrison.
2GB News
The victims of LINO left undermining;
1. Opposition Leader Dr Brendan Nelson 2007/2008
2. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott 2009-2013
3. Prime Minister Tony Abbott 2013-2015
4 Prime Minister Scott Morrison 2018-2022
Character assassination a favourite tactic, and of course problems with women alleged.
And now as the predictable energy crisis begins at the early start of what is expected to become an extremely cold winter I wonder how much the internal faction fighting and egoism has blinded too many of our elected representatives who have clearly let us down badly.