A MORALLY corrupt Liberal Party can never recover while its warring Right faction leaders continue to cut self-enhancing deals with the Party’s increasingly radical Left.
This is the view held by departing branch president Mark White, who said the Party would continue its death spiral unless conservatives unite.

- Since tearing itself in two, the once-dominant NSW Right has engaged in an unending civil war.
- Relm accused of doing sweetheart, unity deals with radical Left.
- Ex-Liberal president places more hope in ALP Right than Liberals.

Mr White this month quit the Party he joined 49 years ago as a Young Liberal, saying its principles had been so completely hollowed out that its MPs were no longer aware of their sustained betrayals.
The former president is not alone in his assessment.
In the past few weeks former Qld premier Campbell Newman quit the Party in “disgust” just days after long-time stalwart John Ruddick departed, describing the Liberal Party as a “lost cause”.
Last month, and perhaps most revealing, the Party’s Federal Vice-President Teena McQueen said she could no longer defend the Party after being “inundated” by members desperate to leave.
Since tearing itself in two in 2009, the once-dominant NSW Right faction has engaged in an unending civil war of attrition, leaving the Left faction – who dishonestly claims to be “moderates” – unopposed to hijack the Party agenda.
The NSW Liberals are encumbered with three competing and aggressive factions – Matt Kean’s Left faction, Alex Hawke’s Centre Right and the weaker Right faction, also known as the Relm.
The Relm is believed to be headed by senior education administrator Dallas McInerney.
Mr White accuses the Relm of orchestrating the Party’s demise by doing factional deals with the Left for no other reason than to “injure” the Centre Right.
“The Libs will never recover until ‘somebody’ breaks up the self-interested, unelected cabal known as the Relm and unites conservatives,” he said in a note explaining his resignation.
“No more deals with the Left! Until then, there is no hope for my former Party.”
Mr White said he put more faith in the ALP Right faction than he did in the Liberal Party.
“Let’s pray and hope the ALP’s Right faction has enough strength to take control of their Party, in a way that our Right faction has pathetically failed at,” he said. “In fact, they bloody joined the Left!”
“The unelected and destructive Relm is the main reason I’ve resigned. There’s not a chance of reform with them in place.
“The more I exposed them, so called friends attacked me calling me a troublemaker or a Hawke plant!
“I honestly could have lived with the Party’s attack on my trades business and sector, however, the morally corrupt Relm’s ‘unity’ deals with the Left wouldn’t even let me do that!
“The true cost has come by passing legislation that would otherwise be expected of Labor and The Greens.” PC
Oh well! Time for the change to the new two party preferred people! One Nation, Australia United and leave the cheats and leftists out on a limb they can cut off later 🙂 Craig Kelly and Mark Latham a very formidable Duo with team support 🙂
Great article.
Failure of Matt Kean to engage with Snowy Brumby advocates three years ago has created huge divisions amongst rusted on Coalition supporters . His political immaturity is now legendary.
I joined the party in 1967, and was active as a member till I left in the end of 2011;Totally fed up with the ghastly womanising drink driving lobbyist who was determined to take control of the Party. Today we have that left of communism excuse for a bloody minister for energy , and the destructive arts minister, who should both be out of the party. I was happy to give Latham my number one in the upper house, purely as a protest. Until the party gets a thorough overhaul and is rid of these greenie leftists in weak disguise, the party will continue to disintegrate. I have no regrets about leaving my once respected party. Stephen
What concerns me is the infiltration of Green/Labor leaning Liberal party members who are allowed to remain members when clearly they breach the ideology of political conservatism. Kean, Turnbull, Sharma etal should be asked to justify their existence in the Liberal Party. And Scott Morrison should be leading the charge here as the leader of the party. I get it that Mr Morrison is busy, but the real danger of when we get through COVID is that we will end up with a bigger mess because of handing the control to Labor in both State and Federal Governments. Even One nation is making more sense than NSW State Liberals.
@ Peter Harris
Are you serious? No radical left? What planet are you on?
You mean Liberal party members going soft on Bestiality offences, endorsing same sex marriage, so called “safe schools” indoctrination programs for children, on board with the fictious Climate Change Emergency, Global Reset, extreme abortion laws, Euthanasia, endorsing Chinese communist style lockdowns to try and stop an endemic virus, meanwhile destroy the economy, bring in a police state, suppress the truth about safe therapeutics which can treat covid19 (e.g. ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine etc) is not “radical left” enough for you?
Your are either one of them and/ or regularly tune into the ABC propaganda and accidently stumbled across “Politicom”. Seriously from a party that has a “conservative” history and charter. Unbelievable!
Yes, your last point. Unbelievable.
You just regurgitate the same bizarre and unhinged talking points, like all those on the far right, without any evidence whatsoever.
Oh well, the only option is to vote independent
Like the masquerading as “Independents” at the 2019 federal election who were supported by the Union Movement funded and supported GetUp activist organisation, with donations from vested interests climate hoax based so called renewable energy businesses and others using climate hoax (as compared to natural climate and weather cycles, Earth Cycles), attempting to fool voters.
How can there be a party of independents candidates?
former Mayor of North Sydney and later MP for North Sydney, Ted Mack, explained that being a real independent as he was is very difficult, an outsider with no major party room contacts and ability to influence. So Mr Mack chose not to stand for election again and declined from accepting any retirement funding/pension saying he had not earned that reward despite his best intentions to better serve his constituents.
Beware of so called Independents as they are likely to be part of political games by wealthy would be influencers who are most likely to be globalist manipulators.
Thankfully most of the Coalition MPs targeted by the GetUp supported Independents retained their seats in 2019.
”A MORALLY corrupted Liberal Party can never recover while its warring Right factional leaders continue to cut self-promoting deals with the Party’s radical Left.”
Now I know, this website is just taking the piss!
The liberal party has a “radical left?”
Haha Ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha
And the Union controlled and managed Labor Party (and the Greens they support and seek support from in return) also has factions, and a range from centre-left to far-left of the political spectrum.
The Coalition has been under attack from inside for many years, centre-left or further left LINO/NINO attempting to get rid of the traditional centre to centre-right real Liberal and Nationals.
There is even a new since around 2019 party with a deceptively similar brand name to the Liberal Party.
Come on Peter, emoticoms, emotional insecurity or a feeble attempt at humour?
Me, feeble? Hahaha
I’ve read your inane and unintelligible garbage posted written here.