IN HIS effort to rename Ben Boyd National Park, NSW Treasurer Matt Kean has been accused of resorting to “shoddy” history.
The NSW Liberal’s Left faction co-leader has described 1800s entrepreneur Ben Boyd as a “slave trader” and vowed to work with Aboriginal groups to rename the park.

- Mr Kean, who as NSW environment & energy minister has been accused of basing government climate policy on junk science, is now charged with being selective with history.
- The fact is slavery has always been illegal in Australia.

Prominent historian Keith Windschuttle has, however, questioned the source of Mr Kean’s decision claiming it was based on “shoddy historical research”.
The name-change decision followed the commissioning of a report by Mr Kean which incorrectly linked Mr Boyd’s importation of foreign workers to slavery. The report was written by historian Dr Mark Dunn.
“Ben Boyd was a slave trader who took people from Pacific islands to work as forced labour,” Mr Kean falsely claimed on social media this week.
“It didn’t live up to the standards of that time let alone ours,” he wrote.
“Working with local indigenous groups, we will rename the national park.”
Mr Kean, who as NSW environment & energy minister has been accused of basing government climate policy on junk science, is now charged with being selective with history.
“The problem with the report is it doesn’t quote or even cite some of the major scholars in the field,” Mr Windschuttle said.
Mr Windschuttle said Mr Boyd’s use of foreign workers had been done in accordance with one of the most government-regulated programs of labour migration of all time.
“The fact is slavery was illegal in Australia,” he said.
“The report is shoddy historical research and the minister should employ somebody else to do a better job.”PC
A reply to your correspondence to Matt Kean, the Minister for Energy and Environment – MD21/2933.
Below is an extract from your recent correspondence referenced above from CRISTIEN HICKEY
Director Climate Change and Air Policy – Department of Planning, Industry and Environment:
“I note that you have expressed concerns regarding the use of child labour in mining of cobalt in the Congo, which is responsible for a significant proportion of global cobalt production. We are aware of these concerns and note that several companies, including Tesla, Nissan and Panasonic, are now investigating cobalt free EV batteries.”
Amnesty International published a report in 2016 entitled “THIS IS WHAT WE DIE FOR – HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO POWER THE GLOBAL TRADE IN COBALT” which detailed the use of child labour to mine cobalt and as a result of which many children die and have permanent health issues because of the toxicity of cobalt.
I understand Minister Kean’s ministerial car is a Tesla, which is one of the vehicles you have noted in your response and which includes cobalt in its manufacture. Am I to understand then, that the Minister knowingly uses a vehicle which uses material which is mined by child labour. I would have thought that the Minister would condemn this evil trade, which tramples on the human rights of children and not support a company which is making money out of the misery and deaths of children as reported by Amnesty International in 2016 (copy of their report attached).
Further the Minister actively, through the DPIE and Government policy, champions the use of wind turbines for his renewable energy push. Wind turbines use cobalt in batteries which are required to assist in the operation of the turbines. Again the Minister is promoting a technology which is also making money out of the misery and deaths of children as reported by Amnesty International in their 2016 report.
If the Minister has any compassion, he should immediately denounce the use of child labour in the mining of cobalt and show direct support of that position by abandoning the use of his ministerial Tesla. Also he should declare that all wind turbines to be installed in New South Wales will not contain cobalt and that the directors of companies who are seeking approval of wind farms must provide personal guarantees to that effect.
This, I believe, is the least he could do as an indication that he abhors the exploitation of children wherever they may be.
Time Mr Perrotet, this mans ideals do not match the liberal conservative narrative and seek only to didvide our nation and this state! I would suggest the majority wish to all be known as Australians, irregardless of which country they came from or are! Allegience to this country is Paramount and Kean seeks to divide and sell out us all and should be sacked for his treason!
There many things that have been done past and present that are a travesty, by pulling down the statue, by changing records or renaming a street, building or park we forget that such alleged travesties happened. We remove the reminders from those that need reminding such travesties occurred.
Matt Kean is not looking to solve a problem but just gain notoriety.
Mr Perrottet, it is time to cancel Matt Kean in your 2022 reshuffle – he should be sent to the bottom of the pack where he can do least damage to the State of NSW and to the Liberal Party. Actually send him packing to the Greens Party where he is best suited.
Alas, Matt Kean is NSW Treasurer, and the pattern since the resignation of Barry O’Farrell is that the Treasurer is Premier-in-waiting. Think Baird, Berejiklian and Perrottet. How likely is it that Kean will be the exception, given his leadership of the dominant ‘Moderate’ faction? An ALP government in NSW could prove to be well to the Right of a Kean-led government in NSW.
He reminds me of former Queensland Premier Beattie and his love of media attention, so Queenslanders called him the “media tart”.
Or sanctimonious windbag if not both?
Kean’s policies need no recital, he inhabits the lunar left. One doesn’t wish to be superficial, but his appearance is deeply unsettling. Politicians of what is nominally a right-wing and conservative franchise tend not to affect a skin-head thug look. But not our Matt. Then there are the downward slopping shoulders, giving the overall effect of being some sort of political suppository. They say you only get one chance to make a good first impression, something NSW voters are sure to be reminded of when they spot Matt on the campaign trail, and are repelled.