IN A play for disaffected centre-Right votes, the Liberal Democrat’s 2022 federal election manifesto is an attempt to reverse Australia’s slide into socialism.
Pitching a swag of centre-Right policies long discarded by Australia’s major Parties, the manifesto promises small government, personal freedom and an end to absurd taxpayer-funded climate activism.

- The LDP is committed to abolishing Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and all other legislation that limits free speech.
- Govt dept budget cuts would underpin eliminating govt debt.
The policy document criticises the “over-reaction” by politicians to COVID saying many Australians now feared the police more than the virus.
The document, called Freedom Manifesto, was released this month including a foreword written by Messrs John Ruddick, Rob Cribb, Mark Hornshaw and Dr John Humphries.
“Misplaced COVID hysteria has violated what many assumed were inviolable civil liberties,” they wrote.
“We are now internationally famous for going further down this dark COVID path than any other nation.”
The Liberal Democrats have committed never to impose lock downs on citizens, as well as to open all borders and to make vaccines available and voluntary.
To assist bring Australia’s trillion dollar debt under control, the manifesto seeks to impose 10 per cent budget reductions on all government departments (besides defence) with a further one per cent cut a year until government debt is cleared.
It would also abolish duplicated State and federal departments as well as defund the ABC/SBS and eliminate green energy subsidies.
In a move that would shock most Liberal and Labor politicians, the Liberal Democrats have vowed to discard net-zero emission targets.
“Runaway electricity prices are caused by over regulation, climate alarmist ideology, irrational prohibition of some energy sources and low business confidence to invest as a result,” the manifesto states.
The Party has also committed to abolishing Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act as well as all other legislation that limits free speech.
“Continued government attacks on free speech because it’s considered ‘offensive’ or ‘hate speech’ simply shrinks the window of allowable opinion and sets a precedent for further, even more puritanical censorship,” the document said.
The manifesto also covers the Liberal Democrats’ expansive policy positions on education, small business, taxation reform and State use of population surveillance.PC
At last……a party I can vote for!
The small parties need to get themselves sorted. I would suggest the bulk of the policies from the Liberal Democrats, One Nation, UAP, OZ1 etal are common and there can be a large range of agreement. The small parties need to start agreeing, preferencing, talking to each other. It will be the only way to make inroads into the four posted duopoly.
Variants = scariants.
The greater number of supposed mutations then, the less dangerous the virus.
More Variants = More Profits!!
Please post a link or reference to the “net zero emissions targets” Australia has signed up to as I am unaware of any agreement having been signed or preparations that are underway to sign.
The first I heard and have read since was that Prime Minister Morrison was under pressure internationally to commit Australia to net zero emissions but he declined on behalf of the Federal Government and pointed out that Australia continues the commitment to the Paris Agreement signed in April 2016 in New York USA for 2030, but for net zero emissions has “an aspirational goal” to achieve that by 2050 based on research and development of new technology, if possible, and no new taxes or other impositions.
And now there is a “Plan” for net zero emissions, a Five Year Plan for a business is not cast in bronze, it’s also a goal not a signed agreement like the Paris Agreement on emissions reduction. And within the Plan are objectives like “Future Fuels” that include recharging/refuelling infrastructure for electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles. But no forced transition. Free enterprise, free market choices,
I do not support net zero emissions and as a sceptic I do not support the natural climate changing over time based climate and warming hoax.
What you’re asking for makes no sense. A web-link?
No one on this platform that I can see is saying net-zero is official Morrison policy – it’s just that he’s playing political climate games.
If he thinks it’s a hoax – call it. But don’t spend our billions placating the mad left, while pretending to be centre right.
The left can never be appeased.
Whether there is an actual link or not is irrelevant. Whether there is an actual plan, as yet, is irrelevant. The fact they are actually talking about it is highly relevant. Talking leads to committees, leads to plans, leads to legislation, leads to ‘oh I wish we could have stopped this at the start’. We are well down the track from the start, and need to fight it. Now! Tell Morrison to stop listening to Gates and the Climate Goblin and start listening to the people.
Vote alp, l/np, greens = last
Greens last is way to go, Union controlled Labor second last, but be very careful when playing with preference votes because too often amateurs end up supporting the candidate they did not want to support as the preference lottery results are sorted.
Both sides of the unofficial two-party preferred system leave a lot to be desired these days but in my opinion the Union controlled Labor with Greens side, both receive Union Movement donations and Union established GetUP activist organisation support, are a far more dangerous choice for the future of our nation than Liberal and National Coalition, and not forgetting the left leaning LINO-NINO MPs within.