Major Parties hide from disgruntled voters

by PAUL COLLITS – THREE things have emerged from the first days of the 2022 election campaign. 

One, this election is even worse than normal in providing a platform for discussion of the issues that matter to disgruntled voters. Witness the massive concentration in week one on “gaffes”. 

It’s becoming obvious that neither of the major Parties is fit to govern. It is patently clear that their priorities are not the people’s.

The major Parties are more determined than ever that difficult issues, like the heinous crimes of the COVID State, are kept off the front pages.

As always, the corporate media is leading the charge in this endeavour. Albo’s gaffes! Who really cares?


Two, the simmering anger in the electorate at the performance of the major Parties has translated into real support for the minor Parties.

Nearly a third of the electorate doesn’t want ScoMo or Albo. Probably half of these are coming from what we might previously have thought of as the “Left”.

The government-isn’t-doing-enough brigade who love the masks and associated virus clamp-downs, demand more action on “climate” and relish the woke times with which we are saddled.

The other half wants a different kind of change. Let us call them the truth-tellers and the freedom-fighters. Truck convoy supporters. Deplorables. Conspiracy theorists. Anti-vaxxers. Outsiders. People like us.

Assume this group makes up a sixth of the electorate, desirous of punishing ScoMo for failing to fight for our freedom and rights – and for his sins of omission. This group is likely fearful of turbo-charged wokedom and socialism from the other lot.

Three, it is becoming obvious that neither of the major Parties is fit to govern. It is patently clear that their priorities are not the people’s.

Given our compulsory voting, compulsory preferential system, we face the triennial dilemma. “Better the devil you know” and “the other mob would be even worse”.

The limp arguments for sticking with utterly flawed incumbents are way past their use-by dates.


Where else is there to look? The freedom fighters and truth tellers are out in force. There are bright yellow signs everywhere.

When minor Party leaders aren’t sniping at each another, there is real collaboration occurring on the ground, and this should be worrying the legacy Parties.

The minor parties, especially One Nation, the United Australia Party, the Australian Federation Party, Australia One, the Liberal Democrats and Parties associated with the family, need to stop niggling one another over who gets to be the leader of the freedom pack, and start thinking and acting strategically.

The electorate of Page provides a model of working together, with locals in the Change4Page group showing the necessary smarts and leadership.

There is sharing of resources and reaching out to the like-minded who wish to see all of our rights restored and the guilty Parties punished for their fascist traits.

With electioneering now well and truly under way, and the evidence emerging of massive voter dissatisfaction with major Parties, the thoughts of the forgotten people might well be turning to what a good election outcome might look like.

This election result might come to be known as Part II of 2010. The freedom lovers will certainly be hoping so.

Back in pre-COVID electoral times, when the Liberal Party appeared to be the Party of what might be termed “good individualism”, there was an election in 2010.

A first term government was all but defeated by a stunning opposition campaign led by the last good Liberal Party leader.

The result, as we know, was one of the nation’s very few hung parliaments, with government itself and a swag of policies dictated by two Labor-leaning “rural independents”.

Their names were Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, former Coalition members both, disgruntled by their lack of preferment and career progress in the major Parties, and wedded to a “get stuff for my electorate” approach to representative democracy.

AKA blackmail, or as the Americans call it, log-rolling. You support me on x and I will guarantee you get to occupy the Treasury benches and the perks of power. 

The egregious twosome eschewed any quaint Burkean notion that parliament is for leaving one’s electorate baggage at the door and debating the big issues of the day, driven by right reason and high principle, and favoured instead a base, brutalist “get-everything-I-can-for-my-electorate” approach.

In doing so, they traduced decency in parliamentary politics and trashed democratic tradition. They provided even further impetus to the rorts culture that gave us Bridget McKenzie and Gladys herself, and which now is driving calls for a Commonwealth integrity commission.

These are the appalling legacies of 2010. What if there is another hung parliament? What should the one sixth of the electorate who desire the “old normal” wish for? What should our orange-and-yellow-coloured representatives ask for?


A starting point would be to interrogate George Christensen’s valedictory speech, in which he helpfully specified agenda items for a principled Right-of-centre government (one very, very unlike the one we have had since late 2015).

Indeed, it could be and should form the core agenda of any future government, enforced through blackmail by freedom-loving minor Parties.

The following action items could be the top ten in any charter of re-instated rights and old-norms:

  • Kill the National Cabinet forthwith, and undertake never to resurrect it again;
  • Ensure that our recently re-opened international borders to Australians, irrespective of vaccine status, are never closed to citizens again;
  • In order to restore the lost integrity of our Federation, in the event of any future interstate border closures, promise to commence or join a High Court challenge to have them overturned;
  • Scrap all vaccine mandates for Commonwealth workers;
  • Compensate any Commonwealth workers affected by vaccine mandates;
  • Apply pressure to any State premiers from your own side of politics who are still enforcing, or allowing the private sector or Government agencies to enforce, vaccine mandates to end them forthwith;
  • Threaten to de-fund any State that persists with vaccine mandates, border closures and lockdowns;
  • Tell the truth about the efficacy of masks, social distancing, lockdowns, isolation, the vaccine and explain why you earlier inflicted them on us in the light of the now-settled science;
  • Come clean on all the policy blunders of the COVID era and issue an abject apology for them;
  • Appoint a royal commission to investigate the efficacy and the morality of all government and third-party response to COVID from March 2020, with the terms of reference specifically to include injuries and deaths suffered following taking the vaccines, and with the Commission chair and senior members to be approved by the Parties holding the balance of power.

No doubt, there could be much more included. Killing off all proposals for bio-digital passports and anything with “zero” in the title would be in the wish-lists of many in the freedom-loving class.

Yes, the above charter is only a start. But such a start would commence the process of government re-engaging with those whom it deceived, bullied, gaslit and impoverished.

If they don’t play ball on this, tell them you will help the other side to form a government. This is how effective liberalism might work in this new age. It is worth a try.


Turn the whole country into a single marginal electorate, then use the balance of power in the House of Representatives to extract core commitments from the legacy Parties that they have been strangely reluctant to give us up until now.

Back in the real world of election campaigns, meanwhile, we fret about leaders’ gaffes, dollar-laden election bribes and social media posts about the rights of the transgendered to play women’s sport. Business as usual, then!

We can do much better than this. Messages can and must be sent to the cosseted overclass from the electoral boondocks. There is no time like the present.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Anthony Albanese (L) & Scott Morrison. (courtesy Sky News)

3 thoughts on “Major Parties hide from disgruntled voters

  1. I’m voting for the Freedom loving parties first with the four main parties and any like them last on the little green ballot paper. On the big white Senate ballot paper I’m hoping to put George Christensen and Pauline Hanson first followed by Clive Palmer and co then the Liberal Democrats like Campbell Newman and Topher Field next all below the line which means at least 12 candidates. I’m still wondering whether to give any of my votes to the well- known conservative Liberals or Nationals as their parties may direct them to tow the line.

  2. My Fellow Australians who vehemently oppose Tyrannical Governments and will fight for our Democracy, Freedom, Rights and Choices.
    I am literally begging each and every one of you to review this information of what has happened to our country and remember what is at stake in the Australian Federal Election for us all. (The information here is the tip of the iceberg.)

    Daniel Andrews Victorian Government Anti-Corruption Inquiry

    We will never forgive or forget the BRUTALITY of Australian Governments and their BRUTAL Police Forces

    CENTRELINK/Welfare Recipients will be forcibly vaccinated after Federal Election

    UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY How to Vote Cards > NO TO Liberal National Labor and Greens

    The last two years in Australia have seen absolute vile and brutal Tyranny and nothing but the usual lies and the whole political system corrupted to the rotten core – The Federal Election is time to sanitise the Political Sewers and My fellow Australians to save us all and our Country NEVER vote for Liberal National Labor or Greens EVER AGAIN or we are totally doomed to absolute State and Federal Governments TYRANNY and they’re only getting started this last two years!
    This is our last and Only chance to reclaim our lives our civil rights medical rights human rights choices and freedoms and our Democracy and OUR country.

    Australian Government Online Safety Bill risks the most Draconian Internet Censorship in the Western World

    United Nations Digital Identity Bill – Absolutely terrifying – Total loss of all our Rights and Freedoms

    This is yet another example of the wickedness of the Daniel Andrews Victorian Labor Government, using the Transgender People as a Political Football/Vote Catcher.
    Transgender People please don’t fall for this Dictator’s Con – He cares about no-one but his power crazed lawless self and his like-minded Premiers in all States of Australia along with the Prime Minister. Don’t fall for their vote catching bullshit.

    Daniel Andrews attacks ‘cruel’ Politicians for driving a debate on transgender people in sport

    This is only a handful of examples of the shocking/disgusting Australian State and Federal Governments’ TYRANTS murdering our Democracy – our civil rights medical rights human rights, choices and freedoms which occurred in every State of Australia.

    Victorian Police violently stomping on man’s Head

    Victorian Police BRUTALITY

    Documentary Battleground Melbourne

    Polish MP’s blast Australian Government for breaches of Human Rights

    Daniel Andrews’ Victorian Police State Thugs BRUTALITY
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    NOTE This is one of the countless videos banned and they make you go through an identification process using your credit card to get to watch the video
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    Note Like so many websites telling the truth of what’s going on this video has also been shut down by the Globalists/Political Dictators
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    The Price of Fear
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    Labor offers worse than we’ve already got

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    Comment > Stop Global Deforestation and keep planting countless amount of trees globally continually

    AUSTRALIANS > To save ourselves and our country NEVER vote for Liberal National Labor or Greens EVER AGAIN or we are totally doomed to Totalitarian Governments forever.

    1. Thanks for all these links. I try not to let Fear enter my head with the article from Cairns news about Welfare recipients will be denied payments after the election unless they are vaxxed. I’m hoping and praying this doesn’t happen.

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