by KEVIN DONNELLY – NORMALLY it’s conservative Christians such as Australia’s rugby union player Israel Folau and the tennis great Margaret Court who are attacked for being transphobic.
Traditionally, it has been these people threatened with legal action when they argue that sexuality is binary and that the overwhelming majority of people are either male or female.

- Australia’s dangerous Safe Schools program promotes the myth that being male of female is a personal choice.
- The vast majority of women want to maintain single-sex facilities based on the biological reality.
- Male genitalia are not what girls and women wish to be exposed to in single sex facilities.
Such is not always the case, however, as proven by last year’s example of Tasmania’s Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Alliance being criticised and taken before Australia’s Anti-Discrimination Commission for wanting to exclude men who identify as women from one of its events.
Sounding very much like a conservative, Jennifer Hoyle from the LGBA argues that trans-women are “biological males” and “I want to exclude people with penises, because being a lesbian is about same-sex attraction. It’s not about same-gendered attraction”.
Denying the myth promoted by the Safe Schools program that being male or female is a personal choice, Hoyle also argues: “Many lesbians feel uncomfortable having transgenders in their spaces because they are not female.”
Not surprisingly, a spokesman for the transgender community disagrees: “Ultimately, it’s denying the reality of the existence of trans-women, in fact all trans-people” and “trans-women are women. Full stop”.
The LGBA is not the only Tasmanian organisation arguing that trans-women will always be men. Isla MacGregor from Women Speak Tasmania also argues that a person’s sex is a biological reality.
When opposing trans-women using female toilets, MacGregor argues: “The vast majority of women in our community want to maintain single-sex services and facilities based on the biological reality that persons with male genitalia are not what women wish to be exposed to in single sex facilities.”
In her book Free Women Free Men, the American radical feminist Camille Paglia criticises the argument that gender and sexuality are fluid and dynamic when arguing “the DNA of every cell of the human body is inflexibly coded as male or female from birth to death”.
The Australian author and feminist Germaine Greer also argues that no matter what procedures a man undertakes to become a woman, he will always be a man. Both Paglia and Greer are attacked as transgender exclusive feminists (TERFs) and no-platformed from speaking on university campuses.
Tennis star Martina Navratilova, who describes herself as a lesbian, argues against trans-women participating in female sports: “It is surely unfair on women who have to compete against people, biologically, who are still men.”
Yet another example of those on the Left arguing that it’s wrong to give trans-women the same rights as biological women are the members of the UK Labour Party who resigned after the Party included trans-women in the quota designed to elect more women to councils and parliament.
In a letter published in London’s The Times, a number of Labour women described the decision as “disingenuous” and reeking of “male authority and male supremacy”. The argument was made that a man’s self-identification as a woman should not mean women are further disadvantaged.
One of the strategies used by woke activists to stifle disagreement and free and open debate is to portray anyone who disagrees or fails to conform as a conservative and a right-wing ideologue.
Christians are especially targeted as proven by the vitriolic attacks on Israel Folau and Margaret Court.
Those from the Left who argue that a man will always be a man no matter how much he identifies as a woman make it clear that such is not the case.PC
The new Albanese Labor Government is pushing climate policies including net zero emissions, at the following link please note on the committee Professors Ian Plimer and Peter Ridd.
Now being reported by various news sources …
“Woke academics are mounting a campaign to ban archaelogists from identifying human remains as male or female because “scientists cannot know how an ancient individual identified themselves.””